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Pegasus Departing

Posted on Fri Aug 23rd, 2013 @ 9:09pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Commander Jonathan Coleman & Lieutenant Colonel Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Ensign David Brody & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Sogh M`Kota & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson

1,088 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: Following 'Mission Briefing'


Following the briefing, Mike went along with Riker, Troi, LaForge, MacLeod, K’Temoc, Data, Kim, Ramon, Worf, Nog, Daniels, Barklay, K’Wor, Janice, Tuvok, Crusher, T’Lar, and several others to the Promenade. They made their way to the Skyline Lounge and occupied its back room. After a meal and convocation, everyone split up and headed for their ships.

Mike and Janice shared a long embrace and kiss before Mike headed for the Pegasus. Janice was nervous about the mission, but she tried not to show it. She remembered all too well the last time the Pegasus faced off against the Krazzle. Only half the ship returned, and without her husband.

As Mike walked down the access way to the Pegasus, he looked up and saw three ships leaving through Starbase 400’s massive space doors. A moment later, he saw the Defiant class USS Warrior undock and move out, followed by the Galaxy class USS Courageous.

Once onboard, Mike headed for the Bridge. As he arrived, he saw all of the stations manned, and the crew ready to go. Walking down the ramp to Captain’s Chair, he said, “Prepare for departure. All stations report.”

Coleman's hands slid across the Engineering Station panels easily. He heard the Admiral and said, "Engineering reporting in. Engines on stand-by, Quantum Slipstream Drive ready at your command, Admiral."

"Fighters are ready and primed," Phoenix intoned from one of the secondary tactical consoles.

M'Kota was in the Security Department making sure that everything was good on their end. She was glad be be going out on a mission instead of being on Starbase 400. She was actually looking forward to some action going on. She kept working, like she always did even when she was on Starbase 400.

Daniel had taken the Intel station, to the right of the Admiral's Chair long the side bulkhead. He wanted to keep an extra close eye on the sensors. The sensors weren't foolproof and could be fooled, but he wasn't just looking at the main sensor output, radiation spikes and various other reactions that would show a ship was out there, he was ready to read it all.

Holly maned ship's operations and was quite listening to the departments report in one by one off the check list the ship was ready to go and so was she. Taking the moment of silence on the bridge she reported out from her station. "Operations is green for launch."

"Flight control ready sir." Chief Branson said with a smile.

"Medical department standing by." Doctor Mclintock said as she took a seat to Mike left, the seat typically used for a ship's Counselor or other VIP.

Ensign Brody had grown accustomed to serving at Tactical under Admiral Bremer. His was a unique style of command that Brody appreciated. "Tactical is at the ready, sir. Weapons and shields at your command."

Mike looked around at everyone on the Bridge for a moment, then tapped the comm button on his armrest to open ship’s 1MC.

“Bremer to all hands. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors that we’re preparing to go into battle with the Krazzle and Typhon Pact, but I can assure you that’s only a rumor. The mission however is as nearly as dangerous and just as imperative that we succeed. The Federation, Klingons, and Cardassians are going to blockade Krazzle space in an attempt to stop the flow of supplies and other aid to them from the Typhon Pact. We’re not looking to start a war, but we will defend ourselves if necessary and we must stop their expansion. I know each and every one of you will act with the upmost courage and professionalism.” Mike paused a moment, then added, “End of speech, let’s go to work.”

Mike adjusted himself in his chair, then gave others to depart. “Chief Branson, release umbilicals and retract all moorings. “

“Moorings retracted, gravitational and umbilical supports released.” The Chief replied.

Mike paused, then continued. “Release docking clamps, thrusters to station keeping.”

Branson smirked, he was just as ready to get into space as anyone else, “Docking clamps released, thrusters at station keeping.”

“Chief” Mike said with a smile, “take us out.”

Branson looked back and nodded to Bremer, “Aye sir. Bow thrusters at one half.”

The Pegasus slowly backed away from her docking bay, then after several meters, she spun on a dime to face the Station’s massive space doors. Slowly, she increased speed, and within a few moments she passed through the doors and out into space once again.

“We’re clear and fee to navigate Admiral.” Branson reported.

“Move us to the front of the formation Chief. Mister Brody, open a channel to the fleet.” Mike then ordered as he stood.

Brody swiped the console and a chime was heard overhead. "The fleet is listening, Admiral."

“All ships, this is Admiral Bremer aboard the Pegasus. Assume Tactical Formation Beta-Three. We are transmitting to each of you our flight path to Deep Space 14 which takes us past the Triangle and through Klingon space. Maintain formation. If anyone picks up a ‘shadow’ following us from Romulan territory, report it to your section commander, but maintain formation. Once we arrive at DS14, we’ll proceed with the blockade plan, split into units and move out to our assigned areas. I know you all will act according during this mission, support each other, and keep your eyes open. Bremer out.”

“Flight path sent, all ships have acknowledged.” K’Temoc reported from the XO’s chair.

The Pegasus herself eased up to take the lead. The Gladiator and Titan were just behind and above , the Venator and Warrior were just behind and below, while the Courageous and Challenger were to the rear of the Pegasus. Behind were a mix of Federation, Klingon, and Cardassian ships. Akiras and Vorcha's, Galors and Excelsiors, Negh'vars, Keldons, Galaxys, Defiants, Birds of Prey, and many others!

“Course is plotted and laid in sir.” Branson reported.

Mike sat back down, and smirked, “Warp eight, engage.”

A moment later, the Pegasus’s nacelles glow brightened and the big Galaxy Refit blasted off into warp, followed closely by the rest of the ships in the fleet.

Coleman reported from the Engineering Console, "We're holding at warp eight and the updates are working as planned, sir." He slid his hands across the panel and said, "The fleet is also holding at warp eight."

Mike nodded, “Very good…now let’s sit back and enjoy the ride.”



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