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Minding the store

Posted on Wed Aug 14th, 2013 @ 8:07am by Commodore Andrew Clifford

424 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Star Base 400
Timeline: As the fleet leaves

Andrew left the meeting with many questions in his mind, but not wishing to go against the Admiral. Clearly they were expecting Typhoon Pact ships to be inside the blockade, but didn't consider them to be a threat to the mission. Andrew begged to differ, but with all the preparations going on didn't want to get into a big discussion about it, and he didn't know what the Admirals orders were.

Personally, if he was in charge of a small fleet of cloak capable ships inside a battle zone, he could think of many ways to help his allies without being seen to be directly involved. Transporting ground troups to outlying bases being just one activity he would use. He could cause havok by beaming in attack squads in to logistical support areas like shipyards and supply depots.

He stood on the view deck watching the ships leaving for for the blockade, and felt a bit left out. He wanted to be out there as well. At least he would have some time to work on the USS Princeton while the fleet was away.

He spent most of the first day just walking the promenade and just watching the people. It was something he used to do in the past as Head of Security on Starbase 12, and it used to help in identifying patterns of behaviour. With the exception of one person who took forever to drink a cup of something. Andrew hoped it was a cold drink because it was certainly cold by the time he had finished it. He made a mental note to see if the person was still there the next day, and see if he had met anybody.

He headed back to the control centre and punched up the video camera for that area. Yup, the guy had sat there all day, and hadn't met anybody just sat there people watching. Somebody to keep an eye on.

He walked across to the officer of the day, "Lt, keep an eye on this guy please." Andrew punched up the video feed and tapped the screen where the man sat, "Let me know if he meets anybody and where he goes."

The Lt. looked up from his console and opened up a view screen for that camera, "Will do, Captain. Any reason?"

Andrew shook his head, "His behaviour is slightly out of the ordinary, is all. Find out who he is as well, please."

The Lt. nodded, "Understood, Captain. I send you the details for when you come back on shift."


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