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Clear the Air

Posted on Wed Feb 20th, 2019 @ 7:12pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,122 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Sickbay, USS Sutherland
Timeline: Current Time


Well rested Ariana hadn't seen Hades again after his departure to take his call. She'd heard Braxton was in his office and decided to check if everything was alright, she stepped down from her biobed and headed over to the office hoping facing Braxton wouldn't make her feel any emotionally worse than she already did. She walked across to the office pressing the chime before walking in. "I'm sorry to interrupt" She looked at both men. "Is everything alright?"

Braxton said nothing. He stared out the window.

Hades motioned. "Come in. We have just had some unsettling news."

Ariana walked inside her one arm resting on her back as she massaged it, she might only be five months pregnant but it didn't make the pressure on her back any easier or less uncomfortable. She sat down in the nearest available seat her attention turning to Braxton as he stood staring out of the window, her discomfort at not knowing where she stood with him plain to see.

"Our cousin Doctor Galatea Polaris has died." Hades said. He sat down and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"I'm so sorry!" Ariana sighed. "Do you know how it happened?"

"There was a viral outbreak. She finished administering the cure but it was too late for her." Hades sighed, "She knew the risk. She gave her life to save her crew."

"It doesn't make it much easier for you though." She looked towards Braxton her gaze returning to Hades before she looked back again. "Were you a close family?"

Braxton made a sound between a snort and a snarl.

Hades rolled his eyes. "That is a long story. The main issue is how are you feeling?"

"Physically I feel fine" She turned her attention back to Hades. "Mentally....I guess you could say I'm less than up to par." She looked back at Braxton. "Mikhail will you look at me...please!! I can't stand this not knowing whether or not you hate me!!"

Braxton didn't turn. Just then the door hissed open and Rol walked in. He stopped for a moment. "I ..." He would have turned around but Hades stood. "Can I help you Lieutenant?"

Rol studied all three. "I was hoping I could speak with you Commander."

Hades gave a nod beating a hasty retreat and leaving Braxton and Ariana alone.

When the door hissed closed Braxton spoke. "I do not hate you." He still didn't look at her.

"Yet you still won't look at me?" Ariana sat looking at Braxton. "I am sorry for impersonating Nicole, I just....wanted to help you." She massaged her back all the stress and worry wasn't helping her tense muscles. "The look that was on your face is one that will haunt me for some time to come "

He looked down and then back at the stars. "Its alright. I understand the motivation. A lot has occurred. I need time to process."

Ariana breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you Braxton. I feel I owe you so much, you saved my life and that of my baby twice I can't even put into words what that means to me. I just hope I've helped you in return." She stood up to straighten out her back a little not that it helped much. "I swear if my back gets any worse I'll become a resident in sickbay just for pain relief."

He smiled, "Here stand up." He turned and rummaged through Hades' drawer pulling out a small device. "This will help." He gently ran the device over her lower back for five passes to ease the pain.

"Wow! that's Better...Thank you" she smiled. "Only another 4 or 5 months of this to go!" She grinned. "I promise no more impersonations it's time to let Nicole rest and you too. If you ever feel like talking or just want a friend please drop by. Looks like I'll have the time on my hands I'm on restricted duties from here on."

"A wise choice." He said handing her the device. "Take it. Three to five passes when the pain sets in it will go away." He turned back to the stars. "Thank you for letting me see her one more time."

Just as he finished speaking the door opened and Hades walked in slamming a pad on the table. He took a deep breath. Braxton why don't you see the counselor home. I have a few things I need to take care of.

Braxton's Betazoid senses were on high alert. "I take it the conversation with Rol didn't go well?"

"Out, please."

Braxton sighed. "Shall we go?"

Ariana nodded, she could sense right now wasn't the time to try and talk with Hades. As they exited the office she looked at Braxton "I have the feeling I'm going to have my hands full with both Hades and Rol, it's a good job Starfleet are sending another Counsellor to join us. Her name is Freya Ross, she's an old friend of mine."

Braxton grinned a bit, "Yes well Hades is has always been a handful." He sighed. "Rol...I do not know him well enough to judge. I just know he frustrates Hades."

"There's something Rol is hiding but he's not willing to talk about it as yet. He will in time I just hope it's sooner rather than later." She looked at Braxton. "Thank you for understanding about my impersonating Nicole, I just hope it gives you some closure. I would like us to be friends."

He gave a nod. "Friends is good. Rol...I think he is hiding something but time will tell." He shrugged as they stepped onto the turbo lift.

"Well hopefully we'll find out but in the meantime the only place I'm going is back to my quarters to get some sleep. I haven't slept that well since events on the station but now we've spoken I feel somewhat better." She smiled warmly. "Hades has put me on reduced duties until the baby is born anyway so I've got the time."

He gave a nod. "Wise choice on his part." The turbo lift stopped and Braxton walked with her until they reached her quarters. "Rest well." He had plans. This thing on the station had him thinking and now that Hades had opened that door Braxton had to figure out the next steps. "We will be at Cardassia soon." He looked over at her. "Make sure you do not stroll Cardassia alone."

"Okay I won't" Her smile faded a little "Are you expecting danger?" She looked at Braxton concernedly.

"With Cardassians? Always." He gave a nod. "I will let you rest. I have some preparations to make."

"Thank you" Ariana smiled. "I'll heed your advice"



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