Fleet Admiral William Toddman

Name William Toddman

Position Starfleet Deputy CnC

Rank Fleet Admiral


  • 5 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat Apr 6th, 2019 @ 2:01pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 71

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 245 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Personality & Traits

General Overview Starfleet Command Staff Officer.

Personal History Toddman was a Starfleet flag officer assigned to Starfleet Security service branch. In 2371, he instructed Deep Space 9 commander Benjamin Sisko to put the USS Defiant on alert in case of a Jem'Hadar attack, following the launch of the Obsidian Order-Tal Shiar invasion of the Gamma Quadrant. He expressedly denied Sisko permission to pursue the fleet to rescue Odo and Elim Garak, but Sisko ignored Toddman's orders and went anyway.

As a safeguard, Toddman ordered Michael Eddington to sabotage the Defiant's cloaking device, with the goal of making it impossible for the Defiant to follow the fleet into Dominion space. However, Defiant chief engineer Miles O'Brien managed to repair the cloak much quicker than expected, and the Defiant was ultimately successful in rescuing both people.

Following the incident, Toddman warned Sisko that if he pulled such a stunt again, he would either court martial him, or promote him.
Service Record In 2366, while an Admiral assigned to Starfleet Command, he directed Captain Van Olden of the USS Roosevelt to have his crew assist the Izar Peace Officers in investigating a pair of homicides on Izar.

In 2370, Admiral Toddman ordered the USS Odyssey to a number of assignment in and near the Bajoran system.

After the Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar sent a fleet to attack the Dominion ordered Benjamin Sisko to not take the USS Defiant into the Gamma Quadrant to rescue Odo and Elim Garak, who were aboard Enabran Tain's starship. After Sisko returned to Deep Space 9 after disobeying Toddman's orders, the Admiral told him "if you pull a stunt like that again, I'll court martial you ... or promote you. Either way, you'll be in a lot of trouble".

Promoted to the position of a Starfleet Command Staff Officer in 2384.