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Dinner Date

Posted on Sun Aug 11th, 2013 @ 6:21am by Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

2,311 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Jewel Dartt's Quarters, SB400
Timeline: Before start of mission

When she woke up she picked out a nice evening dress she thought would be appropriate, and she went into the bathroom took a shower, dried off, and got dressed. She also did her hair up nicely and walked out of the bedroom into the living area,

"Looks lovely, you may go now." she said to her aide who nodded and left. She lite up the candles on the table, poured the red wine into the classes and made sure everything was perfect. Once she was satisfied she told the computer to play low classical music to enhance to mood. She smiled and sat down on the couch and awaited for David to arrive.

After David had went back to his quarters, took a sonic shower, and put his Marine Dress uniform and sword on, he proceeded to Jewel's quarters, the whole time his heart racing. When he arrived, he rand his hands over his uniform, made sure his ribbions and sword were in the right place, and rang the door chime.

She stood up and straightened her dress, taking a deep breathe. "Enter," she replied as she seen the doors open and seen David and smiled. "handsome," she said with a smile.

Walking in, he said, ''Thank you, and you are very stunning yourself.'' He stood, just inside the doorway, and just smiled and looked at her,admiring how beautiful that she was, and sure yet again that his face was blood red and blushing.

She couldn't help but smile, "thank you." Jewel said as she walked up to him ad gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I hope you like the dinner," she said as she lead him to the dinning table.

David rubbed his cheek, and said, "Thank you" As they walked to the dinning table, and he sat down, he also added, still looking at her, " this looks very good.

She smiled as she sat down, "So, what would you like to talk about?" she asked looking at him taking a sip of the red wine.

Sitting the glass down, he replied, ''Whatever you want to''.

She looked at him, "I sent a message to Mike and Janice explaining everything." she started. "but, other then that what kind of holonovels do you like combat wise?" she asked as she took a bit of her food.

Smiling at her, David said, ''Well, i like the Wolf 359 holonovel, where i play the role of Commander Riker, The Battle of Rashanar holonovel, where i play the role of a Starfleet Captain, and way to many Klingon combat holonovels to list.''

"Nice, I really enjoy the klingon holonovels, hand-to-hand combat, etc." She stated as she took another bite of her food. "So, whats been going on around SB400 that's been exciting?" she asked looking at him.

Putting his glass down, David replied, ''Not that i am aware of, i spend a lot of my time either working, or alone.'' ''The alone part, however, is not by choice.''

Nodding she looked at him as she finished her dinner, noticing he had finished his as well. She stood up and grabbed her glass and headed for the couch. "Come sit with me and we can continue to chat," she said with a soft smile. She hasn't felt like this in a long time and it felt good.

Grabbing his glass, David walked over to the couch and sat down beside Jewel, his heart racing. He smiled at here, and suddenly remembered, '' I forgot that i got you something. Standing back up and sitting his glass down, he tapped his combadge and said, Computer lock on to objects 66 Baker and 66 Alpha, and transport them to my current location, Authorization Hurd Alpha, Alpha One , One.''

A few second's later, two boxe's appeared. Turning to Jewel, he said, '' This first one is the beverage i was drinking at lunch earlier., and the replicator pattern for it.'' The other, smaller box, he picked up and handed to here, saying, ''Guess what this is?''

She looked at him speechless, "Thank you David so sweet of you," she said as she kissed him again on the cheek. " She looked at the smaller box trying to figure out what it was. "I don't know what is it? Not very good at guessing games." she laughed looking at him with a sparkle in her eyes she hasn't had in over 10 years. She had these feelings for David she didn't quiet understand yet but she wasn't going to try to control them.

She hated being lonely, she wanted a man in her life and her children's life as they never knew their father. She looked at him smiling.

David smiled, and open'ed the smaller box, revealing a gold, latinum plated bracelet. Handing it to her, he smiled again, and said, '' I had to call in all the favors Quark owed me, plus a few that Grand Nagus Rom owed me, but i wanted you to have this.

She looked at it, not knowing what to say. "It's beautiful David, you didn't have to." she stated looking at him. She placed it on her wrist and looked at it. She reached over and gave him a kiss this time on the lips. "I didn't get you anything," she said now feeling bad she got up and went into her room for a moment. Looking around she finally found something that she knew he probably would like.

"Ah here is is," she said as she found what she was looking for. It was a Katana sword from the 1800's on Earth, she found this years ago it didn't suit her style but she kept it. Walking out of the room and back into the living room she placed the sword on David's lap.

"I found this years ago, it's a Chinese Katana Sword dating back to the 1800, I have never really liked the sword as it doesn't suit me that well. But I kept it anyways, and now I want you to have it." she said as she looked at him.

Sitting there, his heart racing faster than it ever had, he kissed jewel back and said, in a voice filled with happiness, ''Thank you''. David stood and walked over to the open part of the room. Un-sheathing the Katana, he gave it a few quick slices through the air, and said to Jewel, smiling, it has a good weight to it.''

