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Old Friends

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2013 @ 4:27am by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

816 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: SB400

After her treatment was finished she took a cane as it kind of hurt to walk on her one leg. She walked slowly down to the Promenade. Once she arrived she headed to the skyline lounge where she seen Deela, she smiled and called out to her. "Well, if it isn't my old friend." She stated with a smile.

Deela recognized the voice and turned around, "Jewel, long time, no see. How are you doing?"

"Things could be better, care to join me for lunch and catch up?" She asked as she looked at her.

"I would love to. In fact, it just so happens that I have the time." Deela smiled.

She smiled and they walked into the Skyline Lounge and sat down at a private table. She ordered her food. "So, Deela how are things going for you here on the Starbase?" She asked looking at her.

"I cannot complain. Things are going well. Moving on the base was the smartest thing I've done, especially for the kids. How about you?"

She looked down for a moment and took a deep breathe, "well found out before coming to the station that I have a rare bone cancer in my one leg. Had to give up my Command of the Cairo, and now living here on the station as a retired marine. Started treatments and sore. But other then that things are going good found a special someone who I am with. We have alot in common." She stated just as there food arrived.

"I heard that you retired but I did not know why. Sorry to hear that you had o give your command up. I couldn't give that up. Fortunately, I haven't had to. I hope you get better." She smiled again at Jewel, "So tell me who this person is that stole you heart."

"It was a a tough decision but it was for the best." Jewel said. She smiled "Lieutenant colonel David Hurd, the stations Marine CO," she stated as she took a bite of her food.

Deela chuckled, "Hurd? Really? I would have never thought. He is a good guy."

She smiled, "ya there is just something about him that makes me happy." She stated, "I have never felt this way about a man since my ex-husband and that was 10 years ago." She added. "So, how are the kids doing? and that lovely tiger of yours?" She asked looking at her.

"Earl is adapting very well. He's gained two new friends so he is happy. Brandon has been doing well, getting bigger and Raivyn is always on the go since she learned to walk. It's been interesting. How are your twins doing?"

She smiled, "there doing good, there 10 years old and a handful. They are currently back on Earth staying with my aunt until treatments are done and I get my strength back." She stated looking at her.

Deela frowned, "I bet you miss them. I know I would."

"That I do, but with the treatments and surgery to replace my bone in my leg it will make me too weak to be able to properly take care of them." she stated as she looked down for a moment.

"I'm sorry to hear that but you'll get better and then you can be reunited with your kids."

She nodded at sat there for a moment, "So what else been new since the last time we talked?" Jewel asked as she finished her food.

"My husband Vincent just left for Earth. He has a chance to write with a man that he has looked up to for years. I am not sure where they are going for a story. He said that he will let me know when he finds out. Other than that, nothing else is new."

"That sounds exciting," Jewel stated with a smile "I have been wanting to ask you this, we habe been good friends for a very long time. I trust you with my life Deela and would like you ti be my childrens godmother Deela. Just incase something were to happen to me, I know I shouldn't think this way but I just want to take care of things for that what if situation." Jewel stated looking at her. She has always looked up to Deela.

"Jewel, I am so honored. I would love to be their godmother. And don't you worry. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. We have great doctors on the base."

Jewel smiled, "Thank you Deela," Jewel stated and stood up. "I think I'm going to go back to my quarters and get some rest, I am exhausted." Jewel stated.

"I think that is a good idea. And if you ever just want to talk or just have someone there for you, do not hesitate to ask me." She stood up, "I will see you later. Get some rest."


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