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The Replacement

Posted on Mon Aug 1st, 2016 @ 11:31am by 1st Lieutenant David Henry & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

1,276 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Division XO's Office
Timeline: MD3, 1600hrs

Second Lieutenant David Ugo Henry was an expert at getting lost. He has gotten lost at the Academy, he has gotten lost in the fields of Mars while in training, he has gotten lost on Sabre Class star ships. It has been 5 hours since his arrival to Star Base 400, and during that time, he got lost finding his quarters. Now he is lost, looking for Marine Country, and then the search for the Division Executive Officer's Office, where junior officers reported.

None of the marine NCOs that he encountered would give him directions that he could easily understand. He finally found marine country, and in turn, the entrance to the XO's Office. He read the name plate, 'Colonel David Hurd', and deducted that since his name was David too, he had to be a nice guy. He pressed the door chime...

''Enter!!', Hurd yelled, going back to cleaning his weapon.

Dave walked briskly...into the door. Taking a minute to regain his bearings, he pushed the door button, and walked in. Snapping to attention and saluting, "Second Lieutenant David Ugo Henry reporting Sir!"

''At ease, tell me about yourself''.

Now that wasn't a question Dave was expecting. He had to think about it. "Well, um, Colonel, Sir, I have eight years experience as a Platoon Commander, including two or three Infantry assignments in my first year." He smiled at the Colonel, as if he just told him a good thing.

''That's in your service record, i meant tell me about you, the real you'', Hurd said sliding the magazine back into his .45.

Henry was getting confused by the question, which was easy to do in his case. "Well, Sir, I was raised by a Marine Colonel, and I like physical training. This is my first post in recent memory that did not involve desolate ice planets, zero G conditions, or demon class planets. In fact, my First Sergeant was quite shocked that I was being transferred to the 1st Marine Division. He was saying something about it being elite. I had no idea what he was talking about." As he spoke, his eyes were wandering all over the office. The collection of antiquities that adorned the office started to distract him.

''I see'', Hurd said looking up. ''I take it you like my collection?''

"Oh yes I do Sir! They look absolutely amazing in fact. Nothing like these things we carry," as he unwittingly drew his newly issued side arm. There was something the Lieutenant forgot about the Phaser 2c-Mark IV, like a grip safety that deactivated as soon as it was handled in a firing grip. But Henry also set off a small chain of events that would only be deemed concluded when the events were complete. Events that continued with a lapse of trigger and emitter discipline. The two inch wide almost white beam that seemed to have been crawling out of the emitter to the Colonel, indicated that Henry did not check the power setting. To all involved, the beam seemed to have traveled across the room in slow motion, until it touched, and vaporized what used to be known on ancient Earth as an AK-47 Assault Rifle, which until now, hung harmlessly on the Colonel's wall as a testament to man's ingenuity. A gaping hole also formed on the bulkhead where the old weapon was proudly displayed. An alarm sounded at the discharge of a live weapon on the station. Henry, mouth hanging open in horror, kept alternating his view between the damaged wall, and the Colonel. Through the shock he managed to gather the energy to speak. "Um...Oops."

His mouth agap, Hurd stood and said, ''What in the hell was that?''

Henry let off an uncomfortable grin as he re-holstered his weapon, "An accident Sir?"

Two MSAU Marines came running into the office wit their phasers drawn, as a response to the weapons fire alarm. When they realized there was no firefight in Colonel Hurd's Office, they too re-holstered their weapons, and walked out.

Henry then asked, "Um, Colonel Sir, are you mad?"

''A little, but lucky for you the original is in the weapons locker in the corner, what you destroyed was a replica''.

Henry let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God. You see Sir, since my First Year at the Academy, I have had bad luck with Federation equipment. My last CO mentioned something about having a dedicated line on his budget report specifically for me. My last incident involved misplacing a runabout."

''Now how did you go about doing that?'', Hurd said intrigued.

"Well, Sir, there isn't much as far as supply depots near Delta Vega, so the CO would have me specifically go on supply runs to the frontier settlements in a Blackhawk Class runabout. Some items I could find easily. Other items, like grid squares, tent stretchers, a PRC-O-6, and dehydrated water, I could never find. One of the settlers told me where to find these items. I went to this planet, and the even had valet docking for all visiting ships. So these green men parked my ship for me as I went in search of the supplies. Orions are nice people. Anyway, Sir, they said that my ship got misplaced, so I had to wait two weeks for my garrison to send a ship to pick me up," Henry replied. "Do you even know what a PRC-O-6 is Sir?"

''No, i have never heard that term''.

Henry felt a little more relaxed now. "Well Sir, that is how I misplaced a runabout. Question Sir. My orders state 'Platoon Commander at Large', does this mean I don't have a permanent platoon assignment?"

''I believe that would mean you would float between Platoons, but i will seek clarification on that''. Leaning back in his chair, Hurd added, ''As you can tell i am not your typical Marine''.

"I haven't quite figured you out Sir." Henry replied.

''Just take a look around the room'', Hurd said chuckling.

" like weapons? Specifically, older style weapons?" Henry said as he took another look around the office.

''Yeah, i mean i carry a Phaser, but they can be jammed, or rendered inoperable due to dampening fields, while these'', he said gesturing around the room, ''Can not be jammed''

Henry might be slow, but he actually understood what the Colonel was saying. "Sir, I understand completely. Orders?"

''Assume your duties as outlined in this Padd, and i have something for you, something i give all the new officers'', Hurd said sliding the Padd, and the wooden box that it rested on, across the desk. Smiling he said, ''Can you guess whats in that box?''

Henry, once again, was confused. "Sir, taking into account what just happened, are you actually going to trust me with another weapon?"

''I am willing to count that as a mistake, now go ahead and open the box''.

He opened the box, and gasped at the site of an antique pistol, well oiled, and almost in brand new condition. "It is beautiful Sir, what is it?"

''Its a Smith and Wesson M&P .40 Caliber Handgun, my treat to you''.

"Well, thank you Sir!" Henry examined the contents of the box. "I take it these three attachments are to adjust grip size." He looked at the three magazines, "And these don't look that much different from our power cells." For the first time in his career, Henry actually had a natural grasp of a weapon. The manual inside the box also encouraged him.

''Alright, report to Major McMichaels, dismissed''.

Henry proudly saluted, and exited the office, new gift in hands.


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