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Boarding the Sutherland

Posted on Thu Aug 8th, 2013 @ 7:10pm by Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Lieutenant Anandra Delair & Captain Paul MacLeod & Colonel Danny Lennox & First Ramata`tar & 1st Lieutenant Taz

2,078 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: SB400 / USS Sutherland
Timeline: Present

Andy exited the Admiral's office and went straight to his own, he got to call all the officers assigned to him onboard the Sutherland.

He knew it was a lot of responsibility conducting the negotiations between them and that starfleet has put that responsibility in him because he was a good diplomat and because he could command the fleet outside the station in case the negotiations went wrong.

He looked to a padd where he had downloaded the officers assigned to his ship:

USS Sutherland – Nebula Class
Brigadier General Andrew Jones – CO
Commander MacLeod - XO/Intel
Lieutenant Colonel David Hurd – Marine CO
Lieutenant Delair – Counselor
Warrent Officer Talan – CSec/Tac
Major T'Lyn – Marine XO
Captain Lennox – Marine
Master Sergeant Duval - Marine
Gunnery Sergeant Ermey - Marine
Gunnery Sergeant Agtx – Marine

He touched his combadge and said "Commander MacLeod, Lieutenant Colonel David Hurd, Lieutenant JG Delair, Warrent Officer Talan, Major T'Lyn, Captain Lennox, Master Sergeant Duval, Gunnery Sergeant Ermey, Gunnery Sergeant Agtx Please Report to my office ASAP"

Meanwhile at the airlock, one Master Sergeant Duval heard his name via the com system and he knew he needed to get his ass into gear. He made his way to marine county and there, after locating his new billet, he stashed away his gear and went off to the CO's office.

A few minutes later he walked out onto the USS Sutherlands bridge which looked very similar to the bridge design from the Galaxy class ships except where as the Enterprise had been warm and inviting, this one seemed dark and cold, metal and iron replacing carpet and softness.

Duval did not mind, it reminded him of his job and why he was here, he then tapped the chime to the CO's office because respect was respect and simply barging in was most unwise on any ship of the line.

Upon entering. "Master Sergeant Duval, reporting as ordered sir."

Already sitting in his office, David heard his name called over the comm system. Securing the terminal he was working at, he walked over to the side of his office, grabbed his gear and left to head over to the Sutherland.

After he arrived aboard, he secured his gear in Marine country, and made his way to the bridge. When he arrived a few seconds later, he looked around as he headed to the Co's Ready Room. '' These Nebula Class ships,'' he thought, ''such a model of what a ship should be.''

He reached the ready room door, hit the door chime, and went in. He snapped to attention and said, ''Lt. Col. David Hurd Sr, reporting as ordered!''

Since his extraction from the Romulan Facility in the Algorab system, Mac had been debriefed by Starfleet Command via a secured Subspace channel, by Admiral Sevlek, by Admiral Bremer, and by Captain K’Temoc, and even though he was good friends with Bremer and K’Temoc, it had still been business.

While recovering, he’d been offered a new position, the Executive Officer of the USS George Washington. The ‘GW’ had been the ship Mac spent most of his time aboard during his Starfleet career. He’d serviced aboard her throughout the Dominion War and was even married aboard her. His ex-wife was still the Chief Medical Officer of the ship.

Mac hadn’t been aboard since accepting the position, then again the GW was still only half a ship. When the Pegasus-B had been heavily damaged against the Krazzle a few years before, to get the Pegasus back active as quickly as possible, the GW’s Stardrive section was ‘given’ to the Pegasus. Now, the Galaxy class Refit USS George Washington NCC-73073 was undergoing major upgrades, overhaul, and construction. It would still be another six-eight months before the ship’s new Stardrive would be completed. In the meantime, the ship’s Senior Staff had been recalled and that meant Mac was soon to come face to face with Mutara Romain-MacLeod...if she was still using her married name anyway.

