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Pegasus Missing Briefing

Posted on Fri Aug 9th, 2013 @ 4:46pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Commander Jonathan Coleman & Lieutenant Colonel Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Ensign David Brody & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Sogh M`Kota & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson

2,535 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Starbase 400 and USS Pegasus-B
Timeline: Following 'Blockade'


After meeting with Saith, Mike headed for his quarters. He spent some personal time with his wife before changing into a clean uniform. He gathered a few PADDs that he needed and received a mug of raktijno from the food slot. He played in the floor with Christopher for a little while, then hugged his wife and youngest son before heading for the Pegasus.

A few minutes later, Mike walked down the access way to the Pegasus. He looked up at his ship as he walked. He was happy to be taking her out again, and deep down he hoped she would be tested in battle…he wanted to see the Pegasus’s new upgrades in action.

Once aboard the mighty Galaxy Refit, Mike headed for the Bridge. He wasn’t expecting many aboard the ship yet, aside from her permanently assigned crew, and when he arrived on the Bridge he found no one there. Mike took a moment to ‘walk the deck’. He slowly walked from station to station on the Bridge, accessing each and verifying they were ready to go. Finally, he took a seat in the center chair. He missed the feeling of being on the Bridge of a ship, and even though he’d just commanding the USS Lexington, nothing compared to commanding the Pegasus.

After a few moments, he tapped the comm, “Captain K’Temoc, Ensign Brody, Commander Coleman, Lieutenant Gillo, Major Sullivan, Lieutenant Gilmore, Lieutenant JG Gardner, Acting Ensign K’Wor, Sogh M`Kota, Chief Petty Officer Branson, and Dr. Mclintock report to the Observation Lounge aboard the Pegasus for a mission briefing in fifteen minutes.”

Mike closed the comm, picked up his PADDs and headed for his Ready Room to look over a few things before the meeting.

S'ogh M'Kota looked up from her work, "On my way," she said as she walked out of the security office and headed straight for where the USS Pegasus was docked. Once she reached it she looked at the beautiful Galaxy Refit and smiled. "What a ship," she said to herself as she got permission to enter the ship.

Once aboard she headed for the bridge, after a few minutes she entered the bridge and was told where the meeting would be held and entered and sat down. She noticed that she was the first one to arrive, and the Admiral was in his ready room.

"For once, I'd like to get a full-paid service before some emergency arises," Phoenix grunted in protest as she rolled out of bed with the top sheet covering her, then tossed a few slips of latnium at the young adult Orion female prostitute in her bed. "Get cleaned and out of here in five, Girl."

Phoenix really never took the time to know their names and maybe she should, but paying for them to have sex with her for one night, rather than forming a traditional attachment saved from a lot of emotional hurt. No doubt there was talk about her from just about any senior officer that seen Jillian take paid pleasure men and women into her quarters.

Did she care? Not really, which was also the attitude that caused her to take her time in getting washed up, dressed, and packed. Which, really, she was probably one of the stragglers to make it into the observation lounge at this point.

K'Wor and K'Temoc both came aboard the Pegasus together. They exchanged in some small talk as they rode the turbolift up to the Bridge.

"You think the Krazzle or the Pact will try to run the blockade?" K'Wor asked.

"Guarantee it. Question are, where, when, how often, and in how big or a force." K'Temoc replied.

A few moments later, they arrived on the Bridge and walked around to the back to the Observation Lounge. Both took seats and nodded to M'Kota who was already there.

A few moments later, Chief Branson and Doctor Mclintock also arrived and took seats. K'Wor and K'Temoc nodded to them as well, as they all waiting for everyone else to arrive.

Coleman heard the call for his presence for a staff meeting on the USS Pegasus. He had just met with a few of his staff members, informing of their semi-permanent assignment to the USS Venator. Coleman grabbed a few PADDs and headed out of the station's main engineering department, to his destination.

It took a few moments for the turbolift a few moments to reach the level that would give him access to the Pegasus after he entered the turbolift. Once he reached the level and got to the portal, he gave his access code and it let him into the tube connected to the Pegasus and Jonathan just looked up at the ship that had just been upgraded.

