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Waking Up

Posted on Sat Aug 24th, 2013 @ 9:33am by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Commander Tressa Brislan

548 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: after surgery

Jewel slowly woke up and moaned, "Doctor?" she stated as something didn't feel right. She felt her left leg and noticed it wasnt her leg. She started to freak out, "What happened to my leg?" She asked as she completely woke up and sat up.

A moment later a nurse came into her room.

"Doctor Celand is on his way, how are you feeling?" she asked.

"How am I feeling? My damn leg is gone!" Jewel yelled as she was upset and angry. "How in the hell does that happen when you all are suppose to be the best doctors there is? so how dare you ask me how I am feeling!" Jewel snapped at the nurse.

"General," Doctor Celand said as he walked into the room, his face creased with worry. "I am terribly sorry, there were.... complications. We were unable to save your leg."

"What kind of complications? I order you to tell me what the hell happened" Jewel ordered as her marine side came out and she was getting agitated.

"The cancer shifted; this is rare but it has been known to happen. There may have been a few rogue cells that were genetically different from the primary tumors, or the original cells may have mutated. The new cancer didn't respond to our treatment and the damage they did was, I am sad to say, irreparable."

She looked at him then down, she nodded. "what about the rest of the cancer is it gone?" she asked.

The doctor cocked his head. "Computer, show most recent scans for General Dartt, full body nuclear with osteo-musculo overlay." The screen next to her showed an unusual sight; a complete outline of her body with the new prosthetic leg.

"You remember the scans Doctor Brislan showed you? The cancer showed as glowing blobs in the nuclear scans," he said. "These scans were taken an hour ago; we can't find any evidence of cancer. We will need to see you for regular check-ups with scans but you are currently in remission."

"How is that possible? with only one treatment?" She asked looking at him. "I am not complaining just confused." She added.

"It has been known to happen, and we did have a very effective three-pronged approach. That is why we need to see you regularly. I'm afraid you did not escape unscathed, General," he said softly, touching her new leg.

"Guess its a price to pay, to save my life." she stated as she looked at her new leg. "will it work like my own leg? will I be to continue with what I was meant to do?" She asked looking at him. "what happens next?" she asked.

"It will work like your natural leg, but you will have to learn to use it. We can begin physical therapy in a weeks' time, but you will be here until then. A leg replacement is a major surgery and we cannot risk moving you too soon or the blood vessel and nerve connections may not take."

Jewel nodded as she laid there, wishing she had something more comfortable to lay on. She ended up falling back to sleep as she was tired. The doctors made sure to give Jewel pain meds around the clock to make sure she was comfortable.


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