Commander Data

Name Data

Position Former Starfleet Personnel

Rank Commander


  • 2 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat Nov 16th, 2019 @ 11:59am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Android
Age 51

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 221 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Yellow


Spouse None
Children Lal - Daughter - Offline
Father Dr. Noonian Soong
Mother Juliana Soong
Brother(s) B-4 (oldest "Brother")
Lore (older "Brother")
Sister(s) None
Other Family Dr. Ira Graves ("Grandfather")
Dr. Arik Soong ("Ancestor")

Personality & Traits

General Overview Data is a Soong-type android, the first and only such being to ever enter Starfleet. Data was created some time in 2338 and was destroyed in 2379, sacrificing himself to save the crew of the USS Enterprise-E. In late 2380, Data's personality became dominate within B-4, with Data's 'rebirth' he reassured his duties within Starfleet.
Ambitions To be Human.
Hobbies & Interests Singing, Painting.
Languages All

Personal History Data was activated in February of 2338.

Data was composed of 24.6 kilograms of tripolymer composites, 11.8 kilograms of molybdenum-cobalt alloys and 1.3 kilograms of bioplast sheeting.

Data's upper spinal support was a polyalloy designed to withstand extreme stress. His skull was composed of cortenide and duranium.

His legs were exactly 87.2 centimeters in length.

Data was built with an ultimate storage capacity of eight hundred quadrillion bits and a total linear computational speed rated at sixty trillion operations per second. Data was also equipped with artificial tear ducts.

As a Soong-type android, Data was incapable of alcohol intoxication, yet components in his processing systems were susceptible to disruption by polywater intoxication.

He did not require sustenance, but occasionally ingested semi-organic nutrient suspension in a silicon-based liquid medium to lubricate his biofunctions.

Data also demonstrated immunity to telepathy and other psionic abilities. Deanna Troi could not sense him empathically; nor was he affected by the telepathic broadcasts of the Bendii Syndrome-afflicted Sarek. Data had an aging program designed to simulate the external effects of aging in his physical appearance. The blinking of his eyes was governed by a Fourier series, to simulate randomness.

In 2369, Dr. Julian Bashir further expressed his fascination for all the trouble Dr. Soong took to make Data seem "Human." He was especially surprised on how "personable" Data was. He also questioned Data about whether his hair grew, and observed that Data was "breathing" and had a "pulse." Together, Bashir and Data investigated an alien device. The device emitted a plasma shock that overloaded Data's positronic net, activating a series of previously dormant circuits that subsequently gave Data the ability to dream.

Data appeared to have been left-handed, or at least, he seemed to favor his left hand for tasks such as painting, using a pen, gun tricks, and more.

Data was designed to serve as a flotation device in the event of a water landing, though once before 2370 he had to walk 1.46 kilometers underwater because he didn't "have enough buoyancy to get back to the surface" after deciding to go swimming in Devala Lake while sailing with Geordi La Forge. It took nearly two weeks to get the water out of Data's servos.

Data claimed that he did not only perceive data and facts, but also the "substance" and "flavor" and other ineffable qualities of the experience, which would be lost when downloaded to a conventional computer.

Data always sought to become more Human in his behavior, often with unfortunate results. His attempts at humor were not successful, nor were his attempts at romance and love. He maintained a relationship with Jenna D'Sora, but it did not last long.

Besides humor and romance, Data also had trouble using contractions in regular speech, although this was part of his programming by Dr. Soong.

During his stay aboard the Enterprise-D, Data kept a cat as his pet, whom he named Spot. Spot was quite fussy in her relationships: besides Data, she only enjoyed the company of Reginald Barclay. In 2371, Spot survived the destruction of the Enterprise. Data, newly-imbued with emotions as a result of his emotion chip, cried tears of joy over Spot's survival.

He began using this emotion chip in 2371, one year after he acquired it from his brother Lore. At first, he had some difficulties adjusting to the onslaught of emotions, as simple things as scanning for lifeforms on a planet caused him great pleasure. He eventually learned to control the feelings. After the initial adjustment period, he was able to turn the chip on and off, and later to remove it completely in situations where emotions would be a hindrance.

He went offline in 2379 while stopping Shinzon, sacrificing himself to save the crew of the Enterprise-E. Before the final battle, Data transferred all of his memories and information (essentially transferring himself) into B4.

By late 2380, Data's personality becomes dominate within B-4 thanks to work by LaForge and The Soong Foundation. A copy of B-4's personnality matrix is saved. Data reassumes his duties aboard the Enterprise-E as Operations Officer and Second Officer.

In 2388, Data is promoted to Commander and Executive Officer of the USS Challenger.

In 2396, during the Typhon Pact War, Data was injured aboard the USS Challenger. His neural net suffered a complete shut down and his programming reverted back to B4's. Due to the ban on synthetics, B4 was dismantled and stored at the Daystrom Institute on Okinawa on Earth.
Service Record Data was the fifth of six known androids designed by Dr. Noonian Soong. He was built on the planet Omicron Theta around 2336, after Lore was deactivated, and over the protests of Soong's wife Juliana. Soong claimed he built Data to perfect his design of his androids, and when Data was perfected, apply his improvements to Lore. Data was brought online in 2338.

