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Smooth Saling

Posted on Sat Feb 23rd, 2019 @ 12:44pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Patrick Dow & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Commander Rann & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Andre DaSilvor & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Splendora Sage & Sogh M`Kota

5,992 words; about a 30 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Various ships (Pegasus, Essex, Sutherland, Cutlass)
Timeline: MD1 **Current**


The four ships, Pegasus, Essex, Sutherland, and Cutlass streaked through the slipstream tunnel....

USS Sutherland

Hades walked down the corridor as the ship sailed towards Cardassia. He had mixed feelings about going but he also couldn't shake the feeling that this would be a big trip. It would bring change with it. El Aurians were known for their gut feelings and he'd inherited that much from his El Aurian side. It was a deep vibration, the stronger the vibration the stronger the impact. A shiver ran through him and he shook his head as if to dispel the thoughts that threatened to convince him that change was not a good thing. He would need to see Brax. The incident at the station had shaken him and Braxton had been unreachable since.

Steeling himself he chimed the door. When no response came he used the medical override code to enter. Just as this morning Brax was in the same position on the sofa as he'd been when Hades had left. He sighed. "I take it you haven't eaten all day, nor moved?"

There was no response. Hades wondered how long this would go on as he started preparing a meal for him and his cousin.

Jewel sat on the bridge as they made their way towards Cardassia Prime going over reports and making sure things were running smoothly and nothing went wrong. She had her coffee in one hand, and the padd in the other.

Ariana walked onto the bridge, she didn't have a lot to do for the moment and sitting alone in quarters only left her thinking back to events on the station with Braxton. She nodded politely as she walked over to a spare seat. "I hope everything is running smoothly General?"

She looked up from her reports, "Everything is running fine, is everything alright with you?" She asked as she could tell something was bothering her.

“Medically, yes” Ariana smiled. “I’m just...finding it a little hard to process something that happened on the station.” She offered a brief smile. “Long story I’m afraid. Let’s just say it’s one that’s going to haunt me for a little while.”

She looked at her, "I know your Chief Counselor but, if you need to talk about it we can go somewhere private and you can talk to me. I am here to help in any way I can if it's just to listen for you to get it out I am here." Jewel said in a soft comforting voice. She might be a Marine but she has a soft side for helping her crewmates. She always likes making friends and helping where she can.

"Thank you General" Ariana smiled. "I guess talking to someone would help but perhaps later on. Right now I should try and get some rest." She yawned. "I'll stop by and see you later." She stood ready to head to her temporary quarters.

She nodded, "Sleep well." Jewel replied with a smile as she left the bridge.

Rol's Quarters

Rol sighed as he leaned back in his chair. He could have died. If Hades hadn't suggested that mind link to calm his anxiety he would have. As good as that choice was it opened a whole lot of issues. He'd seen into the depths of Hades and Hades had seen all Rol was trying to hid. He now understood why Vulcans avoided the mind link when possible. Just as he would have to avoid Hades at least for now.

Ariana's Quarters

Ariana returned to her quarters, she paced backwards and forwards before picking up the nearest soft thing she could find and using it as something to throw around to relieve her anger and frustration at having fooled Braxton into thinking he'd seen his beloved Nicole. His pain had mirrored her own at her loss both of her husband and her other baby. Shed mourned Jonathon but she hadn't really faced the reality of having lost one of her twins, it was something she needed to face and having spoken with Hades about it had helped a little but it was still going to take time to adjust.

Lai'lira's Quarters

Lai sat up in bed her heart pounding and her head splitting. She stumbled to the replicator and poured herself a drink. It wasn't the first time her dreams were vivid but the closer they got to Cardassia the stronger the dreams got. It was as if she left her body while she slept and was swept to a different plain of existence. On shaky legs she dressed needing to walk off the last of her dream to solidify her grasp on this reality.

USS Essex

On the Bridge, Jack was working away from the Operations station as the Intrepid Class starship made its way in Slipstream towards the rendezvous in Cardassian space.

Having set up the Ops station to work as both Ops and also Engineering, he felt better that he could work from one space on the Bridge instead of two, where the chance of missing information was too great.

After the starships last voyage to the Delta Quadrant, where the crew encountered an issue with the Slipstream drive, he was keeping a constant eye on the systems whilst the teams in Engineering attended to their duties. He was enjoying being back on a starship again, especially this starship. Whilst 400 was home, the Essex was home from home.

Lee stepped off of the turbo lift and onto the bridge, he then looked around before heading to the command chair to relieve the duty officer.

Andre was still at the helm when the Commodore came onto the bridge. He briefly glanced at the chronometer, the Commodore was a couple of minutes early, so he could expect to be relieved soon. Sure enough he had hardly finished the thought when his relief arrived on the bridge. He notified the Commodore that he was on duty and swapped places with Andre. Andre updated him on the current speed , heading and position, and headed for the door. As he past he spoke to the Commodore. "Now going off duty, permission to leave the bridge, Sir".

Lee nodded at the officer standing in front of him "Permission granted." Lee then sat down in the command chair.

With that he left the bridge and headed for his quarters.

USS Pegasus

Splendora sat in the observation lounge with a drink in hand. She studied the starts as they cascaded around the ship and swirled in colors that were too fantastic to describe. Warp really was a great way to travel. So much vivid imagery. She sipped the drink in her hand silently going over in her mind what this trip would be like. She would have loved to stop at Bajor but that was not where they were going. It was Cardassia. They would be going to Cardassia. She briefly wondered if they would be stopping at Terok Nor....Shaking her head she had to remind herself it was now Deep Space Nine. She'd never been but she'd heard a lot about it. She turned and studied the empty room. It was quite peaceful. Maybe she could use a quick meditation. She needed something to calm her fraying nerves.

After a drink or two in Ten Forward, Vox found his way to the observation lounge which seem a bit quiet. He noticed a familiar face. "Hello Splendora." he exclaimed as he approached in his dark black trousers and a shirt so colourful that the wearing of sunglasses might be wise.

Splendora just about jumped out of her skin at the voice. It took her a moment to calm herself and it took a few moments for her heart to stop jackhammering inside her chest. "Vox," she said with a mixture of relief and surprise. She motioned to the chair by her. "Please sit. How are you?" She didn't realize how much she needed company until this moment.

He takes a seat. "I'm sorry if I startled you. " Vox replied as he took a sip from his glass of whiskey. "I am doing pretty well. How about you?"

She tried to smile. "Good. This is all so....exciting. A lot we could learn from each others' cultures and it is a good way to spread information about our business too."

"Indeed it could. Safely stored in the ship's cargobay is the chest containing the books and manuscripts we recovered recently. I hope to return some of them to the planet's of origin. " Vox replied

She smiled, "That's good. I guess they will be happy to have it back. Vox have you heard of Tret Aldero. He's a Cardassian painter." The man was rare. He hid from the world to emerge once a year to display his art.

"No, I don't think I have. My knowledge of Cardassian art is a bit limited. " Vox replied.

Pegasus, Bridge

Bremer had turned over the Bridge to Roebuck for the next two hours. Dow, who'd already gone to get some sleep, would take over on the Bridge until 0600 hours when Mike would return.

He made his way down to Tactical Astrometerics where Janice was looking over reports. "Ready to call it a night?" Mike asked his wife when he entered.

"Not yet, just received this from Starfleet Intelligence." She handed Mike a PADD then tapped a few buttons on the console she was beside. The large monitor slit, the course of the ships moved to the upper left while the image of a rather shady individual appeared in the lower right. "He's called 'Cyrus'. He's Human, and a Section 31 agent."

Mike shook his head, "Not them again. Can't we go a year without problems from Section 31?"

"They have really made a resurgence in the last few years. Clark, the Hattori incident, and those are just the most recent ones that involved us. Cyrus is an intel operative and assassin. Starfleet Intel thinks he might show up at the Cultural Exchange and they want us to keep an eye out for him. They don't believe he'd be bold enough to try anything, they believe his presence would be counter-intel gathering, seeing who from Klingon Imperial Intelligence, the Cardassian Obsidian Order, C'hakilians, and Free Romulan Intelligence is there. Possibly also trying to passing along intel or even false intel." Janice explained.

