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Awkward Introduction

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2013 @ 9:53pm by Ensign David Brody & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo

599 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Main Operations
Timeline: Backpost - Shortly after return to SB400


Ensign Brody was scanning a caravan of incoming Tellerite cargo ships. They were not on the day's manifest, but were requesting to dock for refuel and resupply. A tactical scan showed minimal shielding and armament. Their cargo seemed innocuous and Tellerites were no longer a species worthy or suspicion. Still, they needed to be cleared to dock as they were an unscheduled arrival. He uploaded the info onto a PADD and walked it over to the Chief of Operations.

He had seen here and there, but never shared a shift with her until now. It was fortuitous that this convoy arrived. It was the icebreaker Brody needed as he was terrible with initial interactions and first impressions. He tried to limit the awkwardness of his approach. He knew it was likely in his head, but he couldn't help but feel everyone in Ops was watching him to see how he faired with the attractive Ops Chief.

He cleared his throat. "Good morning, Lieutenant," he said as he handed the PADD over to her. "We have a Tellerite cargo convoy seeking permission to dock. They request minimal to moderate repairs, refueling and resupply for their six ships. I've scanned them and don't find anything alarming."

Holly had noticed the convoy and their request for repairs, but didn't think anything of it as the station was more then capable of doing that for them. That was till the tactical officer on duty (one in which she wasn't familiar with too well) came up to her and handed her the PADD about what was going on. He didn't seam to be worried about them coming in so she looked over the PADD for a moment before replying to him.

" Good morning Ensign. They're more than welcome to come dock in. Repair teams will be alerted to greet them once they are docked so that they can get on their way as soon as they need it. That is if you don't have any tactical objections to the unexpected convoy?"

"Uh, no. No objections at all," Brody said as he stumbled over his words. "They check out as harmless." He was surprised by his sudden lack of confidence in the Lieutenant's presence. It was unnatural. Still, he continued to fumble and grasp for words. "I'm about to be relieved. Is there anything I can do to help at Ops?"

Holly just smiled a bit at him noting his nervousness. "I don't think so. Duty change is just about here, and I'm also going to be relieved. The convoy will be checked in and welcomed by the officer coming in to releave me as he is a bit of a stickler on time. I doubt you want to pull a double especially in a department you've never worked before."

Brody smiled sheepishly. "No, I suppose not." Unsure of how to respond as he was still gripped by an uncharacteristic nervous energy, Brody decided he should try and get to know the Lieutenant. "I was heading down to the Skyline after the shift. I don't suppose you'd care to join me? As colleagues, of course."

"I think that might be a good idea since I was just going to head to quarters like I always do since being assigned here. Since the invitation is going to be off duty I wouldn't say colleagues but just two people getting to know each other better." She then smiled at him and nodded towards the door. "Relief just arrived."

"Excellent," Brody said with a shaky smile. "After you then. And the first round is on me."



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