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Sweet things and mystery items

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2016 @ 10:52am by Tom Vercetti & Splendora Sage

998 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Good Fella's Bar and Grille
Timeline: MD3 1540hrs, Following 'Defection'


Splendora had finally finished unpacking her quarters. She was going to go to her office and conduct some interviews for the position of receptionist and assistant but first she thought she'd treat herself to lunch. Tom's place was open and she decided to go. She lugged her heavy bag with her. She would use her time between interviews to look at this box and try to open it. She didn't remember packing it but...

Tom was standing by his door, his arm crossed, watching a group of five Romulans walk by on the Promenade. He didn't like the Romulans...he had his reasons. He'd heard through the rumor mill that these Romulans were defecting and wanted to join the small band of 'Free Romulans' that called Vaun'gan II home now. Still, Tom didn't care, they were sneaky, treacherous Romulans.

Tom looked to his right and saw another group of three walking into his restaurant. 'Why do Romulans want Italian food?' He thought to himself. He was about to follow them when he saw Splendora approaching.

She shrugged. She entered the lounge with the heavy bag slung over her back.

"What's in the bag?" He bluntly asked.

She smiled. "Hi Mr. Vercetti!" She put the bag down. "Some stuff for the office and a mystery for me to work out." Just as she finished speaking her headache crested and she swayed on her feet.

Tom caught Splendora before she fell to the ground. He looked back at a member of his wait staff. "Get a medic."

As the woman ran off, one of the Romulans stepped forward. "I'm a medical officer, and I have knowledge of Federation member physiology. I believe she is at least part Betazoid. May I assist her?"

Tom glared at the Romulan for a moment, then gently laid Splendora down to allow the Romulan to check her.

"Ma'am can you tell me what you are feeling?"

Splendora sighed. "It's just a headache and some dizziness. It will go away. I didn't sleep very well."

The young Romulan pulled his own tricorder out and did a scan. "There is some elevated readings in the frontal lobe. Perhaps a trip to the medical bay..."

Splendora shook her head. "I'm okay, really." She allowed Tom and the Romulan to help her up and then reassured the Romulan again, thanking him in his own language. He smiled and gave a nod before heading off.

Splendora looked at Tom. "I'm sorry." She felt this wave of embarrassment, "I'm really okay." She smiled ignoring the pain. "If I didn't know any better I'd swear it's the damned box."

Tom cocked his head to the side, 'box?' he thought. "I think the Romulan is right, you need to be seen in the Infirmary. I'll walk with you if you'd like."

She smiled gratefully. "Okay. Let's go to the infirmary. She looked at her bag. "Do you mind if we stop by the centre so that I can put this bag there. It's heavy and I really don't want to carry it with me."

Tom nodded, "Sure."

He then looked up to find a member of his staff, "Mary, tell Tony he's in charge until I get back." He looked away, then glanced at the Romulans, "and Mary, tell Tony that their meal is on the house."

The Romulans looked over at Tom for a moment, then gave a respectful nod in thanks.

"Let's go." Tom said to Splendora.

The walk to the centre was quick and she entered the code to open the door. Since the centre was still closed she dropped the box that was in her bag on the reception desk and they headed out again after she locked up.

They reached the turbo lift and stopped. Splendora looked up at Tom. "It's gone. My headache is gone."

Tom eyed her for a moment, "You sure?" Seem's awfully sudden." He was concerned.

She gave a nod. "Yeah. It just stopped." She thought for a moment. She didn't have her bag with her. She placed her hand on Tom's arm. "Can I tell you something? You're going to think I'm nuts but..."

Vercetti glanced at the bag again then narrowed his eyes and looked at Sage, "What is it?"

She pulled Tom a little way off out of earshot of everyone. "Okay so I was unpacking my quarters the other day. I found...I found a box. It has some weird writing almost like...telerite glyphs. I had four roommates before came here so...someone could have gotten things mixed up while we were all packing. I had a headache all night. When I left this morning the headache was gone. I then took my bag." She held the bag up. "I got the headache again. When we went to the centre I dropped the box off at the reception desk and now the headache is gone. Granted this all could be a psychological thing mystery box mystery pain but....." She sighed. "Crazy huh?"

Tom nodded, it was odd, but he'd seen odd things before so anything was possible. "Chief Science Officer Captain L'Verrem is still on leave and a new Assistant Chief hasn't been assigned to the Station yet. There's a new Science Officer, she's dating Rear Admiral K'Temoc...umm Lieutenant Cole, I'd let her take a look at it. She's an Anthropologist but she might could lead you in the right direction. Besides, Medical is tired up with all these wounded Romulans."

She smiled at him. "Sure. That would be great. I'll contact her today then." She thought for a moment. "You always seem to know what to say or where to go." She placed a hand on his arm and then removed it quickly blushing. "Sorry...I'm tactile. I always feel a need to touch people I talk to. Bad habit."

Tom flash a quick smile. "I need to get back to the restaurant, contact Lieutenant Cole."

He gave a respectful nod, then left.



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