Mike read over the information on the display. "Did you inform Draven?"

"I sent the Cutlass the data packet already." Janice replied.

Mike nodded. "Let's get something to eat, get some sleep, and worry about this tomorrow."

Janice smiled, kissed her husband, and they left Tactical Astrometerics

The next morning

USS Pegasus

The closer they got to Cardassia the jumper Splendora got. She tried to calm herself. There was no way that Cardassia was that small and she would be mingling with the civilians. She'd avoided Tom and Vito for a few hours because she didn't trust her mood. Tom was perceptive. He'd already picked up on some of her down energy. She was heading towards the holodeck when she bumped into the two very people she was trying to avoid.

"Hey, where are you going? I got the 'old man' to give me permission to take you on a tour of the ship like I promised last night. You still interested?" Tom said as he bumped into Splendora.

Vito raised an eye brow, she looked almost nervous.

The tour was not the first thing on her mind. She was kind of hoping to go swim in the holo of Lake Yuron on Vulcan to calm her nerves but she couldn't say no to Tom. She tried for a smile that fell somewhat short. "Sure. Let's see the ship." Maybe a walk around the Pegasus would calm her a bit. "You boys lead and I'll follow."

Tom smiled. "Let's start with the Bridge." He motioned toward a turbolift at the end of the corridor.

Vito shared a glance with Tom, they both knew something was bothering her, and they hoped she want to talk about it while they walked.

Seemed like a good place to start. "Bridge it is." The ride up was an awkward silence. It didn't take long and she let Tom and Vito take the lead when they arrived.

Pegasus, Bridge

When the turbolift doors opened, Mike was standing at Tactical with the Roebuck brothers. The Pegasus and other ships from Starbase 400 had just dropped out of Slipstream for their approach to the Cardassian system.

"I'm sure we tracked the issue down, just reinstalled the power couplings and power to the array was restored." Walt Roebuck said.

Mike noted, then glanced at the three stepped out of the lift.

"Welcome to the Bridge Tom, Vito, it's good to see you both aboard ship again." He then looked at Sage. "And you must be Splendora Sage, I've heard a good deal about you. Welcome."

She smiled, momentarily snapped out of her dark daze. "Admiral it's lovely to meet you." She extended her hand to shake his. "Thank you for allowing this tour." She looked around. "It has been a long time since I was on a Federation bridge. She looked around at the people all milling about. It was times like this that she wondered if she had stuck to Starfleet what would have life been like. She stepped back and slipped her hand through Tom's arm a comforting gesture. She smiled at Vito the first genuine smile since her darkened mood settled.

Mike shook Tom's and Vito's hands. "You find 10-Forward yet?"

"Of course, spent part of the night mixing drinks just like old times." Tom replied. "So when are you coming back to the restaurant?"

"Janice and I will be by once we're back to the Station." Mike replied.

Vito smirked. Mike had made reservations before, but 'something' always seemed to come up.

Tom glanced over Walt's shoulder at Tactical, much to the displeasure of Walt. "Can I help you?"

"Just looking son." Tom replied.

Walt looked over at the Admiral for a second, when he didn't react, Walt turned back to his displays.

A moment later, a few consoles started to beep in unison.

"Admiral, we have a Cardassian ship on an intercept course, Keldon class." Walt reported from Tactical. "Their shields are down, weapons offline."

"Must be out escort in." Mike replied. "Chief, drop us out of warp."

"They're hailing us." Archer reported from Ops.

"On screen." Mike said as he walked down the ramp.

Tom, Vito, and Splendora stood at the top of the ramp near the turbolift and watched the screen.

