Admiral Nicholas Watson

Name Nicholas Watson

Position Starfleet Command Staff Officer

Rank Admiral


  • 4 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue Apr 2nd, 2019 @ 8:54pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 71

Physical Appearance

Height 1.8m (6')
Weight 177lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Older Human. White hair, which beard. Average height and weight. Speaks with a Scottish accent.


Spouse Emily Watson
Children Michael Watson
Sarah (Watson) Keller
Susan (Watson) Peck
Jonathan Watson
Father George Watson
Mother Ashley Watson
Brother(s) Alexander Watson
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Career Starfleet Officer. Spent most of his career commanding Starbases along the Federation border. Married for 50 years. Avoided promoted to Admiral for years, said he didn't want to leave his command at Starbase 24.
Strengths & Weaknesses Very good organization, logistical, and directing skills. Known as a 'people person'.

Spent very little time in command of a Starship, sometimes cause him to miss the small picture seen by individual ship commanders.
Hobbies & Interests Biking, hiking, swimming, fencing.
Languages Federation Standard (English), some Klingon, some Vulcan, some Romulan, some Cardassian

Personal History Born in Scotland on Earth - 2321

Married his wife Emily - 2342

Quadruplets born - 2345
Service Record Entered Starfleet Academy - 2339

Graduated Starfleet Academy - 2343

Commanding Officer USS Normandy - 2359

Commanding Officer Starbase 11 - 2363

Commanding Officer Starbase 24 - 2365

Starfleet Command Staff - 2392