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Posted on Tue Aug 13th, 2013 @ 5:25am by Sergeant Maal son of Torg & Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan

796 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Saith and Maal's quarters, SB400
Timeline: Immediately after congratulations for a job well done

Saith was shocked. Her meeting with Admiral Bremer did not go as she had expected, since she had expected to be in trouble yet again. She hadn’t even said anything except a shocked “thank you” as she received her new insignia, which she kept trying to look down at.

Saith entered the quarters she shared with Maal, looking up at him she said “you are not going to believe this. I got promoted!” For the first time she really truly felt happy and it showed in her smile. She modeled her new rank for Maal and laughed, “I don’t know WHAT Starfleet was thinking.”

Maal turned around and smiled at her:"Congrats hun. That's good to hear you did."

"I thought he had made a mistake at first." she grinned, "but he assured me there was no mistake and that other than a 'few recent incidences' my record is clean." She shook her head, "I honestly don't know how. I keep waiting for someone to find all the stuff I know was in my record and take this back," she said fingering her new pip.

He handed her a datapadd:"Here are the assignments for the next mission. It looks like we will be on the same ship."

"Good, I hated being on a different ship than you. Hmmm, Yamaguchi, I don't know much about her."

Maal moved over to the couch and sat down:"Yes I know you hate not being on the same ship as me but that will happen sometimes. From what hear Commander Yamaguchi is a good officer."

"I'm sure she is," Saith said with reservation, her eyes still scanning the list.

He gave a small chuckle:"Did you look and see who the First Officer is going to be?"

Her eyes flew to the top of the list to read that section. She smiled, "great. I like Lee, he is good to me." She joined Maal on the couch and snuggled in under his arm. "this could be a good mission despite the looming potential for war." She smiled up at him then laughed.

He pulled her tightly towards him and smiled back:"I had a feeling that you would like that Lee is also on board. There are many good officers on board here and also on Star Base 400."

Saith nodded and smiled, thinking one of the best was right here with his arms around her.

Maal then leaned down and kissed her:"So you going to be my date for Lee and Alex's wedding?"

She nodded, "yes, of course." She leaned up to kiss him again. Then, "I have an appointment, but I can meet you for lunch and then we can get ourselves onboard the Venator?" her tone indicated she was asking if this was a good plan.

Maal nodded:"That works for me my love. I think that Lee and Alex's wedding will be after we get back for the latest mission."

She smiled, "great, I will need to find something to wear." Then she laughed.

He looked at her:"And you will get to meet my family at the wedding as they will be coming for it."

That wipe the smile off her face, "uh, oh. Ok." she said neutrally. She had never given thought to that aspect of the event. Of course his family would be there. Saith suddenly felt nervous. "Do they know about me? I mean, you know, what a mess I am? Even worse, that I am Rihannsu?"

Maal shook his head a little:"Yes my love my family knows about you and knows your Rihannsu and as long as I'm happy that's all that matters to them."

Saith bit her lip. She had barely mentioned Maal to her family. Her dad knew about him, and so then did her mom, but she hadn’t gone into detail. Knowing Josh Byrne, he did a thorough check on Maal. The thought made Saith smile.

He gently stroked her head:"Don't worry everything will be ok."

She nodded and then leaned up to kiss him. “Okay, I will try to quit worrying about everything. To that end I had better get going. I need to see a new counselor. I hate this, but I am still under orders.” She shrugged and disentangled herself from his arms. “Where should we have lunch?”

He kissed her back:"It's ok my love I understand. Things will be ok. How bout we eat at the Klingon restaurant today that ok?"

She nodded, "sounds good. I will meet you there. Now I really need to go." She headed for the door, turning as it opened. "I really, really do love you Maal," She said beforeturning and walking down the hall.

He sat there and watched her go.


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