When his communicator beeped, summoning him to General Jones’ Office, Mac was rather surprised, he wasn’t expecting to be assigned to anything other than training new crewmembers aboard the GW.

Mac left his Quarters aboard Starbase 400 and headed for the USS Sutherland.

As he boarded the Nebula class ship, he let out a deep breath, then proceeded to the General’s Office.

Arriving, he said, “General, Commander MacLeod reporting as ordered.”

T'Lyn arrived, "Reporting as ordered." she replied.

Anandra sighed as the announcement came over the intercom, mildly annoyed that she was announced as LTJG when it had been months since her promotion, but she quickly tapped her commbadge and responded. "On my way!"

A matter of minutes later, Anandra arrived, standing at attention. "Counselor Delair, reporting as ordered."

Warrant Officer Talan caught a glimpse of Delair as she entered the General's office. He was glad they were posted together as he had matters to discuss with her. It would have to wait, of course. He made his way into the increasingly cramped room and scanned the occupants with his retinal implant. "Talan is present, sir."

Lennox, Ermey, and Agtx arrived aboard the Sutherland together. After stowing their gear, they proceeded to the General’s Office. All were wondering that the mission was about, and they knew they would find out soon enough.

As they entered the Office, they snapped to attention as Lennox, the Senior of the trio, spoke, “Captain Lennox, Gunnery Sergeants Ermey and Agtx reporting as ordered, sir.”

Andy waited for everybody to settle in and said to all "Great to have you oboard this vessel, I would like to explain a little the mission we are going to have and the positions you'll held onboard this vessel and on the mission... First of all please make yourself a hot drink from the replicator and we will continue", he said as he pointed out to the device

Ermey nodded and proceeded to the replicator and ordered a cup of Human coffee, dark roast, extra strong. Agtx followed and ordered a Gorn Blood Coffee, known as Tss’dar.

“How do you drink that stuff?” Ermey sarcastically asked of Agtx, “It stinks.”

Duval said nothing but he smiled, clearly amused.

The big Gorn smirked as he downed the cup in one gulp.

Mac smirked at the comment as well as he ordered a cup of hot green tea. He looked back at Lennox, his new friend that had rescued him from the Romulan interrogation building. “Drink?”

“Raktijno please.” Lennox replied.

After getting the ordered drinks, Mac handed Lennox his cup of Klingon coffee as he took his seat and sipped his Japanese Green Tea.

With the meeting starting, two more people entered General Jones’ Office aboard the USS Sutherland. One was a Krazzle Warrior, a Marine, named Taz. A long time member of the Pegasus then SB400 crew. The other was a Jem’Hadar, a recent addition to the crew, named Ramata’tar.

“General, Admiral Bremer requested that we be assigned to you for this mission.” The Jem’Hadar handed Jones a PADD. On it were their orders as well as short note to the General from Admiral Bremer, ‘Thought you might could use a little extra muscle. As you know, First Ramata’tar as some special abilities that may come in handy, and Sergeant Taz may be able to help relate and translate. Having a loyal Krazzle maybe a huge asset. Good luck.’

Duval smiled as he ordered a Katheka for himself, it was Andorian coffee. "Double strong, double sweet." he commented as he lifted his glass from the replicator as he turned his attention to the briefing.

"Ok now that everyone got a drink let's move on... Commander MacLeod you will be the Sutherland's XO for the remains of this mission... ", he said

Mac nodded, “Understood General.” He then handed Jones a PADD. "Here's the list of ships at DS14, once we arrive the Sutherland will be Command Vessel for the Sector with you in Command Sir, reporting directly to Admiral Bremer."

On the PADD, the ships and their COs were listed.

