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Starting Treatment

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2013 @ 3:25am by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Commander Tressa Brislan

1,231 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Sickbay

When Jewel woke up David had already left, she sat there for a momemt ans sighed. David, was probably on duty but he was suppose to be with her. She got up at seen a note on the table that they had a situation come up that he will be leaving the station for awhile on a mission. Jewel didn't know what kind of mission but she felt that she didn't want to know right now.

Getting dressed in her civilian clothes she walked iut of her quarters and headed towards sickbay. Once she arrived she looked around "Doctor?" she asked looking around but not seeing the doctor. Jewel said as she hoped the doctor didn't forget her appointment.

"General Dartt? Good morning, I am Doctor Celand." A middle-aged man was standing before her holding out his hand.

She raised an eyebrow, "Nice to meet you Doctor, where is Doctor Brislan?" She asked.

"Doctor Brislan is off-station at the moment but I am aware of your situation. I am the Chief Oncologist," he replied with a smile. "You have spoken with Doctor Brislan regarding your course of treatment?" he asked politely.

She sighed as she hoped that Dr. Brislan was doing her treatments but she would have to get used to it. "Very well Doctor, and yes we did talk about the treatment plan you should have the notes as to what needs to be done." She stated looking at him.

"Indeed, please come this way," Doctor Celand said as he led the General to a suite of rooms she had not seen before.

"Today we will begin the targeted chemotherapy. As you may know, cancer treatments have progresses in recent years and we are able to design molecules to target specific tumors to individual patients. Our lab has created a molecule which is attuned to your DNA; it quite literally will replace some of your current white blood cells with an army of cancer killers," he said.

"Hold on their, as far as I was aware that Dr. Brislan was going to take a biopsy of my bone to create a new bone and do the bone transplant before starting the chemotherapy?" She asked as she wished she was here. "As chemotherapy would not be enough as my cancer is rare." she stated as she looked at him not really trusting him.

"Your cancer is rare, however I developed the targeted chemotherapy cells from the blood that was drawn three weeks ago. We need to begin the chemo before the transplant so that your new bone will go into your body without risk of the cancer invading it. Doctor Brislan showed you the scans of your current bone?" he asked as he walked into an all-white room with a large biobed.

"Yes she did, I must have misunderstood her, let just get this started please." She said as she wished David could be here for her first treatment but he was off station busy. "how many times a week will I have to come here to treatment and the scheduled surgery?" she asked looking at him.

"Once per week we will need to see you, both to monitor your progression and to adjust the chemo as necessary. Today we will sample healthy bone so that we can grow your new one. Please, make yourself comfortable," he said as he motioned towards the bed. It was only the height of a chair so the General found it easy to sit down.

Nodding she sat on the biobed and awaited the doctor. Her thoughts kept wondering thinking about David as well as her cancer.

"Today we are going to sample healthy bone tissue from your tibia; the computer will create a three-dimensional scan of your femur and patella which will be used to make molds. Those molds will shape the new healthy bones as they grow," Doctor Celand said. "I see from her notes that Doctor Brislan was going to do the transplant prior to the chemotherapy but at that time we had not realized the extent to which your cancer had metastasized. That is why we will be starting the more aggressive treatment right away. Please lie back," he said brightly.

She sighed as she laid down on the bio bed thinking and hoping this was all a bad dream.

The doctor applied a hypospray to the General's right arm. "The nuclear scans that Doctor Brislan ordered when you were last here showed that the cancer cells have spread into at least four other major bones including the pelvis. There doesn't appear to be any additional damage at this point but since this is an fast-growing cancer we will need to respond aggressively. An attack on all fronts, I believe you would say."

She just laid there almost in tears as to what she was hearing, thinking in her head she was going to be crippled by the age of 35. She hated this, she just wanted this to be all over with. "very well," is all she could say.

"This will only take a moment, please let me know if you feel anything." The doctor was surprisingly gentle; she felt the light pressure of his fingers but that was all, and then she saw him putting the laser scalpel down. A young woman in a lab coat had entered the room and took the sample away. "Let's just bandage you up, and then I would like you to meet some friends of ours," he said.

She felt a little bit of what was going on but it didn't seem to bother her, after the doctor bandaged her up, she looked at him "Very well doctor," she said as she looked at him wondering who his friends where.

The small man smiled and left the room. He returned a few moments later accompanied by a technician who pushed a cart next to the bed.

"Doctor Celand loves his work, you are in very good hands," the technician said with a wink. She lifted a small vial from the cart and handed it to the doctor.

"General, I would like you to meet some of my friends," he said proudly, holding the vial for her to see. "These are your own white blood cells, I developed them to fight the cancer in your bones. They are the third weapon we are using to fight the cancer."

She nodded, "I just want to feel better, knowing I have this has gotten me feeling really down lately. Don't get me wrong I am not giving up I am far from that. Just wish this was all a bad dream, I had to give up everything I ever worked for." she stated looking at him then at the ceiling. "I trust you doctor, I just want this cancer gone so I can live out the rest of my life without worry." she stated as a tear escaped her eyes and ran down her cheek.

He rested his hand gently on her arm. "We are doing everything we can and I assure you, that is a lot. We will be successful," he said. "I am going to take a long scan of your leg so that the computer can create the mold for your new bones. Would you like to listen to music during the scan?" he asked.

She nodded, "something soothing." She stated looking at him.


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