He got onto the nearest turbolift and heads to the bridge. Once released, he headed to the observation lounge and saw several people, including Admiral Bremer, was already there. He gave a curt nod when he got there and took a seat near the middle of the table.

Ensign Brody had been in the bowels of the station inspecting a shipment of phaser array assemblies when he acknowledged the Admiral's orders to report. Even if he headed up on the double, it'd still likely take him more than 15 minutes. Instead, he requested a site-to-site transport and was immediately whisked to the Pegasus' transporter room. From there, it was a quick trip to the Observation Lounge. As he entered the room, he was glad to see he made it with time to spare. "Reporting as ordered."

Mike left his Ready Room and headed for the Observation Lounge. As he entered, he saw most of the Pegasus's Senior Staff for the mission assembled. However, a few were missing, Major Sullivan hadn't arrived yet even though he'd received her confirmation of enroute already. Also missing were Lieutenant Gillo and Lieutenant JG Gardner. He nodded and said "Thank you for coming." to everyone gathered, but didn't start the meeting, choosing to wait a few more minutes for the others to arrive.

After making a few more notes on his PADD, and seeing they were still three people short, Mike spoke to those gathered, "While we wait, please get yourselves a drink." The Admiral had already drank three cups of Raktijno this morning, so he didn't get up to get himself anything right away.

Phoenix was all sneaky when she entered. Or at least she tried to be, first by staying in the shadowed corner of the walls and then took a discrete seat.

Lieutenant Gilmore heard the communiqué from Admiral Bremer to report as the Chief Science Officer aboard the Pegasus. She finished up the experiment that she was working on at the moment and deactivated the sensors in the lab and headed to the airlock that was attached to the Pegasus.

She put in her command access codes to gain access to the big Galaxy Refit Class starship and headed to the nearest turbolift to head to the bridge. It took only seconds to head up to the bridge with the fast turbolifts that laced the starbase and starships of modern times. Once the doors opened, she went out onto the bridge and headed into the observation lounge. She saw that most of the senior staff was already there, including Admiral Bremer, for which she gave a curt nod and said, "Please forgive me admiral. I was working on an experiment and I had to finish it up before heading over." She then, took a seat near Commander Coleman, giving a nod to his former Department Head.

"No apology needed Lieutenant." Mike replied. As he looked at Ariel, he noticed someone else also new to the room.

"Major, glad you could join us as well." The Admiral said to Sullivan.

"It's Phoenix," the pilot quickly corrected, then palmed the coffee pitcher and poured her a cup.

Holly was deep into spending time re-centering herself to survive the onslaught of emotions that she was assulted with on a daily bases when she heard the comm. go off. Naturally she was slow to respond and being not dressed for duty she was even slower to get out of her personal space on the ship. When she did though she looked like she normally would look while on duty but her eyes a deep dark color as she didn't have time to tone down her telepathy for the day. She was going to be an open book so to speak and was ready to deal with it.

The trip was short to Observation Lounge and soon she found herself in there most of the officers already present she was one of the last ones to arrive so she quietly took up a seat at the table and waited for the remaining officers to arrive and for the briefing to start. She didn't like holding up a group but wasn't going to make a spectical of herself. Plus it looked like there were conversations already in progress and she didn't want to be the interruption to them.

Gardner arrived and took a seat.

Once everyone was present and settled, Mike spoke up. “Thank you all for coming. A situation has arisen, and the Pegasus and Venator from SB400 are bring dispatched, along with over seven hundred Federation, Klingon, and Cardassian ships.”