In his earliest existence, Data was much like a baby, struggling with motor control and sensory input. Despite the presence of Soong, Data claimed he had no-one to guide him as he developed sentience.

Over time, he learned about himself and his world, and his programming was refined by Dr. Soong, who attempted to eliminate certain undesirable behaviors. Problems included a disregard for social niceties (courtesies like "please" and "thank you"), and a lack of appreciation for clothing (Data did not see any necessity since he "didn't suffer from the elements"). In regards to the latter issue, the Soongs had to write a "modesty subroutine", because the colonists objected to an anatomically accurate android being unclothed.

Eventually they decided to program Data with the logs and journals of the colonists, while simultaneously wiping his memory of his early existence. Unfortunately, the Crystalline Entity attacked before Data was reactivated.

Juliana had come to view Data as her beloved son, but always feared that he would fail like the early androids, or become dangerous, like Lore, and would have to be dismantled. This fear motivated her to lie to her husband when they fled, forcing him to leave Data behind, inactive.

Data was found and reactivated on the planet Omicron Theta by the USS Tripoli on February 2, 2338, after the Crystalline Entity destroyed the entire colony on the planet.

His connection with Starfleet resulted in his choice to enter Starfleet Academy.

Upon applying to the Academy, he met with some resistance from Bruce Maddox, the only member of the evaluation committee to oppose Data's entrance on "the grounds that [he] was not a sentient being". Eventually Data was admitted to the Academy in 2344, and spent four years there.

Prior to 2364, Data had been featured in several bio-mechanical texts.

During this time Data did extremely well scholastically, but his lack of understanding often created social obstacles. He fell victim to several practical jokes and had difficulty with social gatherings. Nonetheless, in 2348, Data graduated with honors in exobiology and probability mechanics.

One of Data's first assignments out of Starfleet Academy was aboard the USS Trieste. He spent three years as an ensign and twelve as a lieutenant before being promoted to lieutenant commander in 2360. In 2364, he was assigned to the USS Enterprise-D as its second officer.

By 2365, Data had earned the Starfleet Command Decoration for Gallantry, Medal of Honor with clusters, Legion of Honor, and the Star Cross. By early 2368, Data had encountered 1,754 non-Human races during his tenure with Starfleet.

Data served as operations officer and second officer on board the USS Enterprise-D from 2364 until the vessel's destruction in 2371. Since he did not require sleep, he routinely stood night watch on the bridge. His quarters were located on deck 2, room 3653. He frequently participated in many of the away missions undertaken. His speed of thought and great strength made him an important asset to the ship, and the fact that he was unaffected by disease, radiation, or mind control was vital on more than one occasion.

In 2371, at the ceremony honoring Worf's promotion to Lieutenant Commander, Data witnessed an incident where Worf was "accidentally" sent into the water in a holographic simulation of a ship at sea. Misinterpreting the laughter it evoked, he then spontaneously pushed Dr. Beverly Crusher overboard. He was disheartened to find out that it wasn't quite as amusing as he had assumed. The incident led him to believe that his development had reached an impasse. He decided to install the emotion chip he had taken from Lore at the beginning of the year.

The results were unpredictable, later attributed to the overload of new data on emotion. During an away mission with Geordi La Forge on board the Amargosa observatory, his recall of previous humorous incidents led to the emotion chip overloading, fusing into his neural net (much to Geordi La Forge's annoyance) and rendering Data helpless as Tolian Soran snuck on board and kidnapped La Forge. Unable to deal with the sudden onset of fear as a result, Data curled up in a corner as Soran beamed away with La Forge. As the Enterprise investigated, Data was overcome by yet another emotion: regret, over getting La Forge captured. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, himself trying to get over news of the death of his brother and nephew, helped Data get through his anguish, and the two managed to figure out where Soran was headed, and why.

Upon arrival at planet Veridian III, where Soran was planning to implode the Veridian sun with a trilithium missile so he could get to the Nexus, Data was finally able to experience relief as Geordi La Forge was returned to Enterprise unharmed. Data continued to work on controlling his emotions throughout the mission, Enterprise's battle with the Duras sisters, and the crash landing of the saucer section on Veridian III. By the end of the mission, when Starfleet came to recover the Enterprise crew and anything that could be salvaged from the saucer section, Data reckoned to have experienced 261 distinct emotional states. He learned one more emotion before leaving Veridian III: tears of joy, after finding Spot alive in an empty barrel.

By 2373, Data had the ability to turn his emotion chip on and off at will since he had learned how to control it better.

