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Posted on Sat Jul 30th, 2016 @ 12:26pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Patrick Dow & Colonel Danny Lennox & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Major T'Lana & First Ramata`tar & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Major General Thomas Jackson & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Sergeant Maal son of Torg

2,876 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Various
Timeline: MD3 1245hrs, Following 'Alliance'


Starbase 400, Sick Bay

K’Temoc stood by while the Romulan Commander and a few of his senior officers explained their desire to defect to the Federation and join the small Free Romulan Forces under Donatra and D’Tan.

“Most of our group was wiped out by the Tal Shiar and those loyal to Empress Sela and the Pretor. We were to meet another group of twenty three ships before crossing the border to defect. We tried to warn Sub Commander Terok but our communications were jammed.” Commander Torak explained.

“Where were you to meet him, and did you have an encrypted frequency you were to use to contact him?” K’Temoc asked.

“Yes.” The Commander replied. K’Temoc handed him a PADD and he input the information.

Jewel listened to what the Romulan Commander had said then looked at the information provided. She looked at both T'Lar and K'Temoc, "What do you think we should do?" She asked looking at K'Temoc she already knew what she would do she wanted to know if he was thinking the same thing.

T'Lar already had in mind what they should do but she didn't give her opinion.

After looking at the information for a moment K’Temoc looked over at Hurd and T’Lar. “I’d recommend sending General Hurd and the Sutherland. This is a sensitive matter and requires a diplomatic touch. I can follow along under cloak with the Yorktown just in case. I’d also recommend taking T’Lana along, as a former member of the Tal Shiar she might be beneficial.”

"Understood, I'll take a small crew." Jewel stated as she already had the people she wanted on her ship.

T'Lar was a little tired but seeing that the Romulan survivors were being taken care of, she nodded to Torak and then left, making her way to OPS.

After meeting with T'Lar and K'Temoc Hurd tapped her combadge as she walked out of sickbay, "General Jackson, Captain Lennox, Major T'Lyn, Sergeant Maal, Lieutenant McGinnis, Captain Itris, and Major T'Lana please board the USS Sutherland immediately." She stated as she walked towards the Sutherland.

Both T'Lyn and Sasha got the message and headed for where the Sutherland was docked.

Lennox heard the call and grabbed his 'go bag' and headed for the Sutherland. He was concerned, why would a ship designated for diplomatic missions be requiring a Marine heavy crew.

Denara was just finishing up some reports and sent a message back to relatives on Trill. Her time here at SB400 had been quite busy and she hadn’t responded to several of their messages. She left out the part out a certain Marine Captain she met on her first day… obviously that would prompt too many questions and a pool back home of when it would explode like a transphasic torpedo.

“On my way”, she acknowleged. She grabbed a small bug out bag… one that she kept ready for spur of the moment missions. It included changes of clothes, personal items, etc that she would need. As she passed her Squad’s XO, she stopped to alert him. “I am reporting to USS Sutherland. We might need fighter cover, so prep my squadron and have yours on standby.”

“Yes, ma’am. Consider it done!”

Within a few moments of leaving Fighter Country, Denara was arriving on the Sutherland, a Nebula Class Starship.

Jackson stood up, left a message for his XO, and left his office for the Sutherland. He arrived there shortly.

T'Lana had heard about the heavily damaged Warbird and the survivors already, so when she got the call to report to the Sutherland she wasn't surprised. That said, she also wasn't happy about it. It was one thing, looking over reports for the Admirals regarding Romulan activity for her opinion, this was another.

Maal send a return message about being on his way then left a message for Saith before heading for the Sutherland.

Jewel entered the bridge, shortly after T'Lyn and Sasha entered the bridge, "Reporting as ordered." T'Lyn said and Sasha nodded.

"T'Lyn take Ops, Sasha you will just take a seat I might need you for something diplomatic once that time comes." Jewel replied looking at both of them who just took their spots.

Jackson entered the Bridge. He was surprised to see T'Lyn at Ops, but he dared not show it. He nodded to Jewel, "Good morning General."

Lennox arrived and took the Tactical Station. He verified the ship was ready for combat if needed and awaited his orders.

She smile, "morning General." She replied back. She nodded to Lennox as he entered and took the Tactical Station like he already knew where he was going.

As Denara arrived on the bridge of the Sutherland, she was a little unsure of where to place herself. Fighter pilots typically didn’t have a bridge assignment, but she knew to check in any way. As she stepped off the turbolift, she saw that most of her mission comrades were already at their stations.

“Good Morning General Hurd. Captain Itris reporting as ordered. I have my squadron standing by to join us on this mission. You give the word and I can have them on in less than 10 minutes.”

"Very well, get them aboard." Jewel replied.

Nodding, Itris went to one of the vacant communication consoles and sent the message to her XO. Within moments, she could see them approaching the Sutherland, lining up to land in the starboard cargo bay.

The big Klingon finally made his way to the Sutherland, he then stepped onto the bridge, giving a salute. "Sgt. Maal reporting for duty."