The view screen shimmered losing its starry image in favour of a harsh yet handsome grey face with a deep spoon like indent across the forehead and the violent ridges that surrounded the eyes and carried through the neck. The face was young, but not so young. The man studied the crew starting with the Admiral. As he continued to look over the crew he spoke. "I am Gul Aidan from the house of Akel. Admiral Bremer, Cardassia welcomes you," he began in a well-rehearsed voice of someone who was board and reading lines. "This is indeed a new era...” his voice trailed off as his eyes landed on a taller slender female who was not in uniform. His eyes widened and filled with an odd mist as they connected with her.

The silence was a mere three heartbeats and then a look of shock, astonishment, and then fear settled on the Cardassian's face. He barked an order and the bridge of the ship he was on seemed to empty quickly.

Splendora stepped forward her own eyes misting over. "You shouldn't have done that. They will ...."she began in fluent Cardassian.

Bremer looked back as the woman he'd just met, and whom he thought was a El Aurian/Betazoid hybrid started speaking Cardassian on his Bridge. He then looked over at Tom whom was as dumbfounded as everyone else.

The man waved his hand dismissing what she was about to say and returned his response in Standard Federation. “My crew is loyal to me and to Legate Akel.” He shook his head. “What are you doing here? Does Dolen know you are here?”

She shook her head. “No.”

Seeming to remember there was an audience the Cardassian turned to Bremer. “Admiral. Again I welcome you. We will be your escort. Please prepare to transport Doctor Sage to my ship. Immediately.” His voice was as sharp as Steele and left no room for argument.

Vito didn't know what to think He's only heard Cardassian spoken by Cardassians before, and even with the Alliance...old hatred was hard to get passed.

Tom let his shoulder slump for a moment, "Splendora?"

Mike watched on for a moment, before turning back to the screen. "Gul Aidan. I don't think that would be prudent at this juncture. When we arrive at Cardassia Prime you'll be able to meet with Miss Sage if she wishes." He took a step forward, showing he was in command and protective of all aboard his ship.

Splendora was about to respond but before she could Aidan spoke, "Admiral you have a Cardassian citizen on your ship and I wish her back on mine. Please transport her to my ship where I can ensure her safety." He turned his gaze to Sage but kept speaking to the Admiral. "I will escort your ships to Cardassia Prime." He paused and then addressed Splendora, "Mother I will be expecting you."

Splendora watched the screen go black. What she had hoped to avoid had just least part of it.

Splendora turned to Vito and Tom and then Bremer. "My step son will not give up. When he was younger I protected him and now he believes I need his protection. Perhaps we can talk and I can explain this." She balled her hands into fists to keep them from shaking. This was a part of her past that was...well best left in the past.

Tom didn't say a word, he didn't know what to say. The woman he was falling in love with was a stinkin' Carddie?

Vito wouldn't even look at Splendora. His 'lil sister' had been lying to him all this time.

Bremer on the other hand, he didn't know Sage, didn't know her past. He didn't want to stand in the middle of family matters or allow a family squabble damage the Cultural Exchange before it even kicked off. However, he also had a duty to protect everyone aboard his ship, and if Sage didn't want to go, he wouldn't make her. Or allow her to go unwillingly.

"Miss Sage. Do you want to beam over to the Cardassian ship?" Bremer asked in a concerned tone as everyone on the Bridge quietly watched.

She shook her head. "I would very much like to see my step son but as much faith as he has in his crew I do not. If I could speak with you in private as well as Tom and Vito. I believe the time has come to tell my secret." She looked at Tom. "Perhaps it might be useful especially since my ex husband is a Legate who we might come across."

Mike nodded and motioned toward his Ready Room. He followed Sage in.

Tom and Vito shared a look. Tom slowly turned and walked into the ready room too. Vito stood there for a moment with his arms crossed. "I can't believe this shit" Vito said quietly as he finally walked into the ready room too.

When the doors shut, Mike motioned to the chairs in front of his desk as he walked around and sat in his seat.

Vito stood beside the door and just crossed his arms again.

Tom pulled out the chair for Sage, but still couldn't look her in the eye.

