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Rise of the Venator

Posted on Fri Aug 9th, 2013 @ 7:12pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Commander Tressa Brislan & Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy & Sergeant Maal son of Torg

2,259 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Venator - Conference Lounge
Timeline: Concurrent with present mission

"Rise of the Venator"

Lieutenant Commander Yamaguchi - CO
Captain Pike – XO/Intel
Captain Harrison – CTac
Lieutenant JG Baratan – CSec
Dr. Brislan – CMO
Lieutenant Quan – CEO
Lieutenant Archer - COps
Sergeant Maal – Marine CO
Lieutenant JG Murphy – Flight Controller
Ensign La Baron – CSO
Lieutenant Commander Roebuck – Sec
Lieutenant JG Baratan – Sec

***** Conference Lounge - USS Venator *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi sighed softly as she
stood in the empity room as she tapped her combadge.
"Computer. send the following message to the following
recipients. Captain's Pike and Harrison. Doctor Brislan,
Lt Commander Roebuck, Lieutenants Quan, Archer, Murphy
and Baratan, Ensign La Baron and Sergeant Maal.." she
paused as the computer beeped once at her.

"Ready for message." the computer intoned in her feminine
tones. "Message reads as. To the various personel mentioned
on this list, please report to the Venator As soon as possible
for mission briefing and assignment." she paused. "message
ends." she paused a third time. "Go ahead and send message."

Roebuck and Archer were both in Ops of Starbase 400 when they received the message to report aboard the Venator. Without word, they both stood from their positions and headed for the turbo lift as other Officers took over for them.

“You ever served aboard a Prometheus class ship?” Archer asked Roebuck.

Roebuck shook his head, “No, not yet.” He smirked as the turbolift doors shut.

A few minutes later, they were both aboard the USS Venator and headed for the Bridge to report in for duty.

Alex completed the tasks she had set to do and found herself finished quite early. She thought that she would have a chance to rest before having to report to the Venator but as plans seem to never work out, she heard the message that she was to report to the ship ASAP. She kissed Paul goodbye and made her way onto the ship. She looked around the bridge before the meeting.

Aidan happened to be off-duty and reading in his quarters when the message came through. Heaving a sigh, he set his book down and went to get suited up, then made his way onto the USS Venator several minutes later. He found the conference room with ease and entered, his gaze immediately scanning the room and taking inventory of those present. "LTJG Aidan Murphy, reporting as ordered, sir." he drawled in his accented tone. His shoulders then sank slightly as he shifted to 'at-ease', moving to find himself an empty seat.

Torilla Yamaguchi looked around the room as the first members of her first crew began entering the room. "Please help yourself to something to eat and drink while we wait..."

"Not a bad idea, actually." Aidan said, pushing himself up from his seat and approaching the replicator. "Earl grey, double bergamot, lightly sweetened." He ordered, watching as the mug materialized before his eyes, and then he took it back to his seat and sat down, raising his mug to Torilla. "Thanks skipper."

Alex walked into the conference room and grabbed her something to eat and a drink, "Iced tea, sweet, 32 degrees." She sat down.

La Baron walked into the Briefing Room, looking around at everyone gathered, "Ensign La Baron reporting as ordered."

Lee arrived onto the Venator himself and walked into the conference room giving a nod to everyone. He then ordered a Vulcan tea before sitting next to Alex.

Roebuck made his way to the replicator and ordered an Earth coffee, Colombian roast, with a touch of sugar. He took a sip of the hot liquid as he sat back down.

Archer then stood, "Thank you sir" as he walked over and ordered an orange juice. Nick wasn't much for coffee, but he always had an orange juice every morning and today he'd missed it, but he was happy to make up for it now.

After sitting back down, Archer took a sip and waited for the meeting to begin.

Tressa arrived still wearing her lab coat; she greeted the assembled and took her seat.

Torilla looked around as she in turn ordered herself two pizza pockets and a tankard of coka-cola. "Alright, we're just waiting for a couple more people." she commented as she settled in to wait, she would give them another few minutes and then she would start without them.

