Lieutenant Colonel Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan

Name Jillian "Phoenix" Marie Sullivan

Position Former SB400 Crew member

Rank Lieutenant Colonel


  • 86 Mission Posts
  • 1 Personal Logs

Last Post

Sat Aug 15th, 2015 @ 12:01pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 130 lbs
Hair Color Strawberry Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Jillian is athletically built to physically stand 6G turns in a cockpit. That means she has a lot of muscle mass in the arms, abs, and thighs. Other interesting facts about her physiology is that Jillian's right hand is a prosthetic, and almost always gloved (since she does not have synthetic flesh there).

There is scarring along the right arm, from elbow to shoulder, where she once nearly burned up in her fighter. And also a prison serial number is tattooed on her right shoulder as a remnant of a past she has never forgotten.


Starfleet Medical Record, January 8th, 2373

Lieutenant Sullivan is fit for duty, though there is evidence she was pregnant recently. There is no sign of forced trauma, but she refuses to answer any questions about our findings. It could be that she had an abortion or miscarried. Her former prison records show no hint of her previous condition, which concerns us.

Be as it may, she's well enough to join our ranks once more.
Father Blake Alistir Sullivan Sr. (Currently Serving 20 to Life in Prison)
Mother Dorothy Sullivan (Currently Serving 20 to Life in Prison)
Brother(s) Thomas Eugine Sullivan (Died at age 12, in the Raxus VI Massacre)
Blake Alistir Sullivan Jr. (Died at age 16, in the Raxus VI Massacre)
Marine Captain Robert (aka Robby) Thomas Sullivan (Age 25)
Sister(s) Malissa Allison Sullivan (Died at age 2, in the Raxus VI Massacre)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Feisty is the best word to describe Jillian. Her tough, early life and cause for joining the Maquis, subsequently made her bitter and distrustful around most Federation authorities. But aside the typical prejudice, she can have fun, smile, and create chaos like any normal person (when she chooses to).

She does follow orders, but she is often quick to anger, especially when she feels victimized for her choices she made in life (such as joining the Maquis). This volatile temper has often sent her to the brig for misconduct, which she honestly tries hard to hone (though that does not always work).

If anything, some counselors would say she acts out because of repressed guilt - Her parents being in prison because Jillian led the authorities to them. This, plus the horrific combat missions she survived in the war, created PTSD.

That aside, Jillian was conditioned during her special operations training, to specifiably learn how to create white noise - a preventative measure of blocking telepathic intrusions, in case of capture. So while her actions reflect PTSD, it is tough to get a read below the surface on her, for any telepath.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Good aim
+ Ace pilot
+ Very intuitive
+ Superb Space Tactician
+ Good since of humor

+/- Loyal friend to the very end.

- Has a habit for getting into fights
- Suffers from PTSD
- Stubborn
- Bucks authority on ocassion
- Has a massive blood lust for Cardassians, thus blinded by hatred.
Ambitions Jillian is a fighter pilot and thus accepts that her life is going to be a short one. So her only ambition is to stay alive so she can go back out and kill more enemies again.
Hobbies & Interests - Darts
- Holodeck
- Parkour
- Boxing
- Painting/Sculpting
Languages English, Cardassian, and Mandarine

Personal History Raxus VI is a planet of poverty and violence. On the line of the DMZ, it often seen heavy fighting. Jillian Sullivan had been born into such a harsh life and had become a hardened warrior by the time she could pick up a phaser rifle.

She and her parents are the only ones that survived the 2362 massacre, in her village. The farming stopped as the land had been poisoned by plasma shells. But because it was their home, her family moved into a series a caverns with other neighboring villagers that survived the shellings.

Cardassians raided the once lush planet so often during the Federation-Cardassian War that many, including Jillian, thought that no one in the more populated systems of the Federation, cared. And as their neighboring planets were slowly given away to the Cardassians, their fears were all but confirmed.

Focused to join the military so she could return and join the Maquis with her parents as a valuable asset, Jillian spent most of her puberty and teen years learning the finer points of evading the enemy, and using a lot of trickery tactics as they fought viciously for their land.

Then... the treaty came. The DMZ formed and the small forming Maquis began to grow in larger numbers, as many citizens on/near the boarder, lost their homes. So, once she was of age, Jillian enlisted in the Marines. Her only goal? Gather intel on Spoonhead movements. Give them to her parents through clever information drop points.

For several years, she had gone unnoticed. All her peers thought of her as focused and driven to be a good leather neck, and excellent special operations asset. A promising career, in other words. Though not until she joined the special operations division as a combat signaling officer, did Jillian join the Maquis officially.

