Vice Admiral Nathan Taylor

Name Nathan E. Taylor

Position Starfleet Command Staff Officer

Rank Vice Admiral


  • 2 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue Jul 26th, 2016 @ 1:33pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 51

Physical Appearance

Height 1.9m (6')
Weight 942 kg (210lbs)
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Well built Human. Walks with a slight limp due to wounds suffered during the Dominion War.


Spouse Rosemary Taylor
Children Allen Taylor
Father Gregory Taylor
Mother Laura Taylor

Personality & Traits

General Overview One of the youngest to ever be apart of the Starfleet Command Staff. Decorated Starship commander, he was severely wounded during the Dominion War, battle of Cardassia. Took two years to recover.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strong willed, able to see the big picture. Tactical sound thinking. Trained security/tactical before being promoted to command.

Injured leg prevents him from doing many physical activities many others enjoy. Doesn't like being a 'paper pusher'.
Languages Federation Standard (English), some Klingon, some Vulcan, some Romulan, some Cardassian

Personal History Born in New York, Earth - 2341
Service Record Entered Starfleet Academy 2358

Graduated 2362

Commanding Officer USS Athens 2373 (following the death of the ship's CO and XO in the early months of the Dominion War)

Severely injured during the Battle for Cardassia - 2375

Returns to duty, Logistical Officer at Starbase 611 - 2377

Commanding Officer Deep Space 12 - 2379

Commanding Officer Starbase 565 - 2384

Starfleet Command Staff - 2392