Saith heard the summons to the Venator and smiled. She liked hearing herself referred to as a lieutenant, even if it was only junior grade. She and Maal were already on thier way with thier gear. As soon as she had her gear stowed in quarters Satih went to Security and logged in for duty. She grabbed a data padd and headed for the briefing room.

Most of the others were already assembled there. Saith’s gaze floated around the room and settled on Captain Alex Harrison. She walked over to where she sat and bent down to whisper in her ear, “if you can find some time can I talk something over with you? Lee said you’re a good listener and to be honest, I have no friends.” She gave Alex a one shoulder shrug, stood went to the replicator.

It was then that she realized that if she wasn’t drinking alcohol she had no idea what to order, [maybe that was something else I need to talk to the counselor about] she thought. Knowing she probably looked like an idiot she returned to the table empty handed and sat down next to Alex.

Quan was back working in the stations engineering section when the call came through. He smiled to himself, ' yay.... Something interesing again'. He looked at the chrono, he still had another hour to pull on the current shift, but orders were orders.

Checking the engineering section he left a message for the duty engineering assistant and headed off to the Venator.

Maal came into the briefing room after doing a quick check with the other Marines. He went to the replicator and ordered 2 glasses of Icoberry juice. He then walked over and set one glass in front of Saith then stood there behind her.

Saith felt comforted by Maals close proximity. "Thanks," she told Maal. She picked up the glass and gave it a quick sniff. Then she tasted it; finding she liked it very much. She sipped the beverage and waited.

Maal looked down at her and smiled:"Your welcome" He placed a hand on the back of Saith's chair.

It took Quan about 20 minutes leaving the engineering section to standing at the view port looking out at the Venator. He tapped his comm badge, "Lt Quan here. Requesting permission to beam aboard the USS Venator."

\< Venator here, Lt. Beaming now! >/

In seconds he was standing on the transporter pad of transporter room two of the Venator. He glanced around, "Thank you, Lt."

The duty transporter officer smiled, "Not a problem, Lt. "

He would have like to stop and chat but thought he had better get a move on. "Must dash, maybe see you around the ship."

The Transporter Officer continued smiling and Quan wondered if it glued in place, "It's a small ship so it is bound to happen."

It didn't take long to reach the conference lounge. He entered noting that a lot of officers were already there, "Lt Quan, reporting as ordered."

Torilla meanwhile had ordered herself a Hot chocolate as she found herself missing her old beverage of choice. "Alright... I can brief everyone on our mission." she explained as she looked at everyone gathered as she rose to her
feet. "You guys will be the senior staff of the USS Venator for this mission." se then sipped her drink as she proceeded with the briefing. "The Federation has had a peaceful and mutually respectful relationship with the C’Hakilian's for several years now and they have asked for our assistance in dealing with what they consider to be the greatest foe they have ever encountered. " she paused a moment to let her crew to absorb the information.

"The Federation won't declare war on either side as it'll escalate into a much wider war so instead they have authorized a general blockade around Krazzle and C’Hakilian spaces to stop the flow of outside aid to the Krazzle." she breathed in and then out and then in again. "Its believed we should be able to manage since both Krazzle and C’Hakilian space border Federation territory. Also the Cardassian's and the Klingons are also proving ships for this mission, which will be one of the largest missions ever undertaken by the Federation. Its believed that cutting off the outside aid will allow the C’Hakilians a chance to halt the Krazzle advance on their own..."

Torilla paused as she looked around at the personnel gathered. “Any ship stopped within the Blockade zone will be searched and any contraband will be confiscated. Ships can defend themselves, but are not to 'attack' without provocation. The Pegasus and Venator will go from Starbase 40, we will be joined by almost eight hundred ships in all, all mixed groups so no chances
of anything stupid happening." she explained.