At this point, many reports of boarder planets raised and raped of resources, where the Federation turned a blind eye on the Cardassian raiders, reached her ears. So she dropped a lot of intel (which helped the Maquis in picking the right bombing targets), more often, not realizing that SFI had honed in on her.

It is unclear what led SFI to suspect her as a terrorist, but they stayed silent for the main reason of making large-scale arrests on cells they did not know were there. While risky, SFI pushed, behind doors to approve Jillian's application for Officer's School as the Marine Flight Academy.

Not until her sophomore cadet year, on spring break visiting her folks, did SFI finally make their move. Jillian's actions got her parents and forty-six other citizens arrested for treason. She herself, was sent to a maximum security prison, sentenced to hard labor, for the rest of her life. Her only living sibling cut all ties to her and their parents, in lieu of trying to become a legit officer himself.

Most of her time in prison, she doesn't talk of to anyone, but it's clear something very bad happened, quite occasionally to her, that caused major changes in her personality. And on the day she took a conditional release, just to go out and kill Cardassians, not even that perk raised her spirits.

She fought long and hard, over the next couple of years. A glorified prisoner still. Many good people died around her, to the point Jillian had to tune it out or crack up, which in itself turned into a festering rage that would release quite often through out her career.

After the war ended, not even teaching at a top gun school raised her spirits much. Then again, unintentionally getting most of your family arrested, might make one feel guilty and responsible.
Service Record 2367-

* Enlists in the Marine Corps, ships off to boot camp, Paris Island for 16 weeks.

* Promoted to Private, 2nd Class at graduation. Assigned to the Sutherland as part of the anti-ship boarding unit.


* Promoted to Private,1st Class.

* Transfered to Andora's Marine Training Center for 6-months. Completes training as a Combat Signals officer. Promoted to Corporal.

* Transfers to a special forces attachment of marines: The 3334th Spaceborne.


* Transfered to Commissioned Officer Training School, after her battalion commander, Colonel Joshoua Savit felt she performed exceptionally well, getting her unit back to base, after her lieutenant took a tough disruptor blast to the head.

* Is promoted to Cadet after passing Officer's training and transfered to Paris Island. This time, in the Flight Operations School, to become a fighter pilot.

* Finishes her first year with honors.


* Starts her second year, earns her callsign of Phoenix mostly from her fiery personality.

* Is imprisoned for joining the Maquis. Tried for treason. Stripped of rank.
Sent to a prison colony on Goltyn Prime for life.


* Due to the excessive need of fighter pilots, her sentence is suspended, under the condition that she serve in the fighter corps until her death, or the end of the war.

Jillian is transfered to the 821st Roaring Tigers (Valkyrie Prototypes), as a flight leader. Field commission of 2nd Lieutenant, under strict restrictions to have no shore leave and to be in the brig if not training or on a mission.

* Is given her Centurion (100th Combat Landing) honors by the deck gang.


* Jillian's flight status is revoked for a month, after striking her CAG in the nose, on the flight deck.

* Four months in, after flying 48 successful combat missions, Jullian is given Squadron Leader. Another field commission of 1st Lieutenant.

* Six months after that, Jillian is given full promotion to 1st Lieutenant and rights like any other officer, after the parole review board determined she had become a different person.

* Loses her right hand one month later, cutting herself free from her exploding cockpit, during the retaking of DS9. Put on medical leave for 3 months.

* Returns to active duty, in the 821st, Squadron Leader once more.


* Decorated for her heroism in helping her squadron destroy a Dominion Capitol Ship, carrying a Founder.

* After the war ends, Jillian is transfered to Starfleet Advanced Fighter Weapons School. A graduate school at Miramar, Earth, for Fleet and Marine fighter pilots. Its universal nickname,"Top Gun".

* Graduates top of her class, promoted to Captain, and becomes an instructor.


* Demoted to 2nd Lieutenant after striking a superior officer in the jaw. Transfered to the USS Darrow as a fighter pilot.


* Promoted to 1st Lieutenant again, made squadron leader.

* Four months later, qualifies as a Redemption bomber pilot, testing some of the early models out for Starfleet.


* Qualifies as an Eagle pilot, after spending nearly a hundred hours of flight training in them.

* Promoted back to Captain for leading her squadron in a heroic hit-and-fade during the Malar II crisis.


* Promoted to Major upon being reassigned to Starbase 400, for her superior expertise in the field of fighter combat. Appointed as the 181st CAG (Commander, Air Group).
Simming History 15+ Years
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