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Settling in

Posted on Tue Feb 26th, 2019 @ 2:15pm by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,693 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus - Temporary Quarters
Timeline: Current

Kaden stood at the replicator waiting for the items he ordered to materialize before taking them and heading over to Artemis who was sitting waiting patiently as his owner placed his food and water before him. Kaden rubbed his cat’s head as he started to eat before heading to the bedroom seeing Freya bent over unpacking her things. With a grin, he couldn’t help but walk up to her and wrap his arms around her. “This brings back memories, except last time you was naked and in the kitchen cooking.”

"Mmm I remember that!" Freya smiled as she leant her head back against Kaden's shoulder. "See I didn't flinch that time either!"

Kaden didn’t realize but she was right she seemed to not freeze up this time as for the last time he couldn’t recall if she had then either. “How bout that, maybe the sound of my voice and recalling a good memory seems to relax you, I like it.” He nestled against her head a little. “I do remember waking up that day with our clothes missing as if you wanted us to be naked all day long.”

"Yeah I took them and hid them so you couldn't go getting dressed and disappearing on me!" She grinned a wry grin. "I remember a certain love making session in the conservatory with the curtains open, you wanted the neighbours to be jealous!" She shook her head. "There were no complaints so I guess either nobody saw us or no one said they did!" She giggled as she thought about it. "We had some fun times didn't we? We still do!"

A frown formed on Kaden’s face. “I have to be honest...I regret we did that what if someone did see us or worse was hurt by it? At the time I guess I was just so caught up I didn’t think of things like that I was a idiot to convince you to do that with me.”

" don't go regretting it!" Freya turned to face him cupping his face in her hands. "I want our times together to be remembered as being special." She gave him a loving kiss. "I wouldn't change anything Kaden."

Kaden shook his head as he took her hands into his. “No, I do find our time together as very special to me it is just...I don’t want hurt anyone by feeling like I am rubbing my happiness in their faces not everyone finds true love like I did with you. But I remember what you said when we started dating you always saw me all the time at the campus grounds hoping I ask you out for weeks before you finally decided to do it yourself...I was lucky you did or we'd never be where we are now.” He lowered his head in shame. “I don’t want to hurt anyone by making them feel inferior they have no one to love them like I do with you.”

"I know that" She looked at him concernedly. "Is there some reason why you're bringing this up now? That's if you've got a reason."

Kaden sighed and let go of her hands. “I noticed how the Captain was looking at me when we met General Jackson sometimes I wish I was comfortable about my body like you are with yours and that I had your confidence at times.”

"I'm confident because I'm trained to be" Freya smiled. "To be honest I was as nervous as hell meeting them! I just relied on you being there with me."

“Oh you was not that nervous I seen you nervous many times recently at our wedding your knees was almost knocking together!” Kaden teased with a grin. “Unless you was eager to uh...copulate our marriage?”

"Oh I'm always eager to copulate with you!" She grinned a wry grin. "You know how much I love being wrapped up in your body!"

Kaden smiled it always amazed him how easy it was for Freya make him feel better at times. “You remember it took us a while at first to even make love with each other but you always was patient about it but you was happy just cuddling all the time.” He laid down on the bed and patted on the empty side for Freya to lay down next to him. “Wanna cuddle for a bit?”

“I would love to” She lay down on the bed and cuddled up her head laying on his shoulder. “So how does it feel to finally be here ready to start your role as Captain? I think I’m....slightly nervous about starting my jobs but that’ll disappear once I get to know my crewmates plus I’m looking forward to seeing Ariana again.”

Kaden looked up at the ceiling as he rubbed Freya’s back enjoying every second. “Going to take some getting used to the 22nd will have a few changes but I want to keep things mostly the way they are how their pervious CO had it.” He looked at his wife. “Those kids have been thru a lot and last I want to do is add to their stress.”

“That’s a good idea, I wouldn’t suggest making too many changes at once. They have to get used to having you as their Captain first, I’m guessing I’ll be deployed with whichever squad needs a medic at the time although I can’t see us being deployed together incase of conflict of interest.”

Kaden pulled Freya closer enjoying their cuddle time. “I wouldn’t expect anything less wherever they put you in you will be fine and can handle yourself in any situation but I do think talking with Ariana about the...incident may help you in the end.” He offered Freya a smile. “I can even recommend you see her in my report if you like.”

"If it has to go on report" She nodded. "I'll consent to it." She sighed. "Some counsellor I'd be if I didn't get my own problem sorted."

Kaden lifted his head his brow creasing. “Hey, if you don’t want me to mention it I won’t but I never implied you aren’t a good counselor I just think maybe talking to someone like Ariana could help; you two was always close besides, you always did say it is good to have someone to lean on if feeling like you are in a jam am I wrong?”

"Did I say you implied that!?" Freya lifted her head to look at Kaden. "I didn't mean that at all I was just saying I'd be a bit of a hypocrite if I counselled people and avoided it myself is all." She sighed as she lay her head back down.

Kaden raised an eyebrow clearly now enlightened by what his wife was saying. “Oh, well either case all that matters you get it sorted out.” He fell silent for a moment. “Of course I could always request that guy you despise a lot to transfer over with us to keep you on your toes, Corporal Zip Finnegan?”

“I don’t despise him! I just...don’t feel comfortable around him that’s all” Freya grinned and shook her head. “Besides you keep me on my toes just fine.”

Kaden couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, sweetheart, I remember you coming home every other night complaining how you wished Zip would shut up for just five minutes that you almost was tempted to punch his lights out for peace and quiet.” Rolling over on top of his Freya he smiled. “But I do a good job keeping you on your toes myself do I?” Kaden couldn’t help but slowly work his hand down her body lifting up her shirt exposing her washboard abdomen that he loved so much.

“What is it with you and my abs?” She grinned. “Just because I have a little muscle from all those workouts you put me through...” She grinned a wry grin. “We do get plenty of exercise that’s for sure!”

Kaden only smiled as he began place tender kisses around Freya’s belly button. “I can’t be proud of my work? I always did say you looked sexier with a bit of muscle on you...” He continued to kiss closer to her navel a little more.

Freya giggled, his kisses tickled. "Well we do get plenty of workouts both in the gym and in the bedroom!" She grinned as she looked at him.

Kaden stopped kissing her belly before pulling himself up to kiss her on the lips and smiled. “I love you so much...makes me happy that you are my workout buddy plus I am very proud how fast of a learner you are.”

“Well I have a good teacher don’t I?” She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him lovingly on the lips letting it linger for a little while. “I love our time together, now we’re married we have the rest of our lives together.”

“Yes, but you are a wonderful student and if they ever held a bikini contest with you in it I am sure you win hands down.” Kaden placed his hands on her hips. “But if you don’ best believe I am going to set the record straight that I have the most beautiful wife in the universe.”

Freya smiled the biggest smile yet as she pulled him gently down for a passionate kiss. "I definitely have the most romantic and charming husband in the universe." With that her fingers rapidly worked on removing his clothes.

Kaden took her hands into his stopping her from taking his clothes off. “Hey, who said you can remove my clothes? You know the rules you have to get naked first and do it slowly.” He said in a teasing tone.

"Oh really?" She smiled as she sat up and teasingly removed her clothes. It wasn't long before the floor by the bed was covered in disguarded clothing.



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