She sipped her drink as she marshalled her thoughts. "The Admirals plan for the blockade deployment will be two fold. We’ll have vessels assigned at ‘Picket Ships’, they will be actively sweeping the area with sensors, and being a link in the tachyon grid. We’ll also have ‘Intercept Ships’ assigned that will intercept any vessel attempting to run the blockade. The Venator will be one of the many ships assigned to this role. this way, the sensor and tachyon grid is maintained, while we have ships that can quickly move in on any vessel

She tapped the wall monitor as two lists came up. "I'm to command Task Force Two in the Fleet. the ships are listed here

Venator Group -
USS Venator – Prometheus – Intercept Ship (Lt Cmdr Yamaguchi)
USS Concorde - Concorde class - Intercept Ship (Captain Williams)
USS Tempest - Akira class – Picket Ship (Captain Henderson)
USS Endurance - Kelvin class – Picket Ship (Captain Wolfhowl)
USS Unseen - Nebula class – Picket Ship (Captain Devereux)
USS Undaunted - Akira class – Picket Ship (Captain Sanderson)
USS Crescent - Nebula class – Picket Ship (Commander Emerson)
USS Powerful - New Orleans class – Picket Ship (Captain Amedi)
USS Pillar of Autumn - Borodin class– Picket Ship (Captain Keyes)
USS Argonaut - Excelsior class – Picket Ship (Captain sh'Andii)
USS Spartiate - Excelsior class– Picket Ship (Captain Erickson)
USS Columbia - Galaxy class – Picket Ship (Captain Tucker)
USS Merlin - Excelsior class – Picket Ship (Captain zh'Arrhis)

Torilla looked at the list. "Also the crew breakdown is on your PADD's. on the third page. the ship list is on the second page."

USS Venator -Prometheus Class
Lieutenant Commander Yamaguchi - Commanding Officer
Captain Pike – Executive Officer - Chief of Intell
Captain Harrison – Chief Tactical
Lieutenant JG Baratan – Chief Security
Dr. Brislan – Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Quan – Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Archer - Chief Operations Officer
Sergeant Maal – Marine Commanding Officer
Lieutenant JG Murphy – Flight Controller
Ensign La Baron – Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant Commander Roebuck – Security

Torilla looked at the gathering as she felt the quiet hush that had settled over the room. "I'm also making one change, Ms Baratan, I'm making you Chief Security Officer for this mission, I mentioned it to the Admiral and he approved." she smiled. "We ship out in Six hours... and since this girl is straight out of the drydock, we are going to have to shake her down quickly.." she sighed softly. "Alright. Are there any questions?" Torilla inquired as she looked around the room.

Saith frowned and glanced at Roebuck then nodded. She wondered if he was upset about this change. If so, he didn't show it. She began to make a mental list of what she would check on first thing.

Roebuck was little unhappy, he did out rank and have more experience than Baratan, but he also knew she needed to gain that experience. He simply nodded and would be ready to serve when called upon.

Torilla knew this was her first time out of the barn. "Mr Roebuck, You'll be my second officer, as this is my first time out, I want officers with a good deal of experience in key places. You're going to become my second officer in command of the Gamma Section of this ship, Lee, you'll be commanding the beta section and I have alpha. you may select a reserve crew of whomever you wish to command those sections... "

Lee sat there listening then nodded:"I'll take Captain Harrison, Lieutenant Bartan, Sgt. Maal, Ensign La Baron and whoever else works for me."

Roebuck nodded. All of the Senior Staff would be asleep during Gamma shift, and that was okay. "Understood. Whoever is currently assigned to Gamma Shift will be fine Commander."

"I also think that Security and the Marines should work together just in case we need to arrest some people or get boarded."

Torilla nodded, clearly she liked the idea. "Agreed, do what you need to do to make that work. "Anything else?" she inquired. "Alright... I know we're all heading out on the eve of the biggest operation we've ever seen or heard of but. lets do what we can not to have this explode into open war, my own opinion's not withstanding. I'd like to outwit them, then outfight them but... if it comes to it. Lets make sure that the Venator is ready." she paused. "Dismissed."

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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