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Unpacking Stuff

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2013 @ 3:10pm by

252 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: BGEN Andrew Jones II Quarters
Timeline: Present - 2 Hours

While Andy went to see his former CO, VADM Deela T'lar Art begun to unpack his entire master's stuff. He had to recognize that now that he had been promoted to flag level the new quarters where far more superior to the ones he got previously before.

He began checking that all of the stuff has been moved from the SS Layton to the quarters, he adapted one armoire to serve as a “Cava” (Place where you store the wine in appropriate temperature and light) and programmed the temperature and light conditions the liquor needed.

His next step was to set an in-house Office, for that he selected one room and adapted it with a desk he had taken from Jones Estate; particularly from Andy’s House (Each member of the Jones Family had a house within the estate and there was of course the main house which was now used as the vineyards office and conference centre, aswell as the lodgings for all guests).

Then he unpacked Andy’s uniforms and clothes and setup his dormitory, the new ones where not of a Starfleet tailor, since he was now a flag officer he needed better quality ones, but then again The Jones’s Military men always whore tailored uniforms.

Finally he unpacked Andrew’s Katana and the support specially built by former Japanese masters, Each Jones Male member got one at the age of 18, and this one was the first of two equally made for the twins Andrew and Paul.



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