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R&D Lecture

Posted on Sat Feb 23rd, 2019 @ 5:20pm by Commander Robert Stark

892 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassian Prime, Capitol City, Lecture Hall 5
Timeline: MD2 - Following 'Smooth Sailing'


Neither Stark or Wayne had been to Cardassia before. During the Dominion War, Commander Stark was assigned to Avalon Fleet Yards, and even though he had taken part in a few battles during the war serving aboard the USS Yamato and USS Falcon (AFY's support ships), he'd never actually set foot on Cardassia soil.

Lieutenant Commander Wayne had spent the Dominion War at the Toyko R&D facility on Earth, and hadn't even made it into combat during the war.

The two, each with a PADD in hand, stood looking out a large window in the office they had been assigned to for the mission. They watched all types of vessels from the Alliance members, and even a few Ferengi, slowly pass by or sit in parking orbit close to the Pegasus above Cardassia. One caught their attention.

"USS Odyssey, bet she still has that new starship smell." Stark commented.

Wayne nodded, "Took long enough to work out the bugs in that design, but she sure is a beauty. Five months old and not a scratch on her."

"Perk of being the Starfleet CnC, I hope Fleet Admiral Akaar appreciates all the work that went into her....and all we did was work on the weapons and defensive systems designs." Stark added. "Maybe he'll let us go aboard and have a look around before we leave."

"Maybe, and maybe we need to ask Fleet Admiral Bremer to pull a few strings for us." Wayne smirked.

A few minutes later, the two had beamed down and were standing in the western side of new complex the Cardassians had built just for the Cultural Exchange. There were several multi-story buildings, and people all around the outside. Humans, Andorians, Vulcans, Benzites, Klingons, Betazoids, Tellarites, Deltans, Romulans, Bolians, Caitians, Ktarians, Rigelians, C'hakilians, Romulans, Bynars, Trill, Xindi, and more.

A symposium for starship research and development was scheduled to start soon, even before the official 'opening ceremony' that was scheduled for later tonight. The two made their way to the room, a small auditorium type design that would sit about a hundred with a slightly raised platform in the front with several computer monitors behind were the speaker would be. It was similar to some of Starfleet Academy's larger class room's.

Stark and Wayne found seats in the back row, the highest elevated seats, so they should see and hear everything. There were a few other people already there, a few Starfleet Officers, a handful of Cardassians, some Klingons, and a few Free Romulans who were seated at the top back of on the left side.

On the large screen at the front, the words 'Starship Research and Development - Ideas and the Future'.

"Commander Stark." Someone said from the doorway behind Stark and Wayne.

They turned around to see a large figure of a man, a Trill with Captain's pips.

"Do I know you?" Stark asked as he stood. "Sir."

"Yes and no." The man smiled. "I'm Jonis knew me as Heinlin Durn."

Stark smiled, "Well Durn." He couldn't help but to let the old joke fly, "It's good to see 'you', and good to meet you Jonis."

"I heard you would be attending, and figured you'd be here to start. It's been a long time." Durn replied. "Heinlin died just before you were assigned to Starbase 400, so I knew you'd be stark raving mad if I didn't say hello." He laughed.

Stark smirked. "Are you also in R&D like Heinlin?" Stark asked.

"No, I am in Engineering. Was posted aboard the USS Hyperion for five years, promoted to Captain, and now I'm teaching an advanced engineering class at Starfleet Academy. I hitched a ride aboard the USS Odyssey to get here." Durn explained.

Stark and Wayne shared a glance.

"This is Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Wayne, he's my Assistant Director of R&D at Starbase 400, and he has a favor to ask. You see, Mister Wayne is very proud of the work we did on the Odyssey's design, and he'd love a chance to go aboard her." Stark explained.

Wayne tried not to smirk as he slowly shook his head.

"And you, of course, would like to come along?" Durn asked.

"Well, since you're offering." Stark replied with a smirk.

"Contact me after the opening ceremonies tonight. I'll clear it with the ship's XO and give you a tour. I owe you one anyway." Durn replied.

"Yes you do." Stark replied. "Thank you."

"Pleasure to meet you Captain." Wayne added.

"You as well Commander. Take notes for me." Durn gave a nod then backed out of the room as more people were arriving.

"Heinlin Durn was a good man, saved my life once at AFY. Missed that guy. Jonis Durn seemed like a decent guy too, glad he made it." Stark said.

"If he saved your life, how does he still owe you?" Wayne asked.

"I helped Heinlin end his relationship with a woman that couldn't seem to take no for an answer...then introduced him to his wife." Stark replied with a smirk.

"What happened to her?" Wayne asked.

"You know, I don't know, I guess we'll find out tonight." Stark replied.

A couple of Klingons and a Tellarite took the next seats over beside Wayne, so the two activated their PADDs and got ready for the symposium to start.



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