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Everyone needs a friend

Posted on Sat Feb 23rd, 2019 @ 5:45pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol

692 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia Prime -- Art District
Timeline: MD 02 1200hours


It was the first day on Cardassia and the gallery of national art was having a new exhibit and small reception. Rol had decided to take the time to see it and do some thinking. He had much on his mind and didn't have a clue how he'd get through it all.

Rol stood looking at the colours splattered across the canvas. For some reason the picture spoke to his inner chaos. A familiar deep voice startled him. “Looks like a Klingon paradise.”

Rol grinned, “That too.” He turned to see Hades staring at the canvas too. He was slightly startled to see the doctor out of uniform. It was rare to just see him in jeans, a t-shirt, and a leather jacket. “It speaks of chaos and confusion.”

Hades sipped the wine in his glass. “Well that’s Cardassia alright. Chaos and confusion with a dash of crazy.”

Rol laughed again. “Don’t let anyone hear you say that. This is a friendly mission.”

Hades rolled his eyes. “So I have been told.” He looked over at Rol. “We all need a friend I’m just not sure this," he motioned with his hand, " is the right friend.” He looked around. “Are you doing alright?”

Rol shrugged gulping his own wine. “For the moment. This is…hard for me.”

“No doubt.” Hades sighed, “Feel like moving on?”

Rol gave a nod and they walked through the gallery. “I just think that I need some time away. I need to get my thoughts in order. My sister Zaylana has returned to Bajor and hasn’t spoken to me since. Belar has entered Starfleet and I feel…”


Rol looked over at Hades. “Yeah.”

Hades clasped Rol on the shoulder. “You have friends in the crew, a good boss, there is no need to feel like that. Perhaps you should speak more with Counselor Monroe.”

Rol shook his head. “I can’t. Not right now. Then there is the other thing.”

“Ah yes, that. Have you thought on my advice?” He asked thinking about their chat on the Sutherland.

Rol said nothing. “How do you rid yourself of the fear? How do you not worry about judgement?”

Hades smiled, “You know I remember saying that once too. Just take a leap. You’d be surprised.”

Rol looked over at Hades. “Thank you for not telling Monroe.”

Hades shrugged, “Again not my story or secret to tell.”

They stopped briefly at a painting of a garden with vibrant lilac flowers. “This looks like the gardens on Bajor.”

Hades smiled, “You mean at the Dakkar Monastery?”

Rol raised an eyebrow. “You know it?”

Hades smiled, “Yes I spent a few months there for shore leave. It was relaxing.”

“Commander relaxing is something you should do more of. You forgot that when you saw into my mind I saw into yours too.”

Hades shrugged. “Do what I say not what I do.”

Rol laughed. “We’re a pair. We both dispense advice we reuse to take.”

Hades laughed, “I suppose.” He looked over at Rol, “Well Lieutenant I should go. Enjoy the rest of the gallery.”

Rol gave a nod. “Commander?”

Hades stopped but did not turn. “Yes?”

“I think I’ll take your advice. What you said on the Sutherland really got through to me. I’ve spent time thinking about it.”

Hades smiled, “Good. I look forward to updates then.”

Rol watched Hades walk away and then turned back to the painting of the gardens. Hades had been right. Rol had lived for his sisters, lived for his parents, lived for the Bajoran way and the monastery. He reached up and gently touched the earring on his ear that told of his cast, clan, and family. While he’d given his life trying to be the perfect son, brother, Bajoran he’d lost track of what and who he was. He slowly pulled the earring from his ear and put it in his pocket. Perhaps it was time, as Hades said, to start living for himself, to pursue and find who he was. He knew the first step he had to take.



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