Data transferred to the new USS Enterprise-E in 2372, along with most of the senior staff of the Enterprise-D. In 2373, the Enterprise took part in the Battle of Sector 001 against Starfleet orders. Thanks to the ship's intervention, the Borg cube was destroyed, but not before it launched a sphere which generated a temporal vortex and traveled to the year 2063. The Enterprise pursued, and destroyed the sphere before it was able to prevent the first flight of Zefram Cochrane aboard the Phoenix warp ship. Along with Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher, Data beamed down to the surface, to inspect any damage to the Phoenix. Upon suspecting Borg presence aboard the Enterprise, however, Picard and Data transported back to the ship. While fighting off the Borg near main engineering, Data was captured and brought before the Borg Queen. Instead of attempting to assimilate Data, she had him made more Human by attaching Human skin onto his android skeleton.

When it appeared impossible to hold off the Borg any longer, Picard was convinced to initiate the self-destruct of the Enterprise and ordered all remaining crew to evacuate. He himself went on to Engineering to find Data and to convince the Queen, whom he had encountered several years previously when he was Locutus, to release Data. Picard was even prepared to take Data's place at the Queen's side and become her equal. Data, however, claimed he did not wish to go, even after the Queen ordered him away. He then canceled the autodestruct sequence and restored computer control - when Picard begged him not to, the android gave one quick glance to his former commander, before walking past him as if he was nothing. Thus, the Queen ordered Picard's assimilation (Data assured her that he would be a fine drone), but not before witnessing the destruction of the Phoenix by Data.

However, his "assimilation" had all been a ruse - the quantum torpedoes fired by Data missed by the smallest of margins, and quickly thereafter he ruptured a plasma coolant tank (the Queen had been too busy taunting Picard to notice his approach to it), releasing plasma coolant which would dissolve organic material on contact. Picard was able to escape, but the Queen (or at least one version of her) was killed, pulled into the coolant by Data as she tried to take Picard down with her. Helping Data standing up (with the Borg-given skin melted away, but his mechanical parts undamaged, the android admitted that he didn't feel as bad as he must look), Picard asked him if he was ever tempted to join the Borg's cause. Data replied that, for 0.68 seconds, he was. He added that, for an android, that is almost like an eternity.

In 2375, while assigned to a United Federation of Planets/Son'a duck blind operation on Ba'ku, Data discovered a cloaked holoship. The ship was intended as a means to relocate the Ba'ku people from their home-world without their knowledge, clearing the way for the mining of metaphasic radiation from the planet's rings. Because involvement in such an ordeal would be a clear violation of the Prime Directive, Data presumably objected and was attacked and hit by a Son'a weapon.

The attack damaged some of his memory engrams and caused his memory loss fail-safe system to activate. Data's ethical and moral sub-routines took over all his basic functions. Effectively, he entered a self-preservation mode in which all he knew was right and wrong. Before he was finally subdued by Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lieutenant Commander Worf, Data revealed the duck blind to the Ba'ku people and warned them that the Federation/Son'a presence was a threat.

The Enterprise crew was able to piece together what had happened and staged an insurrection against the Federation. Data joined some of his crew-mates as they defended the Ba'ku on the surface from aggressive Son'a abduction attempts. Later, Data attacked the Son'a flagship with a scoutship, firing tachyon bursts into the shield grid, and forcing the ship to rotate its shield harmonics. This allowed the transport of the Son'a ship's crew off their bridge and onto the cloaked holoship. After this, Data had little influence on the resolution of the crisis.

During his time on Ba'ku, Data reflected on never having been a child. He became friends with Artim, and learned how to play.

In 2379, while en route to Betazed, the Enterprise-E discovered B-4, a Soong-type android identical to Data but lacking full sentience, having a weaker positronic brain. Trying to help him become more human, Data copied his own memories into B-4's positronic network (essentially transferring himself into B-4).

The Enterprise was ordered to Romulus where a new praetor had come to power. Shinzon's good intentions, however, were soon found to be false. In reality, he was discovered to be a clone of Captain Picard and, due to genetic degeneration, he was in need of the captain's DNA in order to restore his own. After Shinzon's vessel, the Scimitar, had almost destroyed the Enterprise, Picard was able to eliminate Shinzon aboard his own vessel. Data boarded the Scimitar just in time to prevent activation of its thalaron radiation weapon and the death of Picard. Firing at the weapon with a phaser, he sacrificed his own life to save the Enterprise-E from destruction. Data's last words were, "Good bye," which he said after Picard was beamed back to the Enterprise. Later, after Picard informed B-4 of Data's death, B-4 started singing a song Data had sung at Riker and Troi's wedding. It is strongly suggested that Data was "reincarnated" in B-4s body using the memories Data imprinted into his network.

By late 2380, Data's personality became dominate within B-4 thanks to work by LaForge and The Soong Foundation. A copy of B-4's personality matrix is saved. Data re-assumes his duties aboard the Enterprise-E as Operations Officer and Second Officer.

In 2388, Data is promoted to Commander and Executive Officer of the USS Challenger.

In 2396, during the Typhon Pact War, Data was injured aboard the USS Challenger. His neural net suffered a complete shut down and his programming reverted back to B4's. Due to the ban on synthetics, B4 was dismantled and stored at the Daystrom Institute on Okinawa on Earth.