Sutherland/DS14 Group –
USS Sutherland – Nebula Class (General Jones)
Deep Space 14 - Immense Type Starbase (Captain T’Mil)
USS Asheville – Miranda Refit Class (Commander Mills)
USS Bridgeport – Miranda Refit Class (Commander Dis’ach)
USS Baghdad – Miranda Refit Class (Commander Nasir)
USS Greenville – Akula Refit Class (Commander Vas)
USS Proxima – Excelsior Refit Class (Captain Brown)
USS Norfolk – Excelsior Class (Captain Gibson)
USS Europa – Europa Class (Captain Von Bran)
USS Phobos – Luna Class (Captain Perez)
USS Churchill – Intrepid class (Captain Hooper)
USS Manuel Azueta – Intrepid class (Captain Gonzole)
USS Minsk – Defiant class (Captain Suvak)
USS Galaxy – Galaxy Class (Captain Johnson)
IKS Reil – B’rel class (Mutar la')
IKS Q’val – B’rel class (Vran HoD)
IKS Gren – B’rel class (R’da HoD)
IKS Minas – B’rel class (M’al HoD)
IKS Atlek – Vor’cha Class (Win’ar HoD)
IKS Velend – Vor’cha Class (Kras HoD)
CUS Gres – Galor Class (Glinn Trega)
CUS Proval – Galor Class (Gul Dukal)

"Good... Col Hurd... You will asume Marine CO and 2nd Officer Duties... Your responsabilities would be once on the station to check everyone attending the meeting and guarantee the safety of all the people involved", said Andy

Standing near the back wall of the room, Col. Hurd replied, ''Aye sir.'' Turning to look at Gunnery Sergeant Agtx , he said, '' I agree with Gunnery Sergeant Ermey, how do you drink that stuff, it stinks.'' He finshed speaking, and then let out a short, dersive laugh.

"Ok, Lt Delair... I want a profile on all the attending dignitaries to the meeting... I want to know who is who in there and how to press their buttons if i need them to compromise somehow"

"Aye sir, I'll have that for you right away." Anandra responded with a respectful nod.

Duval listened to the orders as he watched and listened carefully to what everyone was saying and doing as he sipped his drink.

Talan did not require food and drink in the same manner as the others, but with the help of Delair and his other new friends, he had learned it was polite to engage in bonding experiences. He had ordered the first thing that that his database recalled; hot chocolate with little marshmallows. He sipped it slowly, marveling in its unique flavor.

Lennox had remained quite during the meeting. He figured if the Colonel was assigned to meeting security, that meant he and the rest of the Marines would be too. That suited him just fine, and if the Krazzle did try to stop the negotiations, they would pay for that mistake. He looked over at other Marines. Couple of Humans, a Vulcan, a Gorn, a Krazzle, and a Jem'Hadar tagging a long, not to mention to two full squads that were coming aboard too. Yes, the Marines would be ready.

Duval finished his drink as he mentally reviewed his mission orders, yes this would be most interesting. "General, beg pardon but... the Shield of Vega is not listed on the order of battle for the DS14 area... and I happen to know that she is." he explained.

Mac looked back at Duval, "In the area, yes Sergeant, but she isn't assigned to the support force for DS14."

Anandra sat stoic, relaxed as she watched the various species and personalities all cramped into this one room, interacting with each other. It was quite a sight to see, and reminiscent of what made her love Starfleet in the first place. She looked notably at Talan, pleased to see him here as much as she wondered how he was 'coming along'. She would make a point to have a sidebar with him whenever this mission would allow for such..

Mac took another sip of his green tea. Something bothered him about this mission, trying to make peace between the Krazzle and C'Hakilians, but he couldn't put his finger on it...

"Ok... Major T'Lyn... You'll be heading the ship's Marines while Col Hurd is ocupied with the peace conference...", Said Jones

"Understood sir," she replied as she sat there and listened to what was being said in the meeting.

"Ok... The rest of the mission will be transferred to your pads on due time... DISMISSED!", he said and returned the salute of the crew

"Cdr McLeod make the Sutherland ready for departure in 5 hours",said Andy


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