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An Oath to Protect

Posted on Wed Jul 27th, 2016 @ 5:38pm by Commander Hades,MD

943 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Medical Bay
Timeline: MD 03


Hades’ had spent the entire night stabilizing the injured Romulans. His ability to speak their language went a long way. He’d stitched legs, arms, done surgery countless of times throughout the night and he’d had to use resuscitative measures twice. Three patients had died.

He’d worked through the night solid and had just finished setting the bone on a young Romulan man when something caught his eye. His head turned toward the corner and he saw a very beautiful young Romulan woman huddled in the corner weeping over someone. Hades made his way there.

“Narihu Hades arhem.” (My name is Hades)

She looked up blinking back her tears. There was sadness, pain, and fear in those beautiful eyes. She was so familiar…

“Please save him!”

“D…don’t cry,” the familiar voice said. Hades looked down and was jolted by a shockwave that paralyzed him. When he’d finally found his voice he spoke, “S’Ten!”

The man looked up with recognition but not surprised. Hades’ gaze slid to the young woman and he now knew who she was.

He quickly grabbed his black bag and tricorder. His eyes sad, he looked at his friend and shook his head…there was nothing that could be done. Even if they had operated he was going to die.

S’Ten smiled weakly. “H…Hades…I …g…give into your keeping what is precious and was …entrusted into mine.”

Tears threatened to spill out of Hades’ eyes. “I give you my Kinaen. (Oath)”

S’Ten looked at the young woman. “T…trust him.” With his last bit of strength he reached into his pocket and handed Hades a memory cell. Hades put it in his pocket and gave a nod. “Vorta Vor awaits you.”

He listened, feeling truly helpless, as his friend rasped and sighed out his last breath.

Hades did a quick scan to confirm what he knew. The man had passed away. “I’m sorry.”

He watched her, tears forming in his own eyes, as she clutched the man begging him not to go.

Hades stepped over to the young woman and gently touched her shoulder. “Narihu-difv hwi?” (What is your name?) He had to know for sure.

She looked up at him. “Narihu Lai’lira Te’elis S’Nai arhem.”

Hades closed his eyes knowing that S’Ten had just laid a herculean task at his feet. “T’sai!” (Lady) He bowed his head. And when he looked up he noted a man not far away studying the woman with interest and a bit of hate.

Hades stood and pulled the woman up. “Come with me! Quickly!” He led her to his office and closed the door. “You are…you are from Praetor Tal’Aura’s family.”

The woman lowered her head. “Ie.” (yes) She clutched his hand. “Please…please don’t say anything. They’ll kill me!”

Hades knelt by the chair she was sitting in, “Lady, I very much admired your Aunt and family. I will help keep you Khelhaes (Safe) What are you doing here?”

She hiccupped wiping her tears away with her sleeve.

Hades quickly went to the replicator got some water and a cloth. He handed her the water gently used a cloth to wipe her face. “What are you doing here,” he repeated.

She shook her head and cried again.

Hades pulled a chair close to her and took her hand. “It’s alright. Let it out. Does anyone know you are here or anyone else on that ship know who you are?”

“I don’t know.” She didn’t know why she trusted him but she sensed she could and he knew S’Ten. Suddenly her head began to pound. All the pain, the fear of all the Romulan’s over the last night the destruction, death, all of it began to hit her. She stood clutching her head and swayed on her feet.

Hades was there beside her. He swept his hands under her knees and lifted her gently laying her on the floor with her back against the wall. “Just take deep breaths.” Grabbing his tricorder he scanned her.

Shock registered in his ice blue eyes. He hurried out of the office and returned with a hypo. “I’m going to give you this. It will help.”

She gave a nod.

He pressed the hypo to her neck and watched as her face seemed to relax a bit. He tried to make sense of it all. She clutched his hand. “I’m so tired of running…Please help me.”

He sighed. “I will. I will try Lady.”

Hades stood and sent a message off to the XO and diplomat to come to his office right away marking it urgent. He sat down next to the young woman. “Computer lock door and monitor who comes to the door. Read out who ever passes.”

The computer started right away with nurses, doctors, the CMO, some from the marine unit.

Lai’lira had calmed a bit. She looked over at Hades. “S’Ten was my bodyguard. I don’t have anyone now.”

Hades looked over at the young woman. “It will be fine. When the XO gets here. You must seek asylum. It’s the only way you can be safe. I knew S’Ten.” He wiped his eyes. “He was a trusted friend. You have my word I will keep you safe. You had S’Ten, now you have me.” He just had to figure out how he was going to keep that promise.

To Be continued…


Lieutenant Hades, MD
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Starbase 400

Lai'lira Te'elis S'Nai
Romulan Survivor
Starbase 400


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