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something is wrong

Posted on Wed Aug 21st, 2013 @ 6:41pm by Commander Tressa Brislan & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

456 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: A few days later

Jewel wasnt feeling the greatest, she was running a slight fever and her leg was swollen and red from the knee down. She slowly had made her way down to sickbay using her cane. "Doctor, something is not right please help me." Jewel cried out as she quickly sat in a chair cause the pain was severe.

Two nurses lifted her gently onto a biobed as another alerted Doctor Celand. She felt the pressure of a hypospray against her hip.

She cried out in pain as they lifted her up, she just laid there looking at the nurses and other staff rush around.

"General?" said the doctor as he rushed to her side. "Computer, osteomusculo scans below pelvis. What happened?"

She looked at him, "I dont know just started to do this," she cried as she was in pain and running a really bad fever from her leg. "what's happening doctor?" she asked.

He applied another hypo to her hip as the scan results came up on the screen.

"We need to prep her for surgery immediately," he said to one of the nurses, who nodded and left. "General, we have to operate, the cancer has super-replicated and has destroyed nearly all of the bone and part of the muscle," he said, holding her hand. "I'm not sure we can save your leg."

She felt a little woozy and tired, everything was happening way to fast. "Ok," is all she could manage to say at the moment.

"We need to alert your family, they will want to be here with you. Is there anyone else you want here?" he asked. Two nurses has arrived and were starting to push the doctor out the door.

She shook her head, "they are off station, and I cant put Janice through this, she already gonecthrough to much already." Jewel said laying there tears tunning down her face. She really wished David was still on the station and was here with her.

Doctor Celand nodded and left the room. The nurses were gentle but efficient as they dressed her in a light gown and placed a surgical monitor on her arm. Another doctor entered the room and smiled.

"I am Doctor Linskey, I will be your anaesthetist. We are going to do everything we can to try to save your leg General," she said as she made an adjustment to the surgical monitor. "Are you in pain now?" she asked as the nurses pushed the biobed out of the exam room.

She felt even more sleepy now, "" is all she could manage to say the rest was not making much sense at the moment. Her eyes closed shut as she was to tired to keep them open.


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