T'Lana arrived on the bridge and looked around. 'So many Marines' she thought. She found a spot to the side and stood awaiting orders.

Once everyone else arrived, "Jackson you will be my Executive Officer, Lennox you will be Security/Tactical, Maal you will also be Security/Tactical two, T'Lana I like you to take the Intelligence station." She said as she looked at them. "This will be a diplomatic mission, we are heading back to the Neutral zone to talk to Sub Commander Terok about defecting." She said as she explained the rest of the situation.

T'Lana nodded and walked to the Intel position, logged in, and brought up information regarding the damaged Warbird already at the Station and awaited more info.

She looked at T'Lana and smiled, "Thank you for coming aboard, I know this is out of the norm for you but I am probably going to need your help one way or another with this mission." She said as she smiled at her.

T'Lana gave a respectful nod.

"Yes Sir," Jackson said as he sat on the First Officer's Chair, feeling that he had sat in such a position recently.

Maal gave a sharp nod "Yes sir." He then walked over standing in front of the Security/Tactical Two station.

Both T'Lyn and Sasha nodded, as the both sat at their stations.

Two hours later

The Sutherland was sitting just within Federation space with the Yorktown close by under cloak. They sent the encrypted transmission and waited. Several minutes later group of fifteen Romulan ships started to decloak, many of them suffering from battle damage. Five Valdore type Warbirds, six d'Deridex type Warbirds, and four old Battlecruisers.

"Major T'Lyn open a channel to Sub Commander Terok." Jewel ordered looking at the view screen. "Channel open sir," T'Lyn replied.

"USS Sutherland to IRV Dren, Sub Commander Terok this is Major General Jewel Hurd Commanding Officer of the USS Sutherland as well as Chief Diplomatic Officer of Starbase 400. We are here to assist you," Jewel said waiting for a reply.

"General Hurd, am I to assume Commander Torak sent you? Did his convoy make it through?" Terok replied.

"Yes Sub-Commander he did, yes with some assistance." Jewel replied looking at him. "He and his crew are aboard Starbase 400 safely." She added as she was standing.

"His crew? What about the other ships in his convoy?" Terok asked concerned.

Jewel took a deep breath before speaking, "His was the only surviving ship, he was trying to warn you and the others but was cut off and attacked. We managed to tow the ship and rescue the survivors." Jewel replied as she always hated bearing bad news.

Terok lowered his head for a moment while a female officer behind him looked upset. "Thank you for assisting them, we are in your debt."

"He had also shared that you as well as the rest of your convoy wants to defect, all you would have to do is make that request to me and we can protect you." Jewel replied as she looked at Terok.

Terok studied Hurd for a moment, he noted her Klingon ridges and her Vulcan ears...while the ridges gave him pause since he didn't trust the Klingons, the ears reassured him. He'd met and talked at length with Ambassador Spoke when he was on Romulus many years ago. "Then General, please accept our formal request to defect."

While the conversation was ongoing between General Hurd and Sub-Commander Terok, nine Romulan Warbirds, d'Deridex and Valdors, all with shields up. The Sutherland and cloaked Yorktown eased into the Neutral Zone to try and defend the Romulans wanting to defect as well as to talk down the approaching Romulans from the Star Empire.

Jackson saw the proximity alert indicator on his console. "We have company Jewel. Red Alert!"

"Shields are up, weapons online." Lennox reported from Tactical.

"That's General Veral's ship in the lead, he's a senior member of the Tal Shair." T'Lana added. "He reports directly to Empress Sela."

"All weapons appear to be targeted at the Dren." Maal spoke up from his console.

"Maneuver us in between them keep weapons targeted on the ship." She ordered as she could feel the tenting brewing.

"Weapons are locked General." Lennox replied.

"Don't open fire unless they open fire first," she replied looking at Lennox. She would hope it wouldn't have to come to that.

"We are currently within the Neutral Zone, General Veral will not hesitate destroying a lone Federation ship if it also means whipping out what he considers to be traitors." T'Lana advised.

She nodded looking at everyone on the bridge standing sensing the tension in air.

Denara has watched with interest as the dialog had played out. She was always interested/suspicious of the Romulans. They were only team players when it suited them, but ever since the Hobus Incident, the fracturing of their people and society seems to precipitate some changes in them. However as more ships arrived to the party, she went into Red Alert mode.

“General Hurd. I can have my fighters out in 3 minutes. May I be allowed to join them?”

"Go down their but do not launch until I tell you to, we don't need to start the fight." Jewel ordered sternly.

"As ordered ma'am." Denara left the bridge and made her way to the Cargo Bay were her squad was stationed. On the way, she commed her squad XO. "Ready the fighters and have them hot and ready to go when I arrive, but do not launch."

"Aye Ma'am."

Entering the turbolift, Denara went down a few decks to join her squadron.

