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Long time no see

Posted on Wed Feb 27th, 2019 @ 5:36am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,636 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia
Timeline: A few hours after 'Settling In'


Walking around on Cardassia Freya was bubbling with excitement at meeting her old friend Ariana again, they hadn’t seen each other since Jonathon’s funeral only talked via subspace and Ariana had said she had a surprise too. She was about to say something to Kaden when a familiar presence crept across her senses as she turned to see a very pregnant Ariana! “Oh my....” She motioned to Kaden. “There’s Ariana!!”

Approaching the two Ariana smiled as she greeted Freya with a hug. “Long time no see my friend. It’s so good to see you!!” She looked at Kaden. “It’s nice to see you again Kaden, Congratulations on your marriage!! I’ve got a gift back at the station for you.”

Kaden offered her his hand. “Been a while, Ariana, sorry to hear about John I really wanted to be there for you but we were on mission dealing a diplomatic situation with the Ba’ul and Pekleds.” He rubbed his head in agony just recalling of the matter. “Damn Pekleds really stirred up a hornets nest wanting to place a trade post on Kaminar and you know how the Ba’ul are about others coming across to disrupt the balance of their planet.”

"I don't think we need to go into full detail on it my love" Freya grinned. "How are you Ariana? You're blooming...You didn't tell me you were pregnant!"

Ariana smiled. "I had a hard time coping after I lost Jonathon and then I lost one of my twins..." Her smile faded a little before she brightened up again. "But as you can see I'm doing well now. Five months and a few more to go!"

"I'm sorry to hear about the baby" Freya gave her friend another hug. "I'm glad you're both doing well though. You look wonderful don't you think Kaden?"

Kaden’s face turned red honestly he felt like he being forced in the spotlight and it was making him uncomfortable. “I...I see a...big fat...” He trailed off realizing he had just messed up before looking around nervously. “I mean...I see that guy might be selling big fat bottles of Kanar over there I think...” Pointing to one of merchants nearby behind Ariana.

Freya gave Kaden quite a glare as she looked in his direction before turning back to Ariana. "If you don't mind when we get back to the station I'd like to speak with you about something?"

Ariana's attention turned away from Kaden to Freya. "Of course, whatever you need." She offered a smile but could sense the tension coming off Freya.

Deep down inside Freya couldn't help but wonder if she ever got pregnant, whether Kaden would see her as big and fat as he was implying towards Ariana. The look on her face was no doubt saying it all as she looked at Kaden and looked away again.

Kaden noticed the stink eye Freya gave him over the fact he blurted out calling Ariana fat he didn’t mean to. He didn’t like being put in the spotlight on such things and when Kaden gets nervous he pretty much does say dumb things at times. Kaden cleared his throat and looked around trying to focus on what was going on around them instead.

Freya looked at Ariana the two sharing a moment’s telepathic chatter, Ariana was perfectly understanding that Kaden was embarrassed but also fully aware that Freya had more on her mind than that. “Why don’t you come by and see me when we get back to the station?” She smiled at Freya. “Besides the fact that you’re part of the counselling department I think we should talk.”

Freya nodded. “I agree and I’ll do that” she looked towards Kaden trying not to show her concern about his comment still. “Perhaps Kaden and I should let you get some rest? We could meet up later if you like?”

Ariana smiled and nodded. “I think that can be arranged. How’s about we meet for lunch? I’ve got a symposium or two to attend before then.”

Freya looked at Kaden. “Is that okay for you?”

Kaden was caught off guard blinking a few times. “Sorry, what?” Before he remembered the question. “Oh yeah, sure, that be fine would like to after Ariana’s big fat...I mean big filled...I mean big day...I mean....” His face turned really red as he was feeling completely embrassed by his own doing this was not how he pictured seeing Ariana again as Kaden hoped things would be more pleasant and smoother. But instead he was doing a completely wonderful job of making a ass out of himself cause he was nervous. Defeated Kaden just plopped down on a nearby by bench resting his face in his hands not wanting to say another word his right leg shaking up and down nervously.

Ariana looked at Freya before walking over to Kaden and standing infront of him. “Kaden look at me...” she waited for him to look up. “I know how much you hate being put on the spot, I know you didn’t mean to say anything offensive.” She smiled as she looked at him. “I’ll leave the two of you to talk.” She offered Freya a warm smile and a brief hug before heading on her way.

Kaden opened his mouth to say something but fearing just say something to make him even more foolish he just closed it watching Ariana go. Resting his face back in his hands he didn’t want to see the look on Freya’s face knowing full well she was going to chew him out for being such a insensitive jerk. But Kaden was really looking forward to seeing Ariana for a long time she was a good friend of theirs and instead wound up being an ass as he was totally unprepared for how big she was with child. “I am such a bloody idiot...”

"Don't worry Ariana understands" Freya stood looking at Kaden as she spoke. "It's a good job she knows you, anyone else would have taken offence." She didn't sit deep inside she was still feeling that if she ever got pregnant Kaden would just see her as fat and ugly. "Let's just go and see what there is on offer before I find symposiums to attend."

Kaden got to his feet he didn’t need to be telepathic to know what was really on his wife’s mind. “Frey, don’t be so coy you saw how much of blubbering idiot I was, I never meant to be such a ass to her I nervous.” He looked her over for a quick moment. “I know you too well I gave the impression when you get as pregnant as her one day am I going to just do the same to you? I sure as hell hope not okay? I just...” Kaden trailed off before sitting back down again resting his face in his hands. “Your husband is a real jerk i know.”

“No you’re not” She sat down beside him and held his hand. “I’m sorry I’m just...feeling a little sensitive is all. I know we’re not rushing into having a baby but its something I want, more than anything else, for us. I want to make you a father, to see you smile and have fun with our child.”

Kaden groaned as he tilted his head back looking up into the sky. “Are you sure you want to be around a blubbering idiot when you get as big as Ariana?” He asked.

"They do say pregnant women bloom so perhaps you'll be smitten with how lovely your wife looks carrying your child." She smiled a wry smile as she squeezed his hand. "I guess there'll be only one way to find out."

Kaden focused his attention on Freya with a raised eyebrow. “Bloom? Into what the size of a whale?...” Slapping his forehead he got off the bench walking over across the courtyard completely disgusted with himself his was extremely nervous as his whole body was trembling. What the hell was wrong with him? He didn’t have any problems like this before why now?

"You know what..." Freya sighed as she watched him walk away. "Let's just forget the whole idea!" She stayed sitting for a moment longer before standing up and running her hand through her hair. "I need some time alone I'm going for a walk. I'll see you later." She paused long enough to walk over and give him a quick kiss him on the cheek before walking away.

Kaden sensing his wife was upset quickly took her hand and pulled her back to him wrapping his arms around her. “Sweetie, wait, don’t be angry I don’t know why I am acting like this I am telling you I am not doing this on purpose I swear.” He kissed her a few times on the lips although he was really confused why he was acting like he was.

Freya sighed but she could sense her husband was telling the truth. “In that case we need to get to the bottom of just why you are acting like this don’t we? Just not here, later back at our quarters okay?”

Kaden sighed sitting down on the edge of a fountain letting go of her hand feeling defeated. “I am sorry, if you need to still go ahead and go for that walk I will just be here.”

"No it's okay." She offered a calmer smile. "Let's just take a stroll together instead. With that she pulled him to his feet and they slowly strolled along together.



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