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Doing a little thinking...

Posted on Fri Mar 22nd, 2013 @ 4:23pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor

476 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: USS Durga, Bridge
Timeline: Just after 'Heading to Earth'


Mike sat on the Bridge of the USS Durga. The ship was safely at Slipstream and was due at Earth in about four hours. It was hard to image that a trip from Starbase 400 to Earth was only a quick four and a half hour trip now. He looked over a PADD and saw that the Vanguard and Venator would complete their upgrades in about a week. He planned to get the Essex, Avenger, and Kearsarge docked and their upgrades started as soon as the later to ships returned from the Gorn border.

Starfleet R&D had also sent specs to upgrade the Laffey and Saratoga, and the new Yorktown was being built with Slipstream technology already installed. However it was going to be up to Starbase 400’s crew to figure out just how to upgrade other vessels... Constantinople, Luna, Steadfast, Tirpitz, Cutlass, Endeavor, Sutherland, Ark Royal, Princeton, Mercy, and of course the Pegasus. He started to put the ships in order of priority.

First Month;
Pegasus (Already in drydock for repairs)

Second Month;

Third Month;
Ark Royal

Of course, several would be docked at a time and he then divided them out, which would go in the first month, then second, and so on. It would me that Starbase 400 would be a little shorthanded with her support ships for a while, but it was a necessary thing. Besides, it would be good to get some use out of some other the other vessels too.

Mike saved the work onto the PADD. Now the job would be on adapting the specs for the Slipstream to classes of ship not typically updated…Galaxy Refit, Nebula, Ambassador, Olympic, Excelsior, Nova, Saber, and Constitution Refit. Once everyone was back at Starbase 400, this would defiantly give the Engineering, Operations, and Science Departments something to work on.

He stood up from his chair and looked around the Bridge. Everything was humming along smoothly. He glanced at K’Temoc.

“I’ll be back before we reach Earth.”

K’Temoc nodded as he stood to move over to the CO’s chair. “Take your time.”

He knew Mike was heading down to Sick Bay to spend time with his Family. K’Wor stood from the Operations station and walked with his father to the turbolift as an Ensign moved from one of the Bridge’s side stations to take over Operations.

Several minutes later, Mike and K’Wor arrived in Sick Bay. Janice and Becca were there, sitting beside Marc and Emmaline’s coffins.

“Where’s Christopher?” Mike asked.

“He’s with Jo-Ann and George-Ann.” Janice replied.

K’Wor took a seat beside his sister Becca, and Mike sat beside his wife. Janice tried to flash a smile as she leaned her head on Mike’s shoulder.



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