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Green Blood Flowing

Posted on Mon Aug 1st, 2016 @ 7:42pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Major General Thomas Jackson & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon & Commander Hades,MD & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs

2,881 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Medical Bay
Timeline: MD3 - 1830h following "Asylum or the Lady"


Hades noted Gibbs hovering by as he examined the Romulan patient who was eyeing him with contempt and something else. He looked over at Gibbs but said nothing. It was then the CMO came. Hades pulled him aside out of ear shot of the Romulan.

He quickly explained to Shrivol about the Asylum for Lai'lira and about this Romulan and the self inflicted wounds and Gibbs' idea.

Shrivol looked at the Romulan trying to figure out what was going on. "Thank you for informing me."

The Romulan's glare shifted to Gibbs, who not only returned the glare, but smiled, as if saying to the Romulan 'Please put on your stupid hat.'

The Romulan sensing the eyes of the other man lay back. This one was powerful. He had to come up with a plan. He let his mind drift. He opened his eye sand saw that the Marine had turned his head towards the doctors. He used the opportunity to look around and he smiled. He had a plan but for now he lay back. He groaned as if in pain.

Hades turned back to look at him. He came over with the other doctor, the Andorian. "I...I'm thirsty." He said looking at the Andorian hoping he'd go to the replicator and get water.

Shrivol retrieved a glass of water and handed it to Hades. Observing the interaction intently but not obviously.

The Romulan looked at Hades and saw anger in his eye but worry the groan had brought out his natural healer. He surprised a smiled. "My hurts." Hades pulled a mobile tray up to the bio bed and picked up a hypo. He pressed it to the Romulan's neck.

The Romulan looked at Gibbs. He wondered if he could get the good doctor to send him away. "Does the big ape have to be here?"

Gibbs continued his glaring smile, but said nothing. The Romulan's mouth was unimportant. The Romulan's eyes, hands, and feet where, and Gibbs was more than capable of removing any one of them. He thought to himself, 'It's been a while since I roasted a rabbit'. 'Rabbit' was a derogatory term for a Romulan.

Jackson had the tendency to tell jokes to relieve the stress out of situations.

Lai'lira laughed at something Jackson said, coming out of the doctor's office with T'Lar and Jewel.

It was now or never. Lai'lira was so close...

When Hades and Gibbs looked up at the exiting party the Romulan palmed the scalpel on the roll tray and with the speed of lightning buried the blade in Hades' shoulder.

Hades howled in pain knocking the Romulan back. The Romulan staggered but recovered quickly an lunged towards Lai'lira.

The lunge was interrupted when Gibbs took control of the Romulan's arm that was holding the scalpel. Maintaining a two handed grip on the arm, Gibbs could sense that he was going to make a move against their balance. Gibbs decided to help the Romulan unbalance the pair, as they both went down on the deck. Once on the deck and on their backs, Gibbs used his legs to pin the Romulan on his back, as he locked the Romulan's arm between his legs. Using the leverage, he tore the Romulan's arm out of its socket. The Romulan's scream of agony was reassuring to him. Only skin attached it to his body. The scalpel dropped to the floor, where Jackson picked it up, and backed off. Gibbs rolled and maneuvered, maintaining control of the Romulan, and his remaining functional arm. The Romulan started to bite Gibbs in the leg. Gibbs yelled, "I'm done," as he drew his phaser, and shot the Romulan in the scrotum. The phaser was not set to stun. The Romulan ran out of air as he screamed like he has never screamed before, and lost consciousness. The last thought on his mind was that not only would he die as a disgrace to the Talshiar, but he would also die without a gender. The agony interrupted his dying thoughts as he slipped into oblivion. Gibbs dropped the Romulan like a rag doll, and got up.

While this was going on, Deela grabbed Lai'lira and pulled her out of the way.

Jewel reacted as well keeping her at a safe distance.

Jackson put the scalpel down, and checked on the Doctor. "Hades, are you okay?"

Hades groaned. "I'll live."

Gibbs limped over to the two, "Silly Romulan, tricks are for Marines."

Hades looked at Gibbs. "Is that tripe still breathing?"

Gibbs turned around, and limped back over to the Romulan's body. The frozen expression of pain on the Romulan's face was almost satisfying to Gibbs, who check for a pulse anyway. "That would be a no. "

"Good." He noted several eyes on him but he cared now. He was glad the Romulan was gone and that Lai'lira was safer. He felt Shrivol's hand on his shoulder. He was aware of the green blood oozing from the scalpel wound. There was one more thing he had to do before he let Shrivol heal him.

Shrivol reacted immediately, his left hand pressed tightly on Hades shoulder to slow some of the bleeding. His right hand managed to grab a tricorder, his biggest fear was that the scalpel hit an artery. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no artery was injured, he then proceeded to seal the wound.

Deela sighed as she moved closer to the body, "Dr Thr'elanon, see to Hades. Gibbs and Jackson, get the Romulan on the biobed. I am going to have to report this to Admiral Bremer so you all need to get your reports in about this incident as to what happened."

Jackson and Gibbs looked at each other, then looked at Deela, "Yes Sir." Even with his injured leg, Gibbs had no problem helping Jackson get the dead assassin on the biobed. Jackson used much of his will power not to smirk as he looked at the gaping hole where the Romulan's groin used to be. Gibbs just rolled his eyes, and shrugged his shoulders.

She turned to Lai'lira, "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

Lai'lira stared at the body in shock, tears building in her eyes. She looked up at Deela and shook her head. Her voice a bit weak. "I'm okay." She moved over to Hades who was standing by Gibbs. