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Asylum for the Lady

Posted on Sat Jul 30th, 2016 @ 8:02pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Major General Thomas Jackson & Commander Hades,MD & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs

4,126 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Medical Bay -- Dr. Hades' Office
Timeline: MD03 -- 1800h
Tags: T'Lar, Hurd,


There was a chime on the door. The computer read out loud that it was Brigadier General Thomas Jackson.

Hades was confused for a moment. What would the general want? Probably to check on Caison.

"Computer unlock door."

The door opened and the General stepped through.

"Hello Doctor. Just checking on Captain Casion's progress."

Hades' stance relaxed. He pulled Jackson in all the way. "Computer lock and close door. Continue monitoring."

Lai'lira looked up at the new man who entered. She wondered if he was this XO they were waiting for. She started to stand.

Hades rushed to her side. "Stand slowly my Lady." He lead her to a chair.

Jackson was now confused, especially with a Romulan in the room. He wasn't sure if she was one of those whose rescue they participated in earlier.

Hades helped her sit down and then went and got glass of what which he handed to her. "Brigadier General Thomas Jackson this is Lai'lira Te'elis S'Nai. She was on the ship we evacuated. "Lady S'Nai, Brigadier General Thomas Jackson."

Lai'lira smiled weakly at Jackson. "It is nice to meet you."

"A pleasure to meet you." He said. Then he turned his head towards the Doctor. "So, how can I be of service?"

"Actually Mr. Jackson. I'm glad that you are here. We are waiting for the XO and the diplomat. There are Romulans out there that would kill her. Can you stay with her. I must go back I have a few cases I must check on."

Lai'lira stood and grabbed Hades' hand. "Please don't go!"

He turned, extracted his hand and with great gentleness took her shoulder. "It's alright my Lady. Mr. Jackson is a deleth (Protector). I will not be far nor will I fail to come back when the XO an Diplomat come." He looked at Jackson. "You will stay with her. Keep her safe?"

"I will for now. If I need to go, I have plenty of people to choose from to call on. So is she in danger from the other asylum seekers?"

"Yes. She is the niece of former Praetor Tal'Aura who was killed ten years ago. The XO and the Diplomat will be here soon. I will be back shortly."

"Excellent move. This is their expertise." Jackson said.

Jackson could handle any problem, but he decided to take precautions anyway. He tapped his combadge, "Jackson to MSAU."

"MSAU, Gibbs here."

"I need you to meet me in Medical. MSAU Protocol 3."

"Yes Sir. Gibbs out."

Jackson looked at the Romulan, "Just getting some extra security down here."

Minutes later, Gibbs showed up with another marine security officer. He posted him at the Medical entrance before meeting the General. "Reporting as ordered Sir. " Gibbs looked at the Romulan, "It this the package Sir?"

"This is Ms. Lai'lira."

Gibbs nodded to her, "Master Sergeant Gibbs Ma'am."

Lai'lira managed a weak smile. "Hello Mister Sergeant Gibbs."

"Hello Ma'am." Gibbs said in a professional tone.

Hades chuckled. "Master Sergeant." He corrected. "Stay here. You are safe. I will be outside. I have a few people to see."

She watched Hades leave feeling a bit scared. She stood on shaky legs. "W...would you two like to sit down?"

Jackson gave Gibbs a nod, and they both sat down, with Gibbs facing the entrance door.

Jackson could tell she was scared. "Just relax, everything will work out for you Lai'lira."

Jewel got the call as she was about to sit down for a few to eat something. She sighed and placed her maternity jacket back on and adjusted it. She was about 3 months along and had 4 more to go before meeting her little girl. She had a large pregnant stomach.

She walked out of her quarters and headed for sickbay, once she arrived she nodded to the Marine outside the door and walked in. "This better be good General was just about to eat." She said with a half smile, she then seen a Romulan female sitting close by.

"Doctor Hades will know more, but from my understanding, this asylum seeker is seeking asylum from the other Romulan asylum seekers, in addition from seeking asylum from the Romulan Empire." Jackson prayed to himself that he did not have to repeat what he just said.

