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Posted on Wed Feb 20th, 2019 @ 2:29pm by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,303 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Sarek - Approaching Cardassia
Timeline: Current

~ USS Sarek, Sickbay ~

Not wanting to be in the way whilst Kaden had his wounded ribs checked by the Sickbay staff Freya had leaned a hand unpacking a few medical supplies from a crate that had brought out of storage. She was just finishing off when Kaden came over to say he was done. "So what did they say? severely bruised or a hairline fracture?"

Kaden looked around to make sure nobody was around before he lifted up his shirt exposing his rebs and washboard chiseled abdomen to his wife showing her the bruise was gone. “Doc said it was just a severe bruise like you suspected.” He lowered his shirt hoping anyone did not notice.

"Well that's good" She smiled as she took hold of his hand.

~ Meanwhile on the bridge ~

"Captain we're approaching Cardassia, our escort is requesting that we remain in high orbit until the rest of the fleet arrives." the young ending looked at her Captain.

"Acknowledge that and let the Ross' know that we've arrived."

"Aye Sir" She smiled and nodded.

~ Corridor ~

Freya and Kaden were just leaving Sickbay when they received the call from the bridge. She looked at Kaden. "Sounds like our new life awaits Imzadi."

“Good sooner we get there the better Artemis can settle in the poor cat is probably tired of all this moving around and honestly so am I.” he replied.

"I'll admit it'll be nice to get settled down as husband and wife, I'm looking forward to trying for a family and the sooner we get settled in the sooner that'll happen." She paused and kissed him on the cheek. "I want to be the mother of your children."

Kaden wrapped his arm around his wife’s shoulder. “Me too,” Before pausing to give Freya a grin. “Tired of Artemis already? I thought you both had interesting conversations when I am out and about.” Kaden said in a teasing manner.

"As much as your cat is entertaining he's not quite the kind of child I had in mind." She grinned. "Let's make sure we've got our things ready for when the fleet gets here."

Kaden merely shrugged his shoulders. “I see your point Artemis can only fill some of that void but don’t worry when things are right we will try just gonna take time to settle in and adjust to our new jobs.” He felt a slight pain in his arm suddenly causing him to wince a little before he sat down on one side of an empty large crate. Before Kaden pulled out his case of medication from his pocket inside his uniform jacket removing a slim hypo and rolling up his sleeve to inject himself. “I know I keep saying this but I am still scared if you have kids they a freak like me...” He proceeded to inject himself with his hyp of medication and rubbed the area on his arm as he lowered his head.

"That's something we can talk to the station doctor about before we start trying for a baby. See what Doctor Hades thinks of your condition and whether or not it's hereditary." She smiled. "We can work it out one way or another."

Kaden frowned shaking his head as he put his empty hypo in the metal case with others that were full of his medication and closed it. “I just...don't want them to go thru what Vincent and I went thru yet alone what my parents went thru. You know my dad still regrets he had no idea the medication he was taking for his Crusher Syndrome was the cause of me and Vincent turning out the way we did. Hell, mom told me they were even brought in for questioning one night on suspicion that we were genetically enhanced as own parents were trying to make a new Khan or something.”

"Let's just see what happens okay?" She looked at Kaden reassuringly. "We have time to sort it out. I just don't want to dismiss it."

Kaden nodded his head but he still felt uneasy on the matter specifically the whole hereditary aspect of his condition passing on to his offspring. “Okay...” He was all he was able to mutter.

"Kaden..." Freya stopped walking and stood to one side of the corridor out of the way of any passing crew. "I know how worried you are, I'm not going to just dismiss your concerns." She placed her hand gently on his face as she looked up at him. "I'll talk to Doctor Hades and we can go from there okay?"

Freya’s touch alone was very soothing as Kaden took his hand grabbed hers resting on his face with a loving smile. “Promise we will take it slow when I am ready?” He asked.

"Okay" She nodded but had to wonder if she'd ever have the child they'd been talking about since before their marriage. It was something she dearly wanted.

Kaden got to his feet and wrapped his arm around Freya before walking down the corridor. He noticed she had something on her mind possibly concerned about his desire for kids not being the same as hers. Truthfully Kaden wanted kids but with his fear of them being freaks like him being or looked down upon cause of being half human was always on his mind. But somehow he was going to have to face that fear or he might lose Freya forever cause of his cowardice of having children. It was a big responsibility being a parent and it was something he was willing to face head on with her but with their new jobs it was going to take time before he would be ready to try for a baby. Somehow Kaden was going to have to man up and stick his batter in the oven so to speak or be the guy that lost everything over wanting kids and to him that would be humiliating.

Freya smiled as she looked at him. "So what do you think life aboard a station will be like? I've gotten used to starships more than starbases, I hope it'll be as interesting as I'm hoping it will be."

Kaden shrugged his shoulders and sighed. “Gonna be tough I was getting used to being on a ship which was great since I spent most of my time away from you after the Academy on some backwater planet neck deep in shit chased by a madman dictator and his drugged up thugs for ten months.”

"We'll still have access to a starship, the Starbase has attached starships." She smiled. "Whether I'll always be on the same one as you is another thing, I imagine I'd probably be off station more in my medic role than as my counsellor role because there's already other counselling staff aboard." She shrugged her shoulders. "Guess we'll find out."

“I suppose we will, just as long as there is no mad drug lord turned dictators included there I will be off to a good start.” Kaden grinned as he rubbed his wife’s shoulder. “But hope they put us on the same ship there when we go out on missions be rather lonely without my special nurse to care for me.”

"Hopefully" she smiled. "You know me! Always there to make you happy my love." She grinned.

Bridge, a little while later

"Well guess now we wait!" Freya grinned as she stood alongside Kaden on the bridge. They'd been allowed so far but now the Sarek was being held at a safe distance from Cardassia to await the arrival of the fleet, which they'd been reassured by their escort, wouldn't be too long.


OOC: Tag to the fleet to notice the USS Sarek waiting :)


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