She wanted to reach out to him. She could sense the emotions running through his and Vito's souls. She sighed. "Perhaps I better start at the beginning I entered Starfleet Civilian University with the uncertainty of if I wanted to finish as a Civilian or Officer. I decided to finish the Civilian course. I had been invited to do a bridge course for Starfleet so that I could help out if need be but...before I could start I was approached by a man named Toren Delar. He gave me a choice. Either he tells my family where I was and I am dragged back to Betazed to marry an Orion that my Father was friends with or I help him and his group with a project. Delar was a team leader for a group called Section 31. I choose to help."

Mike had enough dealings with Section 31 over the years. Now this, along with the intel he'd received about an agent know as Cyrus, caused him concern. "And you believed whatever Delar wanted you to help with you over when you arrived on Starbase 400. Or, were you running?"

Vito was un-phased at this point. He just stood stoic with his arms crossed.

Tom had dealings with Section 31 during the Dominion War. Some of the intel they obtained helped his team and lead to some successful missions...but he also knew Section 31 would stop at nothing in their quest...whatever it was. He didn't know what to say to to Splendora, except, "What happened?"

She sighed, "It seemed basic. Go to Cardassia for a few months and since I knew a lot about art pose as an artist for the art conference. I was just to keep an eye out for a man named Lios Dolen, a Gul, at the time. He was supposedly using the art show as some sort of cover the Section 31 gentleman, Delar, wanted me to keep an ear out." She shook her head, "Or so I thought. It turns out that Gul Dolen had an eye for Betazoid women. He noticed me right away, I was to be Delar's bait for the Gul. He was charming and kind or at least appeared to be at first. I couldn't read him. My senses were....not working on him. It turns out he'd had an implant that blocked telepathic or empathic reads." She shrugged. I spent a few months there and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I did however meet Gul Dolen's kids, Aiden, whom you've met, and a half Bajoran daughter named Eyelaya who was only five at the time." She smiled fondly of the little girl. "She seemed to take to me right away." She looked at Tom. "That's when I found out that both Delar and Dolen were not who they seemed to be."

As Mike listened, he pulled up Starfleet files on the Cardassians listed.

Tom took a deep breath. "What happened next?"

"One night I was visiting with Lios," she said using his first name. "I was playing with Eyelaya and overheard a conversation. Lios was speaking on com to someone about Starfleet prisoners that were being kept on Cardassia. At the time the war had ended and there should have not been any prisoners. I went to Delar and told him. He would hear none of it. " She shook her head to keep her eyes from misting over. "These were Federation citizens being kept on Cardassia and he didn't care. All he wanted was the implant that was in Lios' head. He wanted me to bring Lios to him. I couldn't do that, a life is a life. I needed to find out where the Starfleet prisoners were being held. I knew Lios still didn't trust me so when he pushed for a relationship I let him. For three months I said nothing and gave him some information here or there about who didn't like him or didn't trust him. Nothing earth shattering."

She looked at Tom. "Aiden and Eyelaya were so starved for love I almost felt as I they were my own. When Lios would yell at Aiden I stepped in. I took the brunt of his cruel words. Still nothing. I asked Delar again to help me get those people and the kids away from Lios but nothing. Finally I knew what had to happen." Without really thinking or being offered she got up went to the replicator and ordered a glass of water before sitting down. With shaking hands she drank. "I had to get Lios to trust me. So I did the only thing I could think of. I married him."

Again, Tom just let out a deep breath.

"Where is he now?" Vito finally spoke up, still standing with his arms crossed, anger in his eyes.

Mike looked up from his monitor to also listen to the answer to the question.

"Which one? Lios I have no concrete idea except that he is a Legate. Delar is in a Starfleet prison. After my marriage to Lios, Delar, came after me. There are days I can feel his hands still around my throat. He'd brought me here to deliver Lios into his hands but I couldn't do that. There were lives at stake. I came up with a plan worthy of a Cardassian. I promised him Lios with no intention of delivering. To make a long story short I met a Cardassian named Akal. He was, at the time, pretty big in the Obsidian Order. I told him the whole story. He agreed to help. I told him my plan and asked for his help. I told Delar I would give him and Section 31 Lios and I went with Lios to an agreed location. When Delar jumped out I was there with a phaser I stunned him thereby saving Lios. I convinced Lios to turn him over to Akal who then gave him to Starfleet after telling them they had people here."

