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Professionals meet

Posted on Sat Mar 2nd, 2019 @ 3:35pm by Commander Hades,MD

1,837 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia
Timeline: MD 02 -- Late Afternoon


Hades had spent a few hours on the planet and he was quite enjoying seeing the medical facilities. He walked around amazed at all the technology that he was seeing.

Freya had made her way to a medical gathering leaving Kaden to do what he had to do. She'd asked a few people if Doctor Hades was around before finally seeing him amongst the crowd. "Doctor! Doctor Hades!"

Hades turned at the call of his name. He saw a woman waving and coming towards him. "Hello."

Freya smiled as she caught him up. "Apologies for interrupting your free time Doctor, I'm Freya Ross the new station Counsellor and Marine Medic, I was hoping to speak to you about something."

"Another one?" He gave a nod. "Hello Freya, welcome. How can I help?"

"Actually I was hoping to pick your professional brain" Freya smiled warmly.

He smiled, "Of course."

"I'll give you the short version for now, my husband has a medical condition which causes excess muscle mass. He has to take daily injections to keep it in check. We're...considering starting a family and I was hoping to pick your brain as to whether the condition might be genetic?"

"Of course." He motioned, "Have a seat. "Fortunately the Cardassian hospitals have comfortable chairs. "

Freya took a seat and made herself comfortable. "Kaden has Myostatin, it's a rare genetic condition from what I know. He's very concerned that if we tried for a baby that our baby would have the condition too. His brother Vincent has the condition dwarfism, his father has Crusher Syndrome but his sister and mother are perfectly healthy as am I and my parents. Though I'm a Betazoid and Kaden is Human."

"I see." He said. "Myostatin is genetic. There is no guarantee that the child will have it but there is a chance. It would be a risk," he said honestly.

Freya nodded her smile fading somewhat. "That's what I was afraid of" She offered a brief smile. "The moment Kaden hears that he'll probably refuse to even try for a baby." She shook her head.

He studied her. "Why?"

"Because he considers himself a freak and doesn't want a child of ours to go through the same thing." She sighed. "It's a worry but it may not even happen to our baby but he'd be resistant. I just....want to have a baby."

"I can understand how he feels but whether the child has the condition or not is till still be the best part of you both. Perhaps a chat with Counselor Monroe might help."

"Actually Ariana is an old friend of mine so I'll talk to her when I see her. She might be able to help me convince Kaden." She smiled. "It'll be nice to see her again."

He smiled, "There is something you should know though. Your husband's condition might make conception difficult but I can begin treatments when you both decide to go that route."

Freya nodded. "Thank you Doctor, I did wonder. I'll come by and see you once we're ready."

He gave a nod. "As a Marine Medic you will be working with my cousin, Braxton. Perhaps you should join him in military triage. There is a lecture about to start soon."

"In that case I'd best get a move on!" Freya smiled warmly. "Stupid question but where is military triage? I haven't had chance to get to know the surroundings as yet and I'd hate to roll up late!"

Hades smiled, "I am going that way anyway." He walked down the hallway. "Since counseling and medical work hand in hand I will be having a meeting for all staff that are on Cardassia shortly. Welcome to the Starbase."

"Thank you and I'll be sure to attend" Freya smiled warmly. "If you should need me I can double up as a nurse between my counselling duties.

He smiled, "That is good to know. I will actually be starting regular meetings in the medical department so there will be a counseling and medical meeting monthly for us to talk things out and brain storm."

"Sounds good to me" Freya smiled. "So how is Aeryn these days? I haven't seen her in some time, I did send a message on ahead to let her know that I'd be coming."

"Good." He said. I am sure you will see her later at the counseling sessions. You mentioned that you could work as a nurse. What's your background there?" He was always interested in another pair of hands.

"I decided early on that I wanted to be more than just the a-typical Betazoid counsellor" She smiled. "I trained to be a nurse both in sickbay and out in the field where I could be of more use to those who were wounded under fire. I'm not afraid to get stuck in when I have to."

He smiled, "That sounds good. Actually Braxton could use help. He's a Marine Medic."

"In that case I'm looking forward to meeting him." Freya smiled warmly. "Its always a bit nerve wracking being the new face so it'll be nice to have someone to talk to besides my husband."

Hades threw his head back and laughed. After a few minutes he let out a little snort. He didn't mean to it just came out. "So...sorry. Braxton and talking." He grinned. "He grunts and I think that's the extent of it. It's like pulling teeth with that one.

"Really?" Freya grinned. "I'll see what I can do to get him talking then."

"I'm his cousin and I've barely been successful." He continued to smile, "But you can try."

"Well I can only but try!" She smiled warmly. "I try not to give in too easily I wouldn't be much of a Counsellor if I did."

He smiled, "Yes...many have tried. Even Ariana but he is a specific case." He stopped near a turbo lift and they waited as two Cardassian's passed. Hades couldn't help but feel nervous. He would never get used to this uneasy peace.

“It disturbs you being here?” Freya looked at Hades curiously. “I’ve been getting those vibes from a lot of people since we got here.”

"Disturb is probably a bit of a harsh word but I am...going to say that I'm a bit weary. After the Dominion war and knowing how it went down I would say everyone is on their guard." He looked around. "I want to think that they are honest, I really do."

"I guess only time will tell" Freya offered a smile. "For now we'll just have to believe that things will go to plan and we won't have any problems."

He smiled, "I see you are one of those optimistic counselors." The lift stopped and then began their walk down the hall. "I must admit their medical facilities are top notch."

"Are they really?" Freya looked at Hades with genuine interest. "I'll have to make a point of seeing the medical facilities during our time here then, see what it is they have to offer."

"For sure, Feel free to join the tour tomorrow 0900. All medical that's here from the station will be going." He sighed, "Well with the exception of me. I have some prior plans."

"Shame you won't be there!" Freya grinned. "I'll be there though."

He smiled, "Well this is our stop." He pointed to a rather large man in a Starfleet Marine uniform. "That bear is Braxton. I will leave you to it then."

Freya nodded. "It's been nice meeting you Doctor and thank you for your help." She smiled.

He smiled and gave a nod. "Have a lovely day."

"You too!" She smiled and walked over to Braxton. "Excuse me...I'm sorry to interrupt you I'm Freya Ross the new Marine Medic and Station Counsellor. Doctor Hades said to come over and say hello."

Braxton gave a nod. "Welcome," he grunted.

"Thank you" She smiled warmly. "From what I've been told you're the strong silent type, not much to say. I do believe you just spoke to me though so that's a good start!" She looked at him and grinned.

Braxton studied the woman. He mumbled something and grunted. He had another optimist on his hands. He was sensing something. "Betazoid?" He asked reverting to his one word language.

"I guess the eyes and hair are kind of a dead give away huh?" Freya smiled and nodded. "Born and bred full blood Betazoid. I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable? If you'd rather be left alone then please say so, I'm not one for forcing myself on those who don't wish the company." She looked at Braxton her dark eyes looking for any flicker of emotion be it annoyance or a slight smile. "I thought as we're both medics and will no doubt be working together in the field I'd say hello."

His own black eyes studied her back, ~It's fine.~ he said telepathically. He didn't often use his ability but his Betazoid half needed a workout every now and then. He wasn't good at making conversation although he found himself more and more having to do it.

Freya hadn’t been expecting that but obliged by returning the favour. ~I wasn’t expecting that but it does make a change to communicate telepathically. It’s not something I do very often.~

He raised an eyebrow and mentally grunted as if to say 'I can grunt telepathically too.' His lip twitched showing that he was fighting not to smile.

Freya couldn’t help but laugh. The twitch of the smile that was forming on Braxton’s face and his effort not to smile was comical as he was pulling a funny face trying to hold it back. ~Smile! Go on you know you want to!.~

~I most certainly do not.~ He said although he was quite amused. He leaned over to the table they were closest to and then grabbed a program thrusting it into her hand. It was the lecture series information. He'd been the only Marine medic and now there was another....a talkative one at that. He wondered if he'd be able to survive this. Even that question seemed to amuse him.

“Thank you” Freya smiled as she reverted to speaking rather than sending telepathically. “You know if you want me to be quiet...” she made a zipping motion across her lips and neither said nor sent nothing else.

He sighed, "Yes well that has never worked for anyone around me. I seem to attract talkers..."

Freya simply raised an eyebrow in a manner more accustomed to a Vulcan than a Betazoid. She didn't give a verbal or a telepathic response, it was a method worth a try but whether it would get her in Braxton's good books was another thing.

He gave a nod seemingly satisfied. Just as a few heartbeats passed an announcement stated that their lecture was to begin.



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