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Heading to Earth

Posted on Fri Mar 22nd, 2013 @ 4:21pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Ensign Becca Bremer & Christopher Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Anandra Delair & Ensign David Brody & Ensign Anthony La Baron & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Sergeant Major Jo Ann Worth & Sergeant George Ann Worth & First Ramata`tar

2,283 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: Following 'The mission'

Mike was in Ops after watching the Avenger and Kearsarge depart some time before. He’d stayed in Ops, looking over everything, but keeping back and out of the way. He was still steaming from his meeting with Sevlek. He was also not looking forward to the next thing he had to do…return to Earth to bury two of his children…

“Admiral” Archer turned around to say to Mike, “The Durga is ready sir.”

Mike nodded as T’Lar entered Ops from her Office.

“Keep an eye on things, we’ll be back in two days.” Mike said to her.

"Okay." She couldn't remember if he had told her where earlier, "Where
will you be if I need to contact you?"

“We’re going to see if that new slipstream drive the Durga has now is
worth all the time she was down for the upgrades.” Mike tried to flash a

"Oh." She understood, "Wish I could be there."

Mike nodded, “Thank you, wish you were too, but I need you and Jones here to keep an eye on Sevlek.”

Deela nodded. She still didn't quite trust him and his motives.

Mike walked over to the Communications station and tapped the 1MC.
Captain’s Pike, Harrison, K’Temoc, Lieutenant Commander Monday,
Lieutenants Kerr and Delair, Ensign La Baron, and Senior Chief Petty
Officer Loring report aboard the USS Durga. He then added the names to a
PADD and gave them all an assignment for the short trip to Earth.

Admiral Bremer - CO
Capt. K’Temoc - XO
Capt. Pike – Intel
Capt. Harrison - Strategic Operations
LtCdr. Monday -Engineering
Lt. Kerr – Security/Tactical
Lt. Delair - Counselor
Ens. La Baron – Science
SCPO Loring - Conn
Acting-Ensign K’Wor - Operations
Becca Bremer - Civilian
General Janice Fultian-Bremer Ret. - Civilian
Christopher Bremer - Civilian

Of course no trouble was expected, they would been in Federation space the entire time, but it would be a good way to see personally how some of the newest members of the Starbase 400 crew worked. He also wanted Pike and Harrison to be there as an Honor Guard, and he needed Delair there because he knew he’d be emotional.

A few minutes later, Mike was aboard the Ronin class USS Durga. He walked
with his wife Janice, it was the first time she had been back aboard her
former Flagship since retiring. With the Pegasus still undergoing repairs,
it was only fitting that they use Janice’s former command to take their
children home. Their youngest son, Christopher, followed along behind his
parents, followed closely by his older half-siblings K’Wor and Becca.

The bodies of Emmaline and Marc were already aboard, in stasis in Sick-Bay
and Doctor Mclintock made sure they were secure. Janice was going to get
settled into their Quarters, get Christopher settled, then go check on
Marc and Emmaline while Becca stayed with her younger brother.

Mike also wanted to check on things in Sick-Bay, but he wanted to get the
ship underway first. Once on the turbolift, Mike hugged his wife. Janice
still seemed to resent Mike for Marc and Emmaline’s deaths, but she didn't
‘blame’ him anymore. She knew it was Westmoreland’s actions that lead to
their deaths.

A few minutes later, Mike and K’Wor stepped foot onto the Bridge of the
USS Durga. A typical Ronin class ship, her Bridge layout was the same as
the Sovereign class. Mike and K’Wor looked around for a moment before
K’Temoc arrived.

Mike looked at his brother, “How are you feeling?”

“Better, Doctor Mclintock said I can start running again.” K’Temoc replied.

K’Wor flashed a smile at his Uncle, then took a breath and walked down to
Ops. He’s never worked the station before, so this would be a learning
experience for him.

“Once everyone is aboard, we’ll get underway.” Mike added before he and
K’Temoc walked around the Bridge, looking over everything, waiting for the
others to arrive.

Lee tapped his comm:"Aye sir I'm on my way." He then headed off for the
bridge of the Durga.

Finchleys' COMM badge passed the message through from the Admiral to
report to the Durga, and immediately he tapped it and replied "Yes
Admiral, I'll report in straight away, Kerr out."

Finishing up his tea with one last gulp, he grabbed what he needed and and made his way to the Security section and made his teams aware that he'd be away for a couple of days and ensured they all knew what they were doing and that discipline was maintained as was order.

He had himself transported over to the Durga and within minutes of
boarding he'd made his way to the bridge and to the tactical station.
Logging in his security codes he stood ready for fresh orders.

The assignment was surprising one at first. Anthony figured that he'd be
station-side for a few months before taking field trips. He hoped the trip
to Earth would be an interesting one. After tying up loose ends in the
Science Department aboard the Starbase, Anthony promptly made his way to the Durga and took his position at the Science station on the bridge. As
he calibrated the ship's sensors, he hoped he would run into a certain
counselor again.

Lt. Delair was in her office entering a counselor's log onto a PADD when
the announcement cut through the silence like a crack of thunder. So
certain was the notion that her name wouldn't be called that Anandra went
immediately back to work as the announcement continued, fingers quickly
punching text into the device, slowing only when her name rung clear in
succession with the others. She hadn't expected an away mission, but she
was rearing to go - her fingers sped up, closing her log before quickly
tapping her comm badge as she stood. "On my way, Admiral." She decided to hit the nearest transport station and port herself directly aboard. Within
minutes, she stepped out of the turbolift and onto the bridge, looking
around as she found a place to stand where she'd be seen, but not in the
way. She did take notice of a certain science officer, though she
concealed the beaming smile that begged to surface when he looked up and saw her there; instead the two merely exchanged a glance and kept the professional demeanor expected of Starfleet officers. She clasped her
hands behind her back, eyes sweeping over the bridge again and landing on the Admiral. She'd only seen him a handful of times in person, and somehow he always seemed to spark a bigger curiosity within her than many of those she worked with every day. Perhaps it was just his position of power - he had to be important to Starfleet if he was in charge of this base, which meant the man had to be a considerable force to be reckoned with. Anandra found herself greatly looking forward to this mission, whatever it was.

Captain Harrison stopped by to see Admiral T'Lar right before Alex left on
this trip. Still worried about her, she reluctantly left for the ship. She
wasn't looking forward to this trip at all. Certain events made her very
uncomfortable. This was one of those times. She arrived on the bridge
before Lee did. She saw Lt. Kerr and walked over to his station, the one
that she usually was assigned to.

"Lt Kerr, I'm Captain Harrison, nice to meet you. If you need anything,
let me know." This was the first time she met him and just wanted to make
sure that he was ready for departure.

Finchley, busy checking the stock of torpedoes in the inventory, looked
round as someone spoke to him. When he saw the senior officer, he
immediately stiffened and came to attention "Thank you Sir, it's good to
meet you as well" Finchley replied, staring straight ahead of himself. Old
habits died hard and he was so used to this from his time on the USS
Frannnery that it was second nature when not sitting or standing directly
across from a senior officer, "That's kind of you Sir. I have noted that
the phaser lockers haven't been manually checked in the last twenty four
hours, so I'll see to that once we're under way" he finished.

Alex couldn't get used to hearing someone calling her "Sir" but it was a
good feeling, "Very good. It looks like you have everything under control.
Carry on."

"Thank you Sir" Finchley replied, and he physically relaxed his posture
slightly as the Senior Officer moved away.

K'Temoc had made his way to the chair on the Captain's right and took a
seat. He logged into console and looked over the ship's systems.

Mike was at the Engineering station, looking over the new Slipstream
Drive. The Durga was the first of her class to be refitted, so not only
would this trip to Earth be a personal mission, but also a training and
testing sortie for the vessel. If all went as planned, other vessels at
Starbase 400 would be in line for the upgrade.

Mike hoped Engineer Monday would be arriving soon, to look over everything before they departed.