She let out a breath and started speaking fast as if she wanted to get it all out. "After a year and a half Lios, my Cardassian husband finally trusted me. I was the perfect wife. I learned the customs, the language and convinced him I was no friend to Starfleet. He slipped up told me where the Starfleet personnel were. That night I bundled Eyelaya and Aiden up and we went to Eelim Akal's house. That night I helped free the Starfleet personnel with members of the Order and in the morning my husband was denounced by the Council of Cardassia. He lost it all and my petition for Divorce was granted. I spirited Eyelaya out to Vulcan where she is with a new family. Eelim Akal adopted Aiden and I went back to Earth with the Starfleet personnel where I was debriefed by Starfleet Intel. I learned that Delar had been turned over to them as a sign of good faith by Cardassia. As to my ex husband he, like all rich Cardassians who fall, bought his way back into good graces but beyond that I have no knowledge of where he is exactly." She looked at Vito and Tom and then Bremer. "I think I should go with Aiden. It's the only way to keep Tom and Vito safe. I do have a request though Admiral."

"Only way to keep us safe?" Tom got defensive, not just for his personal safety but for Splendora's too. "I don't think they realize who they're dealing with."

Mike held his hand up, in a manner to halt Tom. "What's the request?" Mike didn't like where this was going. Not one bit. He was not only put in the middle of a situation between his old friend and his love interest but also between potentially between the Federation and Cardassia, as well as what amounted to an internal Cardassian matter that he hand no jurisdiction in. He had an old...acquaintance that, as odd as it sounded in his head, he trusted who was on the Cardassian Detapa Council and a high ranking member of the Obsidian Order. He could also see what the Cardassian Exchange Officer, also a member of the Order, Glen Koval could find out...and he could also see what Gul Mavek, the Cardassian Liaison Officer assigned to Starbase 400 could do. Between the three of them, at least one was bound to be able to help.

Splendora turned to Tom and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Vito can you and Tom leave me and the Admiral for a moment?" She looked over at Vito. "Please."

Vito's expression clearly shown he was not happy about any of this, but he turned and left the room. Tom on the other hand didn't move for a moment, just looking at Splendora, before he finally stood and returned to the Bridge.

Mike let out a breath, "What can I do to assist?"

"I was married to the man for over a year almost two. In that time I learned a lot about him and I might know where to look. I need you to keep Tom and Vito safe and busy. I have a theory that the implant that blocks telepathic and empathic reading is malfunctioning. I studied it I think that could be influencing my ex-husband's mind. I have to find him. Admiral I love Tom more then myself and I want him safe. Will you promise to keep him safe? Will you keep Vito safe too. They probably hate me after hearing all this but I love them. They are my only family. "

"What are you trying to keep them safe from?" Mike asked in a very serious tone. "Are you asking me to keep them aboard the ship while we're at Cardassia?"

She sighed, "No, of course not. It would not be good for their business. Delar, the section agent, that is why I asked Tom and Vito to leave. Delar has escaped from the Starfleet prison. While Lios might not be a big threat Delar is. Aiden is protected on his ship. If it came down to me or him they would choose to keep him safe, as it should be. Tom and Vito would try to protect me. Heck even you as an Admiral in Starfleet have the urge to protect Federation citizens. Delar has been sighed on Bajor a week ago. I am sure if he is on Cardassia he will come looking and I don't want Tom and Vito in danger. I am asking you to watch out for them and if given the choice them or me. Choose them."

Mike leaned back in his chair. He wasn't in the business of leaving anyone behind. "I'm not going to choose one life over another Miss Sage. I'm just as responsible for you as I am for Tom, both of you being Federation citizens, both of you living aboard Starbase 400. Tom and take care of himself."

Mike stood up, "When you leave I want you to stop by Commander Roebuck on the Bridge. He'll provide you with a secure comm-badge. If there's trouble or you need help, tap it twice and you'll be beamed back aboard the Pegasus immediately." He walked around his desk and stood beside Splendora. "We should return to the Bridge now and provide an answer to Aiden's request to beam you over to his ship."