“As you know, the Krazzle invaded C’Hakilian space several months ago, and have pushed deep into the heart of their territory. It’s been recently learned that the Typhon Pact has been aiding the Krazzle. This is something the Federation will not allow. A blockade is being setup around Krazzle space and occupied C’Hakilian territory. We’re to stop any vessel entering the war zone and turn them back. If a vessel will not reverse course, it’s to be stopped and searched. The blockade is being set up to where the ships that are actively sweeping with sensors and projecting tachyons for the detection grid will be designated as ‘picket’ ships, while vessels just behind the grid and patrolling for blockade runners, ‘intercept ships’ are free to move without disrupting the integrity of the sensor/tachyon grid. The Pegasus will be an intercept ship and our partner intercept ship in our area will be the Defiant class USS Warrior. There are two intercept ships for every ten pickets.” Mike then looked at Phoenix, “Also, one ship per area will be equipped with fighters, the Pegasus is that ship for our area. Ten fighters from the 181st are being brought onboard. Once we’re in position, Major, then we’ll assign you to patrol routes as well.” Mike explained.

“The Pegasus will also serve as the Fleet’s Flagship, so it’s possible we might have to leave our operational area, but that’s where the ship’s new Slipstream Drive will come in handy. Mister Coleman, Miss Gillo, let’s make sure the QSD systems are all online and ready. Mister Brody, let’s also make sure the Pegasus’s tactical system upgrades are ready as well. I want everyone to monitor computer functions closely. The Station’s refit and repair personnel have tested the new Positronic Cores rigorously over the last few months since installing them, and they have passed every test with flying colors, let’s just all make sure we don’t have any issues.” Mike continued.

Mike looked around, then asked, “Questions?”

"I would suggest refitting the fighters with ion particle beams, instead of phaser strips, and giving them a full warhead payload," Phoenix suggested as she cleared her throat. "If this blockade only has ten fighters, then the advantage for the fighter units against hostile ships, would be to neutralize any vessel trying to push through the blockade."

Ion particles were not too popular of weapons on massive starships, because of the concern for internal accidents putting the ship dead in the water. But fighters, however, used ions a lot in small units and large to disable targets Brass wanted to board.

Coleman looked at Phoenix and Bremer and said, "I can have the Quartermaster have the necessary equipment in place within the hour and have them properly installed on the fighters while en route to our destination. I'll also work with Gillo to make sure that the QSD is online and operational within the hour as well."

Mike thought about it for a moment. "The purpose for the fighters is to counter any Krazzle Claw type fighters we may encounter. Our blockade area borders the Espen Asteroid field. The field is small, but not a place for larger vessels. However small ships, fighters, shuttles could use it as a place to hide, and I want the 181st to sweep and patrol the field. There will be other fighters, each blockade group will have their own fighters assigned." He paused a moment, then added, "Keep the phasers, but have the equipment to replace them with ion particle beam emitters ready."

M'Kota listened carefully to what was being said, "no questions from me sir." M'Kota replied.

Brody knew from experience that blockades were either fairly effective or a prelude to all-out war. "Admiral, are we expecting the Krazzle to respect the blockade or does the intelligence indicate they'll do what they can to disrupt it?"

"Anything is possible, but personally...I'd expect someone to try and run the blockade. If that's a Krazzle vessel, or another member of the Pact, or smugglers, that's to be seen." It was a broad answer, but it was also the honest one.

"Am I to assume all squadron leaders in the blockade are to report to me, since I am the station's CAG? If so, I will need access to the scans your science ships will be running, so I can spot other likely places in the area that enemy fighters will want to gang bang us," Jillian asked. "I'll also want all data on these claw fighters and any available simulator programs on them, so I can get my pilots ready to dogfight them."

Technically, fighters were the easiest craft masked in cargo ships. Powered down, they could slip through any blockade undetected, and that was the sort of situation Jillian was trained to look for. To spot the long freighters moving in threes and fours through the blockade lines.

"Negative." Mike replied. "Each group will have it's own fighter compliment. If we need to concentrate fighters in one area, I'll make the call. If that happens, then yes you would take over all command. As for data on the Claw, everything we know is available in the database for you. I believe the previous 181st CO did have a training program and that's available to you as well."

"Understood," Jillian nodded in agreement.

"Anyone else?" Mike asked as he looked around.

No one answered, so Mike stood up. "All right, we'll be departing a a few hours. Check over all systems and be ready. Dismissed."

Mike walked out of the Observation Lounge and headed back to the Station, now he had to brief all of the ship commanders in the blockade fleet.



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