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Mission Briefing

Posted on Fri Aug 9th, 2013 @ 7:19pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Paul MacLeod & Fleet Admiral Sevlek & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Andrew Clifford & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Captain William Riker & Captain Worf Son of Mogh & Commodore Geordi La Forge & Captain Harry Kim & Commander Data

2,501 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Starbase 400, Tactical Operations
Timeline: Following the ship briefings


Ships were quickly gathering at Starbase 400. Federation, Klingon, and Cardassian alike. It was the largest gathering of ships in one location since the Dominion War. Even the Borg invasion of 2381 didn’t see this many ships gathering in one location for one mission.

A few ships needed to be resupplied or quick emergency maintenance, so they docked within Starbase 400’s internal docking bay.

As the ships arrived, over seven hundred of them, the crews were granted shore leave for the remainder of the day. With so many Klingon and Cardassian personnel aboard the Station at once, Starbase 400’s Security and Marines were in full force making sure no fights or other mischief occurred.

For the Captains of the ships, there was one more important duty to be performed before they too could enjoy a brief rest, a meeting with Admiral Bremer and Admiral Sevlek to discuss the mission’s specifics.

There weren’t many places aboard Starbase 400 to serve as a meeting hall for over one thousand people at one time. The main briefing rooms and even Tactical Operations were out of the question. However there was one place that could hold everyone in one place at one time, the Lecture Hall.

The Lecture Hall had been little used aboard Starbase 400 in recent years, as other smaller briefing rooms, class rooms, and meeting areas had served better, but today it would be major asset.

First inside the Lecture Hall was Admiral Bremer. He’d briefed the Command Crew aboard the Pegasus and returned to the Station to look over final intel and prepare his overall mission outline. When Mike arrived in the Lecture Hall, he activated the two front display screens. On the right, he brought up a map of the Krazzle/ C’Hakilian warzone with the projected routes and assigned positions for the Fleet’s ships. On the left he brought up a similar map, but instead of displaying the blockade ships, it showed locations of the Krazzle and C’Hakilias fleets, patrols, and possible areas where Typhon Pact ships were sending aid to the Krazzle.

Mike set a PADD down on the podium, then walked to the food slot to order a drink. He didn’t want another raktijno, he’d had three already, so he ordered Japanese Green Tea instead. After receiving the drink and taking a sip, he put the glass on the podium as well.

Mike looked up to see several Federation, Klingon, and Cardassian Officers coming through the two doors at the rear of the Hall.

Andrew Clifford made a point of arriving early to briefings. It was in keeping with his security/tactical background and it allowed him time to assimilate the information on who was here and who wasn't etc.

“Please, take a seat. We’ll start once everyone has arrived.” Mike said. He noticed the Cardassians were choosing to sit together, where at the Klingons and Starfleet Officers were more integrated.

A few minutes later, Mike saw Captain K’Temoc come in with Captains Riker, LaForge, Ramon, and Commanders Data, Kim, and MacLeod. Mike walked down to meet them.

Andrew stayed in the background and just watched as the Admiral went forward to meet the new arrivals. Some very notable officers were present, this was going to be an important mission.

Mike shook hands with Riker, LaForge, Ramon, Data, and Kim. He and Harry has known each other from childhood, and Mike had met the others through the years.

“Glad you could join us.” Mike said with a smile.

“Nice of you to offer, I’m not sure about everyone else but we were getting tired of exploration.” Riker jokingly replied with a smirk.”

“Oh yeah, I think we all were just screaming for a little action.” Geordi replied with a smirk of his own.

Ramon smiled, “If you wanted to throw a party, you didn’t have to invite the Krazzle.”

“Well I wanted things to be exciting, it’s not everyday we have this big of a ‘get together’, least I could do was make sure no one was bored.” Mike replied, smiling.

Kim then changed the topic, “Sorry I couldn’t be at the funeral. My parents said they stopped by to see you.”

Mike nodded, “You don’t have to apologize Harry, its me that should apologize to you. I had no idea Westmoreland would take his revenge on my friends like he did.”

Deela entered into the Lecture Hall, one of the places that she hadn't gone into before. She looked around and was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of Klingons and Cardassians. She continued to look around. Finally, she could see some familiar faces talking to Mike, one of which she knew, Commander Data. She had conversed with him before and hoped that they would be able to have another interesting conversation. As she passed by Mike and the others, she acknowledged them.

As more and more Officers arrived, Mike took his leave and walked back to the front of the Hall while Riker, K’Temoc, LaForge, Ramon, Kim, Data, and MacLeod took their seats.

Deela stood for a moment while looking for a place to sit. Commander Data motioned to Deela for her to sit next to him, "Vice Admiral T'Lar, it is a pleasure to see you again." Deela smiled, "Thank you Commander, same here." She sat down.

In the middle of the people gathering, there was a quiet reunion of sorts happening as Captain Jake Yamaguchi regarded his wife with a measure of affection. "Torilla... and you thought you'd never get here"

Torilla smiled as she looked at her husband. "Yes... well the Admiral thought differently." she replied. "shall we go in."

"Yeah, lets not be late for this.."

Lee walked into the room for the mission briefing and nodded to a few high ranking officers that he knew. He spotted the Yamaguchis and went over to join them:"Captain, Commander"

Torilla found a space along the back wall of the hall as Jake settled in next to her, he wouldn't take a seat unless she could sit next to him, upon hearing Lee's voice, Torilla moved over so he could have space next to her. "Lee."
Jake greeted his wife's friend as Torilla smiled up at him since he was taller then she was.

Andy entered the room and sat at his designated area, he made a nod to Riker and the other and said "Admiral..."

Sevlek arrived, intentionally near the end of the assigned officers, with Zandusky and Andrenicus in tow. As they neared the Lecture Hall's stage all three men climbed the stairs with Zandusky and Andrenicus taking up positions at the back, until they were called upon.

Finally, with all the seats filled and some Officers standing along the side and back walls, Mike starting the briefing.

“Thank you all for coming. We’ll keep this briefing informal and as brief as possible. As you know, the Krazzle and C’Hakilians are at war, a war that has seen the Krazzle push into the heart of C’Hakilians space. The speed and ease of the Krazzle push has been extreme, and recently the C’Hakilians have uncovered proof that the Typhon Pact has been aiding the Krazzle.”

Mike activated both displays, “The C’Hakilians have been requesting Federation assistance, and while the Federation isn’t looking to start a new galactic war, it can’t sit idly by and watch the Typhon Pact take over a sovereign power and continue to expand. With the support of the Klingon and Cardassian governments, we have decided to even the playing field between the Krazzle and C’Hakilians. What we are going to do is blockade Krazzle and occupied C’Hakilian space.”

Mike waited for the small talk among the Officers gathered to die down. “Most ships in the Fleet will be ‘picket’ ships, vessels long the blockade line sweeping the area with active sensors as well as being a link in a mobile tachyon detection grid. The rest of us will be designated as ‘intercept’ ships. These vessels will be responsible to responding to and intercepting any contacts picked up by the tachyon net or sensors. Your ship’s individual assignment is being transmitted to your PADDs, now.”

Mike then pointed at the right display, “This is our route to the operational area. Deep Space 14 will be the staging area. From there, all ships will deploy to their assigned areas.”

Mike then nodded to Sevlek, “Admiral Sevlek will provide additional information regarding the Krazzle positions and possible locations where the Typhon Pact may try to run the blockade.”

Jake raised an eyebrow. "Sir, do we have a threat assessment of what Typhon pact forces are in the area?" he inquired.

Torilla smiled as she looked at her husband, 'trust him to go for the throat' she mused. 'I see he wants to know where his playmates will be located'. she added as she kept her thoughts to herself.

Lee raised an eyebrow at the comment from Jake but had figured bound for someone to ask that.

The Vulcan Admiral nodded at Bremer as he stepped forward and entered commands on the podium. Both screens changed to show a series of locations marked along the border. He began speaking, "The locations displayed on the monitors have the highest probability of being possible penetration points for Krazzle and Typhon Pact blockade runners. Starting from your right-most position they are identified as Zeta-1 and are identified continuously through Zeta-4-1. There are 41 locations that have the highest chance of seeing an engagement and it will be up to each of you to follow the orders I am about to assign that supersede any other order you are given: Hostile actions and deadly force are only authorized if your vessel is fired upon first. Targets should be disabled, boarded and prisoners taken alive."

A pause, "Every group of picket ships will have a troop carrier designated that will be responsible for boarding enemy vessels. Those vessels have already been equipped for mass holding cells and their commanders notified of their role."

"Our primary goal in this assignment is to contribute to the mounting evidence that the conflict against the C'hakilian people is not in the best interest of the Krazzle Republic. While the fleet in engaged in its own activities, a vessel is being sent to meet with representatives of the Krazzle and C'hakilian governments on a Starfleet base to come to a resolution in this conflict that does not involve the Federation, Klingon or Cardassian governments to engage in full-scale war."

Sevlek turned and motioned towards Zandusky, "This is Captain Zandusky, he is commanding my flagship, the U.S.S. Gladiator and is assigned as the fleet's command and control vessel. All orders will be routed from the Fleet's commanders via the Gladiator unless Captain Zandusky informs otherwise." He turned to Bremer, "Admiral Bremer is my assigned Field Commander of this fleet, he has my full support in any decisions he makes and if you disobey an order he gives you, you have disobeyed an order I have given you. This mission is important to the balance of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants."

"I now turn the podium back over to Admiral Bremer for any additional information he feels necessary." Sevlek stepped away from the podium as Bremer stepped forward.

Mike nodded to Sevlek, then looked down at Jake Yamaguchi, “To answer your earlier question Captain.” The screen on the right changed back to an ‘over head’ view of operational area which included parts of Federation space and all of Krazzle and C’Hakilian territories. “The Krazzle are known to have over fourteen hundred vessels assigned to the invasion with another eleven hundred remaining within their own borders. The C’Hakilian fleet, in contrast, has less than five hundred vessels remaining in service at this time. As I said earlier, our mission here isn’t to start a war, it’s to gather additional evidence of Typhon Pact interference. I want, and require, ALL ship commanders to air on the side of caution. Don’t fire unless fired upon, and then to disable. Picket ships are to maintain their positions, let the intercept ships run down any blockade runners.”

Mike paused to look around a moment, "Starbase 400 will serve as the Flagbase for this, and all operations around the war zone. Vice Admiral T'Lar will be in command here and will be able to dispatch additional ships to the area if needed, as well as serving as primary repair facility. Starbase 400 will also monitor the Federation and Klingon borders for any incursions, just in case."

"Why is Starbase 400 the command base, with DS14 within the operations area?" Captain Ro asked.

Mike replied as frankly, "Starbase 400 is better equipped. Also, with the peace conference being held at DS14 and the Krazzle there, I'd prefer we not have all our eggs in one basket."

Leget Evek, commander of the Cardassian forces then spoke up, “I see here my ships have been divided up between different groups. Many of my ship commanders have expressed...uneasiness with serving with Klingons.”

General G'Tar jumped to his feet, “The Cardassian petaQ is afraid of us”

Mike spoke up, “Enough, both of you! You’re the commanders for your respective groups and you’re acting like children.” He glared at G’Tar and Evek, “I’ve integrated more of the most of the groups to help build cooperation and mutual respect. We're all in this together, working as work, and I expect that out of the both of you, setting the right example, do I make myself clear?”

Evek slowly nodded, while G’Tar grunted, both of them sitting down.

Mike looked around the room for a few moments, then asked, “Any other questions or concerns?”

Andrew raised his hand and once acknowledged by Admiral Bremer, spoke "What about any Typhon Pact ships already in the conflict zone and inside the blockade border? They will be able to assist the Krazzle regardless of any blockade of the area. Are we going to go after them?"

"Intelligence does believe there are a few Romulan, possibly other Pact vessels within Krazzle space, but none have taken active part in the conflict. The last thing they want, is to be seen actively supporting the Krazzle because it would bring us in on the side of the C'Hakilians, actively. I believe if there are Pact ships within the zone, they will keep a low profile. If they attempt to run the blockade to get back to Romulan space, or open space, they too till be subject to be stopped and boarded."

Mike looked around, "Anyone else?"

When no one responded, Mike said, "All right. We'll depart here in two hours. That'll give the last few ships undergoing resupply and maintenance to finish, brief your crews if you haven't already, and get something to eat. The Station's Promenade is open to all. Dismissed."



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