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Someone's Out There

Posted on Sat Feb 23rd, 2019 @ 1:32pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross

639 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: SB400
Timeline: MD2


Mac arrived aboard the Vanguard. He'd only been aboard Starbase 400 for a short time, and a few things were weighing on his mind. Getting move over from the Venator to the Vanguard and getting her ready for obviously number one. He'd been working with Lieutenant Fintel about the Yorktown's encounter with the Romulans right after he was reassigned to Starbase 400, but Fintel had now been transferred and a Cardassian had been assigned as the new Chief Science Officer. He hadn't met Lieutenant Commander Durol yet, but if he was a typical Cardassian, he wouldn't let the meeting go without at least a question about the 'Gomor Incident' from eleven years before. That meeting would have to wait thought, since Durol was off to Cardassia.

The Vanguard was a fine ship. She could be sent into action at anytime, but Mac wanted to look over her records and logs, make sure she was in tip top shape, and the assigned crew were ready. He'd asked Lieutenant Commander Cross and Lieutenant Metsker to assist him.

And...was that Vito Russo he'd seen on the Promenade before the group left for Cardassia?

Russo was another story, and where there's Vito Russo, there would be Tom Vercetti. Mac wasn't one to avoid anyone or any situation, but he wasn't in a hurry to see either of those two...people he hadn't seen in years. Eleven years to be exact, since the ‘Gomor Incident’...something Mac didn't want to relive, again...but between Russo and Vercetti and now Durol he knew he'd have to.

Mac took a moment, looking over the Vanguard's current status report while he waited for Cross and Metsker to arrive...but it was Vice Admiral K'Temoc that came in first.

"Admiral, welcome aboard." Mac said as K'Temoc stepped onto the Bridge from the turbolift.

"Getting settled in?" K'Temoc asked.

"Starting to, yes sir. I do like the fact the Bridge's color scheme is more gray like a typical bridge than the white the Prometheus class originally came with." Mac smirked.

Cross and Metsker exited other turbolift onto the Bridge and noticed K'Temoc.

"Do you have orders sir?" Mac asked.

K'Temoc nodded. "I do. DS14 has reported that a ship has been lurking at the edge of their sensor range. They can't get a lock on it, but it doesn't match any know Romulan or Krazzle design, or C'hakilian design for that matter. It seems to be employing some kind of masking technology that's preventing sensor lock. DS14 doesn't have the support fleet that we do, their ships, as well as the ships assigned to SB911, SB776, AFY, and even SB349 are currently assigned to border patrol along the Krazzle and Romulan borders. They've asked us to send a ship to check it out."

Metsker had logged into the tactical station while listening. "At slipstream we can be at DS14 in about five hours."

Cross nodded. "Sounds right. Can you have the intel transmitted over sir?"

K'Temoc nodded again. "It should be uploaded already." He looked back to MacLeod. "I'd like you do depart immediately. I know this isn't the nice 'trip around the block' you wanted for your first time out.

"Starfleet happens." Mac smirked. "Metsker, have all assigned senior officers report aboard at once. Any missing crew, have them return to the ship as well."

"Aye sir." Metsker replied.

"If you run into trouble, DS14 might can divert a vessel to assist, but let me know and I can be there with the Yorktown and a task group in five hours. I'll have six ships on standby." K'Temoc added.

"Understood sir. We'll report back when we arrive." Mac replied.

K'Temoc gave a respectful nod then left the Bridge.

Mac walked over behind Cross at the intel station as the three of them looked over the intel reports.



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