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"A Few Words"

Posted on Mon Aug 26th, 2013 @ 2:40am by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

455 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Airlock Eight - Starbase 400
Timeline: Set before - The departure

"A Few Words"

Captain Jake Yamaguchi
Lt Commander Torilla Tamaguchi

***** Airlock Eight - Starbase 400 *****

Husband and Wife were saying goodbye as Torilla smiled at
her husband since they were of eye level rather then him
being shorter and her taller or vice versa. "Am I the only
one who feels this is a mistake?, we should go and suport
our allies, not enforce police actions."

"We don't want to expand the War Torilla, besides we're
still not ready.." he sighed. "We have far far too many
older ships like Excelsiors and Miranda's still in the
fleet, many hundreds of both."

"I know Jake but still... I don't like sitting around
enforcing blockade lines and observing strict rules of
engagement while Typhon Pact forces are out there, plotting
our downfall."

"I know Torilla, I've gone over this with Admiral Bell, he
ironicly enough agrees with me." he commented

"Our enemies are stronger then us and are getting stronger
with each passing day... War Jake... its inevitable." she
commented. "Unless an outside force works to change it."

"Torilla, you're preeching to the converted, besides...
This will be your first assignment as Master and Commander
of the U.S.S. Venator. But I must make mention that in your
first few missions, you will make a mistake.. Now I have
great faith in your skills and abilities Torillam, never
question that but... you will still make a mistake and as
Captain, it will be serious and profound, it will also
cause you to question your self worth and weither or not
you want to carry on as Commander of your own ship."

Torilla looked at her husband as she listened to him explain
this, it was something that every commanding officer explained
to their first officers especaly when they became first
officers except in Torilla's case, she was skipping the
time being an Exec and going right to her own command as
she smiled. "I'll be fine. I have two Captain's on my roster
so I should be good to go."

"I hope it goes well... Talon and I will be there as part
of this force as well." he commented evenly. "All we need
to do is stop the delivery of weapons to the Krazzle but
they will come for us in force... be ready for that okay...
I don't want to loose you on a police action..."

Torilla grinned at her husband. "If they want me.... they will
need to work for it." she responded evenly.

"Well... we best get going... the Fleet is ready to move out
and I need to be on the Courageous..." and with that husband
and wife shared one last kiss before seperating.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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