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Posted on Sun Aug 25th, 2013 @ 12:51am by Commander Tressa Brislan

170 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Sickbay

Tressa looked around the Sickbay of the Venator. She was a warship through and through and her systems showed it; EMH on all decks, an additional triage located near Engineering, and twice as many medical replicators as she'd seen on any other ship. Let's hope we don't have to use any of it, she thought. Just let it all be for show.

She pulled up the roster of First Responders on board; twenty-two, not as many as she liked but with the EMH program they would suffice. She checked the Medkits in all stations; they were properly stocked. Surgical supplies could be better in her opinion so she drew up orders to have multiple trays prepped and sterilized.

The staff busied themselves with their stations, and they had already begun to see the usual minor scrapes and cuts that happen on a ship. She was not needed here, so Tressa decided to go to the bridge to see if she could be of any use there.


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