The doors of the turbolift opened, but it wasn't Monday or the new Command Master Chief, Loring. Instead it was Roebuck and Ramata'tar.

Everyone on the Bridge turned to see the big Jem Hadar, and Mike realized
the site must of been a shock to his newest crewmembers.

"Admiral, we'd like permission to go with you." Roebuck said.

Mike flashed a thankful smile, "Thank you both, but I need you two here.
With Lokran, Kerr, and Baratan away, I need you to handle Station
Security. Roebuck you'll be acting Chief until one of them returns.
Ramata'tar, back him up as needed."

"It will be done." Ramata'tar replied.

Both men nodded as they re-entered the turbolift to head back to the

Lee stepped off the turbolift and looked around for a moment before
heading over towards his station.

A Yeoman showed Mike and PADD, then handed it to Kerr. Mike gave a nod as Kerr left the Bridge. The Yeoman then handed Mike another PADD. A new Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer had already been assigned to Starbase 400, and was aboard. Ensign David Brody. The Ensign, who had accompanied the Yeoman to the Bridge, gave a respectful nod as he walked over to Tactical.

"Alex, can you get Ensign Brody settled in at Tactical?"

Alex looked over at Bremer then at Brody whom she hadn't met yet, "Yes sir." Alex moved over to the Ensign and introduced herself again, "Hi, I'm Captain Harrison. Anything you need, just ask."

"Thank you, Captain." Brody briefly surveyed the bridge and his tactical station before focusing his attention back on Captain Harrison. "I've been looking forward to serving on a Ronin-class ship."

"I'm glad we could oblige." Alex smiled as she turned to go back to where she was assigned.

Mike then nodded to Lee as he walked over to the Command Chair and took a seat, giving K'Temoc a glance.

"Make ready for departure." K'Temoc said, "All stations report readiness."

"Science Divisions are at your disposal, sir." Anthony reported.

Monday tapped his comm badge saying "Engineering standing by."

Ensign Brody scanned his station and reported out. "Weapons and defensive systems online and nominal. Tactical at the ready, Captain."

K'Temoc looked over at the Admiral, "Ship ready to depart sir."

"Chief Loring." Mike ordered. "Release docking clamps, port and starboard thrusters at station keeping." He paused a moment before continuing. Because of the work done, the Durga had been backed into her berth and was was already facing the space doors, "Release umbilical and gravitational supports, thrusters ahead full."

Loring tapped in a few commands on the Flight Control panel and the big ship started to slowly move forward and toward the giant space doors. As the doors open, the vastness of space could be seen, and stars filled the viewer.

With the big Ronin class Starship gliding through the doors and into open space, she turned slightly to the left and sped up to full impulse.

Mike tapped the 1MC on the arm of the Command Chair, “Bridge to all hands, stand by for Slipstream.” He closed the channel then spoke up the Bridge crew. “Chief Loring, warp seven, engage. Mister Monday, bring the quantum field focus controller and chroniton integrator on line.”

After the Durga was away at warp, Mike stood up. “Chief...engage the Slipstream Drive.” A moment later, a swirl of blue appeared on the screen as the slipstream tunnel formed. K’Temoc also stood and walked over to between Loring and K’Wor and looked over both panels.

“We’re at Slipstream and all systems show green. The quantum field focus controller is online and we have full communications abilities. The chroniton integrator is also online and we’re receiving sensor data, correcting any phase variance as they occure.” K’Temoc looked back at his brother and smiled.

Mike flashed a smile in return, then looked around the Bridge again, “Keep sharp every. This is the Durga’s first flight at Slipstream, let’s make sure it’s not her last.” He flashed another smile as he sat down, “And let’s enjoy our four and a half hour flight to Earth.”


OOC: I went ahead and moved is forward. If anyone has questions about Slipstream, you can view the Database info either on the Main SB400 site, or using the 'Simm Guide' short cut above. Just click 'Full Database' then 'Starship Systems' and finally 'Quantum Slipstream'.


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