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Posted on Wed Aug 21st, 2013 @ 7:29pm by Ensign Sarah Ashley

163 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Sickbay SB400
Timeline: Current

Sarah looked up as retired Brigadier General Jewel Dartt came into sickbay. Two other nurses went to assist her to a biobed. Sara smiled at the two boys in front of her. “That should do it!” she said cheerfully as she turned off the dermal-regenerator. “You two are right as rain.” Glanx and Tommy smiled at her. The two boys had been playing in a cargo bay and taken a tumble, but they had only had minor wounds. She handed them each a piece of candy and admonished, “no more climbing on the cargo or Security will lock you in the brig.” The two boys laughed, and popping the candies in their mouths left sickbay.

Sarah glanced towards where the retired officer had been taken. She knew that General Dartt had some form of cancer, but had not been part of her care in any way. Sarah moved to the nurses duty station and entered the information for Glanx and Tommy’s records.


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