USS Laffey, Bridge

It was a short four hour trip at slipstream back to Starbase 400, but it seemed to take a lot longer. Mike had left Janice and Christopher on Earth with the possible Romulan threat brewing.

“Admiral, my sensors show the Starship Sutherland and over two dozen Romulan ships just within the Neutral Zone. All ships have their shields up.” Dow reported.

“Chief, keep us in Slipstream as long as possible, drop us out as close to those ships as possible then take up a defensive position near the Sutherland.” Bremer ordered.

“Mike, one of those Romulan ships.” Draven started as he hit a few buttons on the Tactical Two console. “The IRV Dren, it’s commanded by Sub-Commander Terok. He’s known to Starfleet Intelligence to be outspoken against current Romulan policies. He wants the Star Empire to reject its membership in the Typhon Pact and work toward closer relations with the Federation again. He’s also known to be friends with Commander Denatra of the Free Romulan Forces.”

Mike stood up and walked behind Lek, looking at the data he’d pulled up. After a moment he looked back at the view screen and took his seat. A few moments later the Defiant class ship dropped out of its slipstream tunnel and moved into position above and behind the larger Nebula class USS Sutherland.

“Sensors show several of these Romulan ships were recently in a fight with other Romulan vessels, judging by residual weapons signatures on their hulls.” Dow added.

Mike stood. “Hail the Sutherland.”

“On screen.” Draven replied.

“Laffey to Sutherland, General what’s going on?” Mike asked.

"Sutherland here Admiral," She said as she went on and explained everything to Mike. "These are the rest of the Romulans that want to defect sir." She added looking at him through the view screen.

Mike looked back at Draven for a moment. "Understood, stand by General."

Mike had the channel muted then opened a channel to the lead Tal Shiar Warbird. A smug looking older Romulan appeared on the screen.

"Fleet Admiral Bremer, we meet at last, I'm General Veral of the Tal Shiar. Your ships are within the Neutral Zone. This is an internal Romulan matter, I suggest you withdraw." Veral said confidently.

"General, these people have made formal requests to defect to the Federation to a Starfleet Diplomatic Officer, they've also requested assistance with wounded and battle damage. That makes it a Starfleet matter. No one wants a fight here, but we will protect these people. Withdraw your ships." Mike replied equally confident.

"If you're going to make threats Admiral, you should have brought the Pegasus with you." Veral smirked. "We out number you, and these traitors are damaged and are of little help."

At that moment, the USS Yorktown decloaked.

Mike smirked. "I think we'd be fine." Mike then had another channel opened, and allowed Veral hear the transmission. "General Hurd, launch Captain Itris's fighters you brought and have them escort the Romulan ships wishing to defect to Starbase 400. We'll remain here to make sure there's no...incidents."

"Understood," she said then tapped the combadge, "Captain Itris launch your fighters and escort the Romulan ships back to Starbase 400 we will stay here." Jewel ordered.

This was the order that Itris has been waiting for. Now most pilots would not admit to loving some action, but after standard patrols, Itris knew her pilots need to be tested in situations beyond simulators.

“Copy that, General. Launching now.” Switching over to her fighter channel, she gave orders to her pilots. “Launch at mark plus 4. Form up by pairs and cover each other’s ass out there. We are tasked with bringing the Romulans to safety. Set up a defensive perimeter around the ships and stay within engagement range of each other. I don’t want to lose anyone out here. Avoid being drawn away from our charges and call for help when you need it. Mark”

The time went down to zero and Itris’ squadrons, the Red Tails, launched out of the cargo bays of the Sutherland. As they exited they banked right and came around the ship, headed toward the convoy of defectors. Their wide loop delayed them from reaching the convoy by a few minutes but it also took them out of any crossfire that might have happened if they had chosen the direct approach. As the pilots formed up into pairs, they began to position themselves around the convoy, mostly directed at the rear of it, forming a defensive screen between the convoy and the Tal Shiar. By now, her nerves had settled and she was locked in.

Now it was just time to see how stupid the Tal Shiar was.

Elsewhere on the Laffey, Micklin already had his MARSOC Team mostly suited up, due to their hasty exit from Earth.

USS Laffey, Bridge

Bremer and Veral glared at each other via the open comm channel. Veral spoke with another Romulan for a moment before looking back at the screen.

Draven finally spoke up and broke the silence. "I've scanned all of Veral's ships. Two of them have damage to their weapons, making them less effective, a few others aren't running at optimal power indicating damage to key systems. As maneuverable as the Yorktown and Laffey are, I think we could neutralize some of them before they get many shots off."

Dow then added, "Agreed, and Veral's ship shows signed of damage to its impulse and warp engines. A few torpedo hits show knock him out of the fight as well."

Of course, the comm channel was still open, and Veral heard every word. He looked over at another Romulan before nodding his head. Without saying a word his ships cloaked and turned back toward Romulan space.

Mike let out a breath and smirked at this Officers. "Signal the Sutherland and Yorktown to follow the Romulans back to the Station."



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