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The departure

Posted on Thu Aug 22nd, 2013 @ 10:44pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy & Sergeant Maal son of Torg

1,239 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Venator - Main Bridge
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission


Lieutenant Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Captain Leon `Lee` Pike
Lieutenant Commander Tressa Brislan
Lieutenant JG Saith i-Ki Baratan
Captain Alexandra Harrison
Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV
Lieutenant Nick Archer
Lieutenant Zhao Quan
Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy
Sergeant Maal son of Torg

***** Main Bridge - USS Venator *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi paused as she sat down in her command chair for the second time since assuming command of the USS Venator but
she now felt she had earned the right to sit in the chair, she tapped the chair panel which opened a communications channel to her entire crew as she rose to her feet.

"Attention all hands, by now you have heard that we are going to help our allies resist invasion for that is exactly what we are going to do. What we face is a fight not against warlords and dictators but it is against the forces of fear and chaos..." she paused a moment. "Against this enemy, there can be no surrender... You are all well chosen, the Venator's company and should your strength or faith weaken, look for it in each other for we stand or fall together..." and with that she finished her speech. "Yamaguchi out."

With that, she tapped her combadge as silence reigned. "All stations report.?"
she inquired as she looked around at the gathered bridge crew, everyone was
where they needed to be and everything was working as it should, she thought her public speaking skills needed work but she would have time in the days ahead to perfect her tone and her voice in it.

Down in the engineering section Quan was overseeing the pre-start checks. The ship was only just out of dry dock, so he was was being very thorough. They were almost finished on the impulse engines when they heard the commanding officers voice over the comm system. "All Stations Report". He smiled to himself, then tapped his comm badge to reply. "Engineering here, Sir. You will have impulse power in five minutes, we're now making final intermix adjustments. We're still completing the launch checks and start up procedures for the warp systems. I will advise when we're ready for warp speed, Sir"

Roebuck was ready. He was sitting at one of the spare stations, just to the left of Tactical. Since he wasn't a department head for the mission, he didn't reply to Yamaguchi, but he made himself ready and took a quick look at the sensors out of habit.

Torilla looked at the viewscreen as she noticed the other elements of the fleet forming up. "Almost time to go folks."

Quan got the nod from one of the engineers. He checked the monitor and tapped his comm badge, "Quan to Bridge, We have impulse power online, Sir." He checked the monitor again and shifted to a different screen. The warp engines were almost ready, "Warp power will be available by the time we get out of space dock."

Saith was a little perturbed after the meeting. Security was capable of handling security. Yet, she knew things could get dicey and she did like the Marines; she knew they would do a good job. So she ignored the implication that Security couldn’t do their job and ‘pulled up her big girl panties.” She decided to take a page out of Lt. Cmdr. Roebuck’s book and just do her job to the best of her abilities and not fuss over orders. “good luck,” she told herself with a chuckle, which prompted a glance from one of her officers. She shrugged and went back to her preparations.

Deciding she had everything in order, she sent out the rotations and orders for preparations to her team and the Marines. Then, “Security to the Bridge. We are ready to go, rotations and operations prep have been submitted Sir.” She cut off the com wondering if Yamaguchi preferred ma’am to the traditional, albeit sexist, sir. Oh well, she had used it and there was no going back.

Yamaguchi nodded her head as she glanced around the bridge, waiting for everyone else to check in as she tapped her combadge. "Nice work Engineering." she commented.

"Helm ready at your command, sir." Aidan Murphy called from the seat at his console.

Alex was manning the tactical station. She looked over at Yamaguchi, "Weapons check out and we are good to go."

Maal tapped his comm badge:"Maal to the bridge, the Marines are ready to go."

Lee was sitting in the first officer's chair monitored reports from all departments:"Looks like all departments have checked in and are ready to go Captain."

Yamaguchi smiled. "Right then.." she commented with a smile. "Lee get us clearance from Operations to depart. Seal the airlock and release docking clamps.... part and starboard thrusters at station keeping."

"Excellent. Helm, back us out, one quarter impulse... and once clear, form up with the Fleet." she commented. "Then lets go make sure the Typhon Pact are sorry they decided to mess with our allies.."

"Backing out at one quarter impulse, Commander." Aidan barked, working his fingers on the console.

Down in engineering Quan watched the console as the impulse engines were fired up and the ship backed away. He looked up at the engineer on the second deck, "How are the warp engines warming up?"

The engineer glanced away from his panel, "We have a very slight imbalance but other than that it's ready to go, Lt".

Quan pulled up the display on the warp engines. He frowned at the result, "Yes, I see your point. I'll notify the CO to keep the speed down until we reach our patrol point, then we'll see if we can iron it out".

He tapped his com badge, "Quan to bridge".

Yamaguchi tapped her combadge as she raised an eyebrow. "Go ahead."

"We are ready for warp, Sir. But we have a slight imbalance on the starboard warp engine, so we need to keep the speed down until we can iron it out."

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "What speed would you advise Engineer?" she inquired

"I would recommend keeping it below warp 9.5 until we can balance the engine properly, Sir".

"Very well." Yamaguchi responded. "I want that engine fully operational as soon as possible please." she knew it wasn't his fault that her drive was on the fritz but at the same time, now that she knew of it, she wanted it dealt with as she turned to her conn officer, "Helm, form up with the Fleet and signal the Flagship that we're ready to get underway."

"Aye sir. Approaching the fleet at one quarter impulse." A moment or so passed before they were in position, then Aidan signaled the Flagship to alert them of the Venator's readiness. In another moment, a blinking light on the console indicated their response and Aidan opened the message, reading it before he turned back to look at his commanding officer. "The Flagship has acknowledged our signal and asked us to standby."

Saith smiled as she felt the ship move beneath her. She was in her element, Security, and on a mission. For the moment, her personal life was on hold. She decided to go grab some lunch before starting her shift.

Yamaguchi made herself comfortable in her command chair as the fleet finished forming up. "Now that is an impressive sight." she commented evenly.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker ****


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