She gave a nod and lightly touched his arm as he came around. "Tom and Vito are my priorities Admiral. Keep them safe and I'm all good. They will hate me for leaving but as long as they are safe. I am glad you are his friend Admiral." She smiled and headed out of the ready room wondering if Tom would be on the bridge so she could see him again before beaming over to the Cardassian ship."

Tom and Vito were standing close to the Science One position when Splendora came out of the Admiral's Ready Room.

"Captain Dow, signal the Cardassian vessel, one will be transporting aboard." Mike said.

Lieutenant Roebuck handed Splendora a silver comm-badge.

"Mike, what the hell?" Tom asked from across the Bridge.

"Tom, this is the best course of action, at this time, for all involved." Mike replied in a commanding tone.

"This is bull shit and you know it!" Tom said, pointing a finger at Mike, just as the screen lit up with Aiden's face.

"I'm not well versed in Human cursing, but I believe this means we'll be sending my mother over at once. Thank you. We'll escort you into orbit of Cardassia Prime now." The channel quickly closed.

"We'll discuss this later. You're dismissed from the Bridge." Mike replied to Tom with a look that said 'get out'. "Lieutenant, please escort Miss Sage to Transporter Room Three."

Lieutenant Roebuck nodded and walked with Splendora to the turbolift at the front of the Bridge beside the Admiral's Ready Room.

Tom and Vito finally turned to leave through the aft turbolift at the rear. While waiting for the door to open, Vito punched it, leaving a fist imprint. Bremer eyed the former Marine for a moment before he entered the lift and the doors closed.

"Lieutenant Archer, keep a sensor lock on her." Mike ordered.

"Aye sir." Archer replied.

USS Sutherland

When they arrived and seen the Pegasus drop out of slipstream then warp they did the same, "Lieutenant Young, please come to a complete stop next to the Pegasus." Jewel ordered as she seen the Cardassian ship sitting there. They must have been their escorts to Cardassia Prime.

Ariana walked onto the bridge, she'd had a descent night's sleep with less tossing and turning at least. She looked at the view on the viewscreen of the Pegasus and the Cardassian ship, not wanting to get in the way she made her way to a spare seat at the rear of the bridge and sat down.

Chloe had put the Sutherland's engines to a complete stop next to the Pegasus "Aye General All stop "she said. she waited for general Dartt to give the next order.

Hades had stopped by the bridge and watched the scene unfold. The Cardassians weren't the all that hospitable. He wondered if this really was an escort to Cardassia. He couldn't help but tense for the moments that they were stopped. He held his breath. The other ship didn't seem to be taking on a hostile stance but with Cardassian's you were never sure.

Ariana walked over to where Hades was standing. "It's all okay so far" she looked at the screen. "I'm not sensing anything to worry about...yet." She smiled warmly. "There is a fair amount of tense emotions, that and a whole jumble of other emotions but nothing that screams danger."

Hades gave a nod. "Yes well it looks like an escort." He sighed, "It's to be expected as for screaming danger let's hope not." He tried to smile.

Pegasus, Bridge

Mike was sitting in his chair on the Bridge, going over everything that had just happened in his mind.

"Sir, we've achieved parking orbit." Branson reported.

Mike didn't look up from the PADD.

"Sir, there's an incoming message from the USS Sarek. They say they have two people to beam over, crew transfers." Commander Roebuck reported from Tactical.

Again, Mike didn't reply.

"Mike, you okay?" Dow asked from the Executive Officer's chair. "Mike!"

Mike quickly looked up and blinked. "Sorry. Umm, in parking orbit and tell the Sarek to beam the aboard. Um, have General Jackson meet them in Marine Deployment Transporter Room One on Deck Six."

"You okay?" Dow asked quietly.

"Yeah. Once all ships are secured, have Draven, Rann, and Glen Koval beam over from the Cutlass meet me in Tactical Astrometerics. I want you and Roebuck there too." Mike replied seriously.

"Aye sir." Dow replied, concerned.



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