Hades had seen the lady with the diplomatic stripes go in. He followed and entered just as Jackson was speaking to Jewel.

She looked at the doctor, "care to tell me what's going on?" She said as she was still hungry eating for two so this had better be good. The baby was doing cartwheels inside her letting her know she was hungry. She placed a hand on her stomach as to try to calm her down.

Hades had always been a great doctor and he knew the signs of a hungry mummy. He smiled. "Of course but first the look on your face says you are hungry. Why don't I get you something to eat while I let Lady S'Nai tell her story to you and before you respond. Food is important in your condition and Lai'lira could use some too so doctor's orders for both of you."

She stopped the,Doctor in his tracks, "I'll eat as soon I get back to my quarters I won't eat anywhere else." She said as she looked at him. "Just tell me what's going on here so I can possibly help. Shouldn't Admiral T'Lar be here?" She asked looking at the doctor.

He wasn't going to force her, he'd already missed a sleep cycle and he'd just lost a friend. His bedside manner was slipping, even he saw that. Keeping his voice calm he continued. "We are waiting for the Admiral I sent her a message at the same time as I sent you one. That is why I suggested..."

Whatever Hades had given her an hour ago was wearing off so she could sense the tension. Lai'lira stepped up. She wasn't enthusiastic about the fact that the diplomat was part Klingon but... "Um... I could use some water if it's okay...while we wait for the Admiral or I can tell you a little bit about what's going on. When the lovely tall Klingon turned to her instinctively Lai'lira stepped closer to Hades.

Jewel sighed a little, she could tell the women was uncomfortable around her. She was only a 1/4 Klingon, 1/4 Vulcan and 1/2 human she had the ridges of a Klingon and ears of a Vulcan. "I am sorry I don't mean to frighten you," she said softly as she sat down close by and sighed.

Hades gently steered Lai'lira to a seat. "Water for Lady S'Nai and Ms. Hurd...What would you like?" He looked at Jackson and Gibbs, "You as well gentleman."

She looked at him, "I'll take a green tea, and a small toast to hold me over." She said softly.

Jackson looked at Gibbs, "We will both have some coconut water please."

Hades gave a nod. He gave the coconut water to the Marines, a green tea and toast to Hurd and a peppermint tea to Lai'lira. When she gave him a look he laughed. "It's good for your stomach. Doctor's orders."

"Are you always this bossy?"

He grinned. "No...yes...maybe...only when I'm yes."

Lai'lira smiled.

Hades looked at Lai'lira. "Why don't you tell Ms. Hurd what happened we can fill in the XO when she arrives. "I'll go and look over some patients."

Lai'lira looked at Hurd. She put her tea down and grabbed for Hades' hand. "Don't go..."

Hades looked at Hurd. "Is it okay if I stay?"

She just nodded as she finished the toast and drink, she sat their with her hands on her larger stomach. She didn't know what to say at the moment, she just looked at both the Doctor and Lai'lira.

Hades leaned against the wall by Jackson. The man looked as if he were about to say something.

But Jackson remained tight lipped the whole time. He was still wondering why he was there. But he would know more by the end of her story.

Gibbs knew the whole protection drill, and also knew to just grin and nod.

Lai'lira sighed. Where to start. "I am Lai'lira Te'elis S'Nai. Daughter of Cy'kriss S'Nai, niece of former Praetor Tal'Aura. I'm requesting Asylum here on Starbase 400." S'Ten had prepared her for how to open things but...she decided to speak from the heart. "I am 23 years old. My aunt was murdered ten years ago I have been running for my life since I was 13 years old and before that I was..." She became visibly upset. "I..."

She looked at her, "take a deep breathe take it slow take your time," she said softly looking at her.

She was suddenly struck by the diplomat's kindness. She sniffed. "I'm sorry. I guess I should start at the beginning."

Jewel nodded, "Just take your time." She said as she tried to reassure her that they where here to help her.

Hades stepped closer and perched on the desk by Lai'lira's chair. "You are Tal'Aura's niece. You have great strength in you, draw on it."

