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"Hell and Bordom."

Posted on Fri Mar 22nd, 2013 @ 7:17pm by Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

554 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Yamaguchi quaters / the Main Bridge- USS Kearsarge
Timeline: Concurrent with Captain Clifford's post

"Hell and Bordom."

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi
Chief Stratigic Operations Officer
Starbase 400

***** Yamaguchi quaters - USS Kearsarge *****

Lt Commander Torilla Yamaguchi was lying in the bathtub,
enjoying a hot soak as she sighed softly as she did not
get to do this every day, she saved this special luxuary
for really bad days or really good days and today was shaping
up to be a good day.

Not a Gorn in sight which on some levels bothered her but
on others didn't bother her at all as her thoughts turned
to the woman who would very shortly become her daughter-in-
law, Celeste Desmoulin who was a smaller then average
woman with a slender build but she was a fellow cadet
alongside her son, both of them were graduating this year
and would soon be off going to who knew where.

besides the thought of Celeste who was so unlike her son
brought a smile to her face and a twinkle to her eyes,
she was going to become a grandmother in less then a
year and the thought didn't bother her in the least.
The thought of the Gorn preying aboard Federation ships
and the like, however did bother her but so long as she
could enjoy the soak in the scalding hot water, she would
be fine but unfortunitly, life as usual interupted her

"Clifford to all hands. Commanders Lokran, Yamaguchi and
Brislan and Colonel Hurd to the bridge".

"Merde" Yamaguchi muttered to herself as her training kicked
in, she sighed softly as she took a moment to slowly climb
out of the tub as she stepped out into the larger bethroom
without donning a towel but since there was nobody else here,
she did not feel the need.

She grasped a towel and began drying herself off, a few minutes
later she was wearing her uniform as she rushed out the door.

A few minutes after she had been summoned, she walked onto
the main bridge as she releived the Ensign who had been manning
the tactical station next to turbolift one, this bridge had the
standard Intrepid class layout which meant wqhen addressing the
Captain, she turned her head forty five degres to the left and
she spoke to the back of his head or neck, whichever was availible
to her at the time.

Yamaguchi was feeling almost paranoid as she looked at the sensor
display, all was quiet as they approched the Cestus system, not
a Gorn in sight or mind and truth be told, it bothered her that
they were not sticking in an apperance but the sight an status
of the apparently abandoned USS Buraq gave her pause.

Something about this seemed weired to her, the ship had no lifesigns
and no Gorn in sight, she wondered if the Gorn had bothered to take
any prisoners or if they had just killed the entire crew but the
logic of the Gorn's attack eluded her.

Rear Admiral Ssa'ssar was not known for being foolish or stupid but
the idea that he could pop up, attack a Federation ship and cause
this level of dammage and then get away with it was not going to
happen. the question she had was what was going to happen now that reinforcements had arived.

***** Here's where the fun begins - Anakin Skywalker *****


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