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A Job Well Done

Posted on Thu Aug 8th, 2013 @ 9:29pm by Ensign David Brody & Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan

860 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: Ensign Baratan's Quarters
Timeline: Concurrent following Return to Starbase 400


Ensign Brody had a difficult time getting to sleep. He had felt bad for doubting Saith during the recent mission in Romulan space. If he were a betting man, he would have wagered heavily on her betraying or losing objectivity during the mission. Instead, she did her job and did it well. He could not help but feel guilty. Saith was clearly conflicted, even after the mission concluded and Brody decided it was time to try a less antagonistic approach.

He thought of how he'd word his part of the conversation as he paced in front of her quarters. He figured it was time to bury the hatchet and work on establishing a better than average working relationship and possibly even a friendship.

Brody finally stopped wearing a path in the carpet and rang the chime to Saith's quarters. He adjusted his uniform as he awaited her reaction to being called upon so late.

Saith frowned as the door alerted her to Brody's presence. "Come in." she called and the door slid open. "Oh, hello Ensign Brody." She indicated a seat he should take, "Can I get you something to drink?"

Brody took a step into the quarters. He took a look around and was surprised it was not at all how he'd imagined. Still, the decor managed to be very 'Saith'. "Uh, sure. Whatever you have. I'm not particular."

It was getting late and he hoped he had not caught her at a bad time. "I'm sorry if I interrupted anything. I wanted to see how you were holding up after the mission."

“The only thing you are interrupting is a self-pity and recrimination party.” Saith said as she moved to a cabinet instead of the replicator. She took a bottle from the cabinet and poured them each a drink in two heavy mugs. Handing him one, she continued, “glad you could join me. I had, have some issues with the mission; some personal, some professional. So, what brings you out so late?” she sat and took a sip of her quite illegal Romulan Ale.

Brody took the mug and lifted it in thanks. He could tell by the look on Saith's face that she wasn't having the greatest time. "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm known to indulge in my fair share of brooding," he said with a half smile. He set the mug down after just one sip. "I actually came to clear the air. To apologize."

Saith waited a moment, not sure what to say. “You have nothing to apologize for,” She finally said. She tilted her head and looked at him. “If you were to look in my file, you would find that I am not very social, I have. . . well, let’s just say I have some things to work on. The upshot is that I do not worry much about what others think. I get angry, then I get over it.” She smiled, “you might think that is terrible, but it also means I am not offended by anything you may have said or done, so there is no need to apologize. Besides, whatever it was, you were probably right.”

He chuckled as he reached for his mug and took a more comfortable swig. "Well, if you were to read my file, you'd see that I'm probably equally anti-social." He raised his glass in a one-sided toast. "I just felt like I had to let you know that I absolutely did not trust you going into the mission. However, I also want it to be known that it had nothing to do with your Romulan heritage. I just didn't like that you seemed non-commital," he said with a half smile.

Brody set his mug down again and extended his right hand peacefully. "Truce, Ensign?"

Saith smiled, "truce," she agreed. Giving him a look she added, "you were right, I was non-commital. I was considering a return to the Empire such as it is." She took a drink of her ale. "I often disagree with Federation policy, and often see the hypocracy of their actions. Still, I know for a fact that life is no better in the Empire. Particularly now with everything in tatters; and I have a life here with Maal, although I am often a wreck."

Brody turned up the corner of his mouth as he forced a smile. "The Federation doesn't have to be a way of life. It's a job...and you do yours well. When you take the uniform off, feel free to be yourself." He looked at his reflection in Saith's washroom mirror. He looked at his crisp and pressed uniform and pondered aloud. "I guess at times I'm a slave to the uniform. But I have no complaints. We each have different pasts, but I hope we can continue to work together efficiently."

"I think we will Ensign Brody, I think we will." She smiled and took another long sip of her ale. "Want something to eat? We could hit the Romulan cafe."

"Yes," Brody said with a smile, "I'd like that. It'd be a welcome change to experience the finer points of Romulan culture."


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