Lai'lira took several deep breaths seeming to draw strength from his presence and the words he'd spoken. "I was born on Lumiria. One of the smallest colonies in the Empire. My parents were asked to stay there by Aunt Tal'Aura for a while. I understand that when I was young I was very emotional and had these crying episodes. Eventually doctors figured out I was born an oddity...I had the ability to sense people's feelings. I can't read thoughts or anything like that just feelings."

"Like any empathy you can sense what people are feeling." Hades said. "I picked it up when I scanned her earlier. She seemed overwhelmed so I gave her an inhibitor to make it easier."

She gave a nod. "My father was not happy. He said that nobody in his family had that ability and nobody in my mother's either so he said I wasn't his. He made it clear that he would not be in my presence. mother did not want to anger him so she stayed away from me. My sisters would often make fun of me and it was thought better for everyone if I just retired to my room. I stayed up there most of the time, Commander T'Sathe, who was a friend of my mother, his son S'Ten and daughter visited often and I would go on walks with them. I tried to go to a few family functions but...that many people all those emotions...I just felt better in my room."

Hades stood and walked back to where Jackson was standing. He clenched and unclenched his fists. For a mild man he was damn pissed off. S'Ten hadn't told him all this. Some of it but not all.

"Anyway ten years ago nobody came to see me for three days. I just waited and then my room unlocked and commander T'Sathe and S'Ten came in. They helped me pack, told me my aunt .... she was dead and that my family had been marked. My family had already left I was...I was the last. So they took me away and we've been running ever since. There have been countless attempts on my on the ship when we first boarded. S'Ten stopped him. He said we had to get to the federation that he had a friend who would help." She looked over at Hades and then back to Hurd. "I have nowhere else to go."

She listened and nodded, "will have to wait for the Admiral to get here but, I personally don't see why you can't stay here." She said softly, "I personally can't make that call." She added as she looked at the young women who's obviously been through a lot.

The medical PA called. =/\=Dr. Hades report to surgery bay.=/\=

Hades excused himself happy for the opportunity so collect his thoughts a moment. "I'll return." He saw the panic in Lai'lira's eyes. "Promise." He turned and left.

Lai'lira looked at Hurd. "Thank you for listening to me." She thought for a moment. "And for being so nice to me." She looked at Hurd. She pointed to her belly. "May I?"

She usually doesn't let anyone but certain people touch her stomach, but she would overlook it this time if it would keep Lai'lira calm and happy. She nodded her head as a yes answer.

Lai'lira touched her belly briefly and smiled. "Feels like a little girl's energy." She pulled her hand back. "So what happens now?" She asked the diplomat rubbing her arms. It suddenly felt very cold in the room.

"Will have to wait for Admiral T'Lar." She said as she decided to call Deela wondering if she had gotten the message. "General Hurd to Admiral T'Lar can you please come down to sickbay please." Jewel asked.

Deela answered, "On my way."

Jewel found a jacket and gently placed it over Lai'lira shoulders in hopes that it would keep her warm. "By the way I am having a little girl, her name is going to be Alena T'yrni Hurd." She whispered to her with a smile.

Lai'lira smiled. "What a wonderful name." She took Hurd's hand. "Thank you for being nice to me." She said it as if the small kindness like that had not been extended to her before.

"Your welcome," Jewel replied

Hades returned to his office smiling. "After more then 24 hours on duty I am happy to report I am off duty." He smiled and handed Lai'lira a bag. "You my dear are lucky that I live here in this office. I spend more time here then in my quarters. He pointed to a door behind where Gibbs was sitting. "Through there is a full bathroom. In the bag you'll find a clean towel there is soap and shampoo in the bathroom and something in the bag for you to change into. I didn't know your size so I guessed."

Lai'lira was grateful. She looked down at herself noticing for the fist time she was covered in Romulan blood and dirt and dust. She headed off and when they heard the shower running Hades sat down hard. He looked at Hurd. "You really should eat something."

"I'll be fine doctor," she said just as the baby kicked her rather hard which made her wince in pain. She rubbed her stomach and shifted in her seat.

"Okay that doesn't look fine to me." He caught her wince. "You will eat. I'm pulling rank here. The baby needs it. What can I get for you? We might be here a long time and I am just stopping short of ordering you. If you push me I will make it an order."

Sighing, she wasn't going to argue with him. "Anything will be fine." Jewel replied as the baby kicked hard again she winced again. "Geez child, your going to be a strong one......" She said as her brother wasn't this feisty when she was pregnant with him.

Jackson shook his head after hearing about Jewel's pregnancy again, and again thinking,'Glad I don't have to deal with those matters.'

Deela walked in, "Jewel, is everything okay?" She looked concerned for her friend Jewel. She looked at Dr. Hades, "Well?

Jewel chuckled, "Deela I am fine, just Alena being stubborn like me. But that's not why I called you down here just happened to walk in at wrong time." Jewel chuckled "we have a guest that wants to stay here on sb400, basically seeking asylum from the other defectors." Jewel added.

Deela smiled, "Glad to know you are okay. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me. So where is this person?" She looked around.

"She's getting cleaned up, should be out here in a few. She is scared so talk gently to her. Took her long enough to warm up to me." Jewel replied looking at her friend. Then she realized she totally forgot to tell Deela she was going to be a godmother again. She just smiled, looking at her then caught Jackson shaking his head and just smiled in his direction.

Hades in the mean time had prepared quite a feast for her. Healthy items of course. He placed the plate in front of her. "Now you must eat." He looked at the Admiral. "Hello Ma'am."

Deela nodded to Hades, "Hi."

It was a sleeveless dress. She came out feeling a bit embarrassed and chilly. When she walked out her eyes locked on the new arrival. She stepped back a step bumping into the wall.

Hades slipped off his jacket and walked over to Lai'lira. He draped the jacket over her. "Lai'lira Te'elis S'Nai this is Admiral T'Lar." He led Lai'lira towards the admiral aware of the young Romulan's death grip on his arm. "Admiral Ms. S'Nai niece of former Praetor Tal'Aura."

Deela smiled kindly, "Hello. There is no need to be afraid. You do not mind if I call you Lai'lira? Have something to eat and then we will talk."

Lai'lira gave a nod. "Okay." She really looked at the woman. She reminded her of her aunt. She had kind eyes. She let Hades lead her to a chair and allowed the admiral to take his desk chair. "So Admiral what can I get you to drink or eat. Lai'lira?"

Lai'lira looked up at him. "Chocolate? I haven't had it in 5 years."

Hades smiled at her. He looked at the Admiral.

Deela smiled back, "Nothing for me, thank you."

He brought over a rather large bit of chocolate cake and then headed over to where Jackson and Gibbs were. "I believe I'll join you gentlemen." He pulled Jackson aside. "Can I talk to you outside?"

"Of course you can," Jackson said, and he and Gibbs stood up, and stepped out of the room.

Lai'lira's eyes darted to Hades and Jackson leaving. She stood. Hades turned around. "I'll just be outside the door." She gave a nod and sat back down. She looked at the Admiral and then a Jewel. She pushed a little at her cake and then looked at T'Lar. "I'm not too good at talking with people." She ate a bit of her cake and then she sighed. She repeated her story to the admiral about her life leading up to Tal'Aura's murder and then how her family fled and left her behind. How Commander T'Sathe had saved her life and what happened over the last 10 years of running what happened before the ship had left for the neutral zone and how S'Ten had dealt with an attempt on her life there. She was tired after she finished. The day seemed never ending. She pushed the unfinished cake aside and she pulled Hades' jacket around herself a little more. "So basically I'd like to stay here. I don't know what's become of my family, Commander T'Sathe and his daughter have disappeared," Her eyes filled with tears. "S'Ten died a few hours ago...I have nowhere to go."

Deela put her hand on top of Lai'lira's and smiled at her. She spoke softly, "Everything will be okay, I promise. I do not see why you couldn't stay. I will talk to Starfleet on your behalf."

Lai'lira looked at both with so much gratitude. "Thank you!" She looked from one woman to the other. "So what's the next step?"

Jewel looked at Deela, "couldn't we give her temporary quarters and maybe place a guard with her until things calm down?" She asked looking at her.

She had an idea, "I am thinking the same thing. Actually, I think my quarters would be better. No one would think of looking for her there. Plus, I have Earl there and he would protect her. And the kids are staying at the Pike's quarters."

She smiled she forgot about the big cat. "Good idea," Jewel replied looking at her.

"As soon as she is ready to go, I will take her there and introduce her to her new friend and protector." Deela smiled, feeling confident in her decision.

Meanwhile outside. Hades stood back to the infirmary. "Gentlemen. Third bio bed to the right. The Romulan there had several burns and gashes. Some of which were self inflicted. Ms. S'Nai's bodyguard died with his eyes on that one and when I pulled her towards my office trust me the look he shot was one of a wolf stalking his pray. worth keeping an eye on."

Gibbs asked, "What is that person's current medical status? Can he survive being placed in the Max Security Brig, as a precaution?"

"If this were Romulus I'd say yes. But we can' throw him in the brig for self inflicted wounds and dirty looks. A trip to the counselor at best. I don't know how this asylum thing will work or if she'll be given any protection tonight but I say the Admiral should be consulted and see what she decides. I'll let you speak with the Admiral. But just wanted to give you guys a heads up."

Gibbs' formed a smile on his face. "Doctor Hades, are you, as a certified medical professional, telling me, a certified Federation peace officer, that this man has self inflicted wounds?"

Hades smiled. "It was documented and brought to my attention by one of the other medics. I reviewed it and signed off on it. So yes, Mr. Gibbs, I am."

Gibbs has been doing this kind of work for a long time, and he knew what to do. As Jackson observed the conversation, Gibbs spoke again, keeping a straight face, "Doctor, under authority as outlined in the Federation Security Protocols, I declare a Patient Restraint on the man in question. You will have twenty four hours to begin a medical and psychological evaluation of the subject, which may not exceed seventy two hours, to determine if he represents a threat to either himself, or others. If he cannot be moved to a secure location, a containment field can be utilized for the restraint. Either a Star Fleet Security Officer, or a MSAU Marine, will be posted for his safety as a 'suicide watch.'"

Hades smiled. "Mr. Gibbs I could kiss you!" He laughed. "I bow to your security wisdom." He gave a nod do Jackson. "Mr. Jackson you have an amazing Marine. I'll go assess the patient for transfer why don't you two let the Admiral know we have a patient that could be a handful."

Jackson gave Gibbs a pat on the back. As Jackson went over to the Admiral, Gibbs stood near the Doctor and the Romulan suspect, and watched.

Hades worked well aware of the Romulan eyes burning into his back.

"Excuse me Admiral T'Lar. One of the other patients was just put under a Medical/Security Restraint for his own, as well as Lai'Lira's physical safety. Doctor Hades advised that the subject might be a handful." Jackson stared into Deela's face, to make sure she knew what else he was telling her.

A chill ran down her spine for a moment, causing her to look towards the angry Romulan. Looking back at Jackson, she nodded, "I understand. As long as it doesn't go against protocol, proceed. Lai'Lira will be staying in my quarters. She will be well protected. Just keep me updated."

Lai'lira looked at the Admiral. "You'll let me stay with you?"

Deela smiled, "Yes. You should be safe there."

She let out a happy sound grateful for the woman. She hugged her. "Thank you!" Lai'lira was a rare flower. Her goodness and innocence could be felt and radiated from her but also her relief and gratitude and for a moment Lai'lira felt as though she was hugging her aunt.

She didn't expect the hug, "You are welcome. And when we get to my place, I will introduce you to Earl, my cat." She hoped that she wouldn't be scared of him.

Lai'lira smiled. "I've never seen a cat! I can't wait." She looked at Jewel then at T'Lar. "You two care for one another so much. You both have such pretty energy about you. I can sense such kindness not just towards each other but to me. Thank you for that." She touched both women's hands.

"Your welcome," Jewel replied looking at them.

Deela loved seeing that she was an empath as well, "Yes, thank you. So you are an empath, the same as me. I think that we are going to get along great. And since you have never seen a cat, you are in for a treat. Earl is going to love you."



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