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Sutherland Departure

Posted on Fri Aug 23rd, 2013 @ 8:53pm by Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Lieutenant Anandra Delair & Captain Paul MacLeod & Colonel Danny Lennox & First Ramata`tar & 1st Lieutenant Taz

429 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Sutherland - Bridge
Timeline: Present

Andy was happy, this was a great way to begin with his duties as Chief Diplomatic Officer for the sector. He was sitting in the central chair with all the crew ready to departure... Sudenly he got the GO order and he looked at McLeod and said "Commander McLeod take her out"

Warrant Officer Talan had feelings of apprehension about the mission. It was a new sensation and he'd be sure to update Delair about his progress once there was a free moment. He placed the weapons in standby mode, essentially taking the safeties off. It was not standard procedure and he technically needed permission, but he chose to keep his actions to himself.

“Aye sir.” Mac replied, then looked toward the front of the Bridge. “Clear all moorings. Bow thrusters to one quarter, port and starboard at station keeping.”

The big Nebula class slowly started to back up and away from her docking bay.

“Port thruster to one half, aim us toward the barn door.” Mac smirked as the ship turned and headed for the giant space doors. Once clear and into space, Mac looked over at the General, “We’re clear sir and forming up with the fleet.”

T’Lyn was sitting in the Marine operations center of the ship, she wanted to work alone for a bit and she wanted to think about there current mission. She really didn't care for it as she felt there resources should be used somewhere else but kept it to herself.

Anandra sat idly in the counselor's position, examining the ends of her long ponytail as her mind wandered over details of the mission on which they were about to embark. She didn't very much like the idea of a Blockade, finding it a bit too Military for her taste, but she understood the implications and reasons behind it, and why it was important for Starfleet to be involved.

Col. Hurd made his way to the Marine operation's center, noticing one other person present. He walked up, and said, '' Do you have anything to report, and what is our current ready state?''

She looked up at Hurd, "everything is satisfactory," is all she stated and went back to work.

Meanwhile Duval had his own thoughts about this mission and he didn't know what his bridge post was but then he had seldom served on ships of the line anyway so he would adapt, it was what he did best.

Andy looked at everybody and said "Comm contact the fleet and advice them we are good to go"



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