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Taking a stroll on Cardassia...

Posted on Sun Feb 24th, 2019 @ 9:41am by Captain Jack Solomon

753 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Essex, Cardassian Capitol's 'main square'
Timeline: Current

Having secured the Slipstream drive on the Essex whilst she was in a calm orbit of Cardassia Prime, Jack had decided to take a look at the various festivities that were taking place in the Capitol's Main Square.

He was interested to see what they had going on in the Carnival, the large market fair with crafts, the various restaurants and also the different cultural displays. He had in mind trying to find something of a wedding gift for Deela whilst he was here, knowing that as she was Starbase 400's XO, Deela would be very busy and most likely not get time to have a look around.

Jack had also made sure that he would catch up on the various department lectures and symposiums that were going on, knowing that he was bound to find out about some nee fascinating tech and starship designs from both Starfleet and the various powers that were involved in the event.

Having left Engineering and Operations in charge with the various reliefs that were staying on board the Essex, Jack headed back to his quarters where he selected some fresh clothes and took a quick shower. Once he was finished and felt suitable dressed for the occasion, he headed over to Transporter Room Two.

From there, Jack beamed down to the Capitol's Main Square and began to take in the immediate splendour that the Cardassians had put on for the occasion. He continued to walk around, enjoying the sights and sounds of the carnival that was in full flow and seeing the various restaurants that almost seemed to be overflowing with patrons from many different worlds trying out new foods and cuisines.

Jack decided to stop off at one of the restaurants and made his way inside. Once there, he was escorted to a table by a waiter. Once seated, he handed Jack a menu. "Good afternoon sir, my name is Zol and I will be your waiter for today," he said introducing himself. "Can I get you a drink?"

Jack smiled as he looked at the drinks menu, to begin with. "Thank you Zol... If I may, can I have a Cardassian Sunrise? I've never tried one of those before," he said. Zol smiled as he typed the order into his PADD.

"An excellent choice sir, I'll have this brought right over. Is there anything you'd like to eat from the menu?" Zol enquired. Jack looked further and had already decided on dessert but he felt he needed a main meal.

"Yes, actually there is. I feel adventurous today, so let's try a Jumbo Romulan Mollusk, followed by some Idanian Spiced Pudding," he ordered. He saw Zol smile at the order as he completed it. "Very well sir, I'll have these right over to you.

Sitting back in his seat, Jack enjoyed the view, seeing the various festivities before him and was glad that he'd taken the chance to come planetside to see what was happening. He'd never been to Cardassia before and felt that he'd missed something for some time by not being here before. With his meals brought over, Jack was just about to tuck into his meal when his combadge beeped for attention.

=/\= "T'Lar to Solomon," =/\= he heard Deela's voice and smiled.

=/\= "Solomon here, go ahead," =/\= Jack responded.

=/\= "I was just about to head over to meet up with the Diplomatic delegations when I noticed you weren't on board, I hope you're not getting into any trouble down there," =/\= she responded.

=/\= "Oh I'm fine, trust me. I'm trying out some local cuisine before I go shopping for a wedding gift, so this one I need to do alone," =/\= Jack explained, not holding back the smile he felt.

=/\= "Very well, I'll look forward to my gift later then as dinner is on you this evening, Mr Solomon. " =/\=. Jack knew that it was his turn for dinner and knew that there was a surprise coming his way from that remark.

=/\= "Dinner is on me, Solomon out," =/\= he said leaving the conversation there. After spending some time enjoying both his main meal and also his first taste of Idanian Spiced Pudding, Jack couldn't help but order a second helping of the dessert. He began to understand why this was such a likeable dessert...

Once he finished up the meal and paid for it with the waiter, Jack made his way out to the Square where he began looking around the various craft stalls and shops to see what he could find as a suitable present...


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