She smiled, "Glad you like it," she said with a smile. "David, I know we just met but I have never been this happy in my life. I am glad you walked into when you did." she said as watched him with the Katana.

Giving it a couple of more slices through the air, he smiled yet again. He laid the Katana down, and said, ''Jewel, i am glad i met you, and i am glad that you walked into my life when you did.''

She smiled as he sat down, she laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes for a moment. She wanted this night to last forever, she didn't want him to leave. She was content and happy, "I would like for you to stay in my life for a long time." she said as she sat their laying against him.

David wrapped his arm around Jewel, and said, his racing faster if it was possible, ''Jewel, i would like that very much.''

She smiled and looked at him, she took a deep breathe not sure how to ask him. "Can I ask you something that I am not sure how to ask you?" She asked looking at him.

David replied, gently, ''Yes you can.''

She looked at him and took a deep breathe she didn't want to lose him. "I know we havent known each other long, but I feel in my heart that I have known you for a long time. I feel that your the one I have been waiting for. I don't want to lose you, and don't want to be alone anymore especially not now." she said as she took a deep breathe.

"What I want to ask you is, I want to be with you for the rest of my life." she said as she was side tracking her actual question. "Will you be my mate? Have a relationship with me?" she finally blurted out as sweat started to form as she was getting nervous.

David's eyes widened a little, then a slow smile spread across his face. ''Jewel, The answer to your question is yes.''

She smiled, and kissed him softly. "I start my treatment tomorrow," she stated as she got up and walked over to the window. "Will you stay here tonight with me?" she said as she looked out the window not sure how to ask him the other part of her question. she didn't want to live alone anymore but she didn't want to rush it either. Plus, she wasn't sure if Mike would be ok with it either.

Almost as if David read her thoughts, he said, '' Jewel yes i will, but shouldn't we, i dont know, inform the Admiral?''

not knowing what exactly he ment, she had a feeling but didn't want to assume. "Of our relationship?" she asked as she looked at him.

David replied ''Yes''. He studied here face for a moment, and the added, ''Jewel, is there somthing else you would like to ask me?''

"Oh, eventually," she said as she looked back out of the window. "not really," she said as she just stood there thinking.

David sat there and studied her for a moment, and said, ''Jewel if i may make an observation, you apear to have somthing on your mind.'' ''Would you like to talk about it?''

She looked at him, "I have a lot going through my mind right now. The treatments, not wanting to live alone." She said as she walked back over to David and sat down next to him. laying her head on his chest.

Smiling at her, David replied, simply, ''Jewel, I feel the same way.''

She smiled, "I guess do you want to move in here with me?" she asked.

As Jewel finished speaking, David felt like a jolt of electricity went through him. He also felt, if it were possible anyway, his heart begin to beat even faster than it had been. David had never felt like this, and although the feelings were new, he already liked them. Looking at Jewel, he began to speak.

''Jewel, i would like nothing more that to do that.'' Ajusting himself so he was sitting up straighter, he said, ''Jewel, are you sure this is what you want, and if it is i have a request.''

"Yes it is, I don't want to be alone anymore, I want to be with you to wake up next to you. To know that I have someone special in my life." Jewel stated as he shifted. "What would that be?" she asked hoping it's nothing bad.

Smiling slightly, David said, "It is nothing bad, but before i do move in, i would like us to inform the Admiral before he hears about it from someone else"

She nodded, "that seems fair, but is there anyway you can talk to him tomorrow since I'll be in sickbay most the day tomorrow for treatments." She asked.

David cracked a small smile, and replied, ''I reckon that i could do that''

"So, lets go to bed I am tired and got a long day tomorrow." She stated as she went into the bedroom and got changed into her night gown and let her long hair down completely. she combed threw it and then climbed in bed and waited for David to join her.

David just sat there for a moment, thinking. All of these feelings he was experiencing were new to him. As a Marine, he always tried to live his life without emotion, fearing that those emotions would get in the way of his work. But now, he did not know what to think. As Jewel said lets go to bed, David just turned, and stared at her.

"David, you alright?" she said looking at him. She walked out of the bedroom and back into the living room. Her long brown hair was down to the middle of her back. She walked up to him and kissed him gently.

David sat in silence for for just a moment, and finally, ''No, Nothings wrong.''

She looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure? It seems like something is bothering you." She said as she sat their looking at him. "Come to bed, we got a long day tomorrow I am sure." She said as she laid a hand on his softly. Trying to assure him that everything will be fine.

Laying his hand atop of hers, David said, ''True, lets head to bed.''

She smiled as she got up and went back into the bedroom and waited for David to lay next to her. She smiled as she looked at him, she never been this happy before and was happy he was in her life now.

David got up a moment after Jewel went and lay down, took off his boots, uniform jack and sword, and lay down in bed next to Jewel. As he lay there, two thoughts kept crossing his mind. The first was that he was extremely glad he had met Jewel. The second was about how he was going to tell Admiral Bremer about his and Jewel's relationship. As he slowly drifted to sleep, the last words he said were ''Oh Boy, that is going to be fun.''


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