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Doctors, Dress Uniforms, and the Best Laid Plans

Posted on Fri Mar 1st, 2019 @ 8:22am by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD
Edited on on Fri Mar 1st, 2019 @ 8:25am

1,749 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Main Sickbay Sutherland
Timeline: MD02 -- Just before arrival to Cardassia


Hades walked towards the transporter room for the second time today. He would be staying on the ship but now they were heading to explore the planet and greet the welcoming committee. He recalled the conversation with his Assistant CMO as he walked towards the transporter where he would meet her.

=/\= Just Prior to Arrival=/\=

Hades, looking somewhat haggard and worn put the last med kit in place. He'd gone over their supplies twice. He was now waiting for his assistant CMO to join him to discuss the Cardassian exchange. He pulled out some instruments and started reading a file from a PADD he was holding. She would be here soon. Not only would the discuss the upcoming exchange but he had a favour to ask.

After leaving the Bridge, Dr Corrigan had stopped by her quarters to shower and change into a fresh uniform. She wasn't entirely sure what this mission would entail but she definitely felt more herself as she returned to sickbay. She was even getting used to the more confined space the medical staff had to work with on board. Hopefully it wouldn't be put to the test.

"Hey," she called in greeting as she spotted Hades reading, heading towards him.

Hades looked up and smiled, "Hello." He motioned towards a larger little patient conference room that held four chairs. "Shall we look over what we have for the Cardassians and what we expect to learn from them. I could use your assistance going over all this."

"Yes please," Carolyn nodded, "to be honest, I have no idea what to expect so I'm all ears. Do you want me to grab you a drink before we start?"

He smiled, "I think I have had enough coffee to power the entire warp core five times." He laughed. "Grab yourself a drink and we'll start." He entered the room and sat down pulling out a couple of PADDs and waited for her to sit.

"Noted," Carolyn grinned as she crossed to the replicator, ordering a hot chocolate before following Hades into the conference room. Slipping into the seat beside him, she took a sip of the chocolate, wishing that a replicator could come anywhere close to the real thing.

"So, where shall we start?" she asked, eyeing the PADDs which were now lying on the table.

He smiled, "Well this is an exchange so I think that we can start by perhaps making a list of all that we would like to learn from them. I was thinking we could observe a Cardassian hospital and perhaps have a meeting with the Chief Cardassian Medical Officer and talk surgical techniques and procedures maybe learn more about Cardassian physiology?"

"I'll admit, my knowledge of all three is limited to Starfleet Medical databases," Carolyn agreed, taking another drink. "I've never actually treated a Cardassian patient beyond simulations.."

Hades smiled, "I've treated a few. Trust me the simulation is nothing compared to the real thing." He put the PADD down. "Did you know that Cardassians have something similar to a Vulcan neck pinch?"

"Really?" Carolyn asked, eyebrow arching ever so slightly in surprise. "I did not know that. They should start including that in text books..."

He laughed, "I don't think they want it known. Actually the neck ridge on the right side of their neck third from the top. If broken the Cardassian is put into an instant coma like state for the time it takes to heal which is six weeks. And when they wake up they are madder then an Aldeveran Bull." He smiled, "Learned that the hard way." He rubbed his arm as if recalling a past battle.

“I will keep that in mind,” she promised with a grin. “You seem to have planned well, what do you need me to do?”

"I need you to review all my notes and add to where I am lacking in questions or clarification. We also need to work together to prepare an update for the Cardassaisns on our medical ways. I have been sent a message from Cardassia's Medical Association. They wish us to hold clinic to observe us. I will need you help setting that up and I have come up with a few new things for the Starbase." He smiled, "Shall we discuss that for a moment?"

"You have been busy," Carolyn commented, taking a long drink as she studied her boss for a moment. Hoping she wasn't overstepping the mark, she set down her cup, "And anything you need just consider it done. But, and forgive me for asking this ... Is everything okay? You seem a little, I don't know, off kilter. Maybe it is just tiredness but..."

He sighed, "That too. It has been an eventful stretch of time and something tells me that it is only going to get busier." He smiled, "However, on to better times. There is something I could use your help with."

"I applaud your skills of deflection but if you ever need to talk or just generally vent, I got two good ears," she offered, sitting back in her seat and making no effort to force the matter. He was not her patient and she did not know him well enough to press. "So... what is the something else?"

He smiled, "I intend to start a few new programs. One is that I want to have medical meetings monthly, all medical and all counseling staff. I was hoping we could take turns running them. I've also finally sorted my predecessors ordering technique and I have set up regular supply requests. I want you to review it and add to it anything you think I've missed. Also I want to start a door to door service." He appreciated her concerns hell he probably needed to talk. He resisted the urge to rub the bridge of his nose as he always did when frustrated.

"The meetings would be a good idea. Supplies, no problem. With the caveat that we should involve the nursing staff. It would be criminal to miss out on their knowledge and experience, especially given the size of the department," Carolyn suggested, reaching for her drink. "And we briefly discussed the new service when I came on board, I think it has a lot of potential. It would also be a great development opportunity for our medical staff."

"Excellent." He said. "The only thing left is how we'll shift things while on Cardassia. They have been generous enough to give us a few rooms so we can treat our own, Starfleet that is, and well here is the bad news. It's only four of us from medical so we'll have to take turns there. We'll also have a Cardassian shadow so they can learn our ways." He sighed and sat back. "I'm still not sure what to make of all this."

"Shadow or babysitter?" Carolyn mused. "To be honest I have no idea what to expect on this mission. I was hoping our services would not really be needed. Is the plan to essentially set up a mobile sickbay when we arrive and leave the ship with the EMH for emergencies?"

"Pretty much. We have lectures we'll be expected to attend and then their staff wants to observe us and we will observe them..." He grinned, "That sentence just made me dizzy. How about you." He chuckled softly.

"A little," she confided with a grin. The she paused, grimacing, "there wont be an actual like reception will there? Or is that just going to be department heads?"

She couldn't keep the hope out of her voice at the end. Lectures she could do, no problem. Years of medical school made them feel as natural as breathing and they didn't end when you graduated. But this mission was 90% diplomacy.

He grinned, "There is indeed a reception in the evening. I actually volunteered you for the most important job of the night."

"Now I am worried..." Carolyn confessed. "What would that be?"

"Keeping me from decking anyone." He laughed.

"Oh no," she laughed, holding up her hands. "My track record on stopping bar fights is shocking. I have a pretty good right hook if you need a wing man."

He laughed again. "Well I guess we better get ready. We have the day to ourselves until tonight dress uniform shindig." He sighed, "I hate dress uniform."

"Better than wearing a dress," Carolyn pointed out, shuddering. "Although both are bad options..."

"We could always fake the flu I mean we are doctors." He grinned ruefully.

"I think we could muster up something more inventive than flu," she mused, "but then someone would probably get suspicious. Starfleet officers are a curious bunch. So I think we shall just have to take our medicine and make the best of it. Although I'm sure some of the staff would fake a medical emergency for us if we asked nicely enough. It is a fabulous way to get out of bad dates. And functions."

He smiled, "I will remember that." He sighed, "I assume you will be attending the medical lectures tomorrow?"

Abigayle nodded, "yes. And I noticed there is a lecture on trauma surgery that looked like it could be interesting. Or disturbing but I'm going in with an open mind. It cannot be any worse than Professor Langdon's classes at the Academy."

Hades winced, "Richard Langdon by chance?"

"Indeed. Richard Langdon the Third," she said, mimicking his British accent to perfection before giggling, "he would have talked for hours to an empty room."

He shook his head, "Try being trapped on a shuttle with him for four days...."

Setting down her now empty cup she nodded, "okay, so, manning medical facility with Cardassian babysitter, make sure you don't punch anyone at the reception, take in some lectures. Sounds straight forward. Is there a catch?"

He smiled, "With Cardassian's there always is. On another note I will be taking a couple of days to myself. I just don't know when. Would you be able to cover?"

"A man of mystery, I like it," Carolyn grinned. "Sure thing. Just give me as much notice as you can? Just so I can avoid any wild parties beforehand."

He smiled. "Agreed."

=/\= Current Time=/\=

Hades snapped out of his recollections just as he hit the transporter room. He walked up to the transporter pad and took his place. "Alright Ensign. Transport away...try not to scramble my molecules."



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