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Posted on Tue Jul 26th, 2016 @ 1:33pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Patrick Dow & Admiral Phelan Ward & Fleet Admiral William Toddman & Fleet Admiral Leonard James Akaar & Admiral Nicholas Watson & Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway & Vice Admiral Nathan Taylor & Rear Admiral Benjamin Sisko & Jean-Luc Picard & Legate Aman Evek

787 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Earth
Timeline: MD3 0900, Current


An important day had arrived in the history of the Federation and the galaxy for that matter. Two Cardassian Keldon class cruisers had entered orbit of Earth and a delegation of Cardassians had beamed down to Paris and walked into the Federation Council building. The group included Garak has head of the Cardassian Government, Legit Evek representing the Cardassian Military, and several other Civilian and Military Officials. Already present was Federation President Slade Matthews, several members of the Federation Council, Fleet Admirals Akaar, Toddman, Sevlek, and Bremer. Admirals Taylor, Ward, and Watson. Vice Admiral Janeway, Rear Admiral Sisko, Jean-Luc Picard and Robert Chadwick as Ambassadors at large, as other members of the Federation Government. Also present were Klingon Chancellor Martok and several members of the High Council and high ranking Military leaders including General Klag.

Once several was seated, President Matthews stood. “I want to first thank you all for attending. This is truly a new age for our collective peoples. We’re here to sign a lasting peace treaty, and alliance that not only ensures the future cooperation between the Klingons, Cardassians, and the Federation, but also ensures the mutual protection of each other when faced with the growing threat of the Typhon Pact. Not sense the Borg invasion of eleven years ago has the Galaxy seen this level of cooperation. This peace hasn’t been easy, but with efforts of people like Legit Garak, Vice Admiral Janeway, General Von, Councilmember Jonas, Fleet Admiral Bremer, Ambassadors Picard and Chadwick.”

Once the speech was over, chosen delegates took turns signing the Alliance. Then Garak followed by Martok said a few words about the Alliance before everyone walked to the reception hall for food, drink, convocation, and music. While everyone mingled, Bremer was pulled aside by President Matthews.

“Fleet Admiral Akaar has fully briefed me on the events with Section 31, your Mirror Universe duplicate, and the USS Hattori. Officially, I agree with his reprimand of your actions, but unofficially I’m very grateful of your actions and not delaying them, otherwise we wouldn’t be here today.” Matthews said as he shook Bremer’s had before walking off.

Mike turned to mingle, but was stopped by Garak, “Ah, Fleet Admiral Bremer.”

“Garak, it’s good to see you.” Mike said sincerely.

“I can only imagine the trouble you’re in with Starfleet Command for your unsanctioned actions, but know the Cardassians are in your debt, again.” Garak said.

Mike smiled, it was something that took getting used to, having the approval of the Cardassians. “It was the right thing to do.”

“I’ve discussed it with Fleet Admiral Akaar and we’ve awarded your entire crew with the Order of Cardassia.” Garak said.

Mike wasn’t sure what to say, he was honored yet this was very much unexpected. “Thank you.”

As the formal gathering continued, Mike made time to talk with Sisko, Picard, Martok, Ward, and several others. After about an hour, Dow came through the doors with a concerned look on his face. He found Mike talking with Sevlek, Akaar, and Picard.

This is the second time in months that Ward wore his Star Fleet uniform since switching to the Reserves. Last time was to battle. This time was for peace. He saw Janeway in the mix, and approached her. Janeway saw him, and put on a half smile. Ward motioned her over, away from anyone of importance. He then spoke, "Admiral Janeway, before we get started, let me apologize to you for roasting your back side twelve years ago. I was rather protective about the Sentinel's crew back then." Janeway looked surprised for a minute before speaking. "Apology accepted. I should have known better than to micro-manage a superior officer anyway. You knew your tactical situation, and I was basing my actions solely on my past experience with the Borg. I also know it would have turned out badly for you if you did follow what I was trying to say. " They shook hands. "I am glad we could fix this."

“Excuse me.” Dow handed Mike a PADD.

Mike read over it then handed it to Akaar as he looked at Dow. “How soon can the Laffey be ready to depart?”

“She’s ready now.” Dow replied.

Akaar handed the PADD to Sevlek. “Use extreme caution, even if Romulans are trying to defect, and join their ‘Free Romulan’ brothers and sisters we don’t want open hostilities.”

Mike nodded. “Understood.” He said his goodbyes and followed Dow out the reception all before beaming up to the Laffey.

Minutes later the small Defiant class ship broke Earth orbit and moved away. Once clear they accelerated to Slipsteam for the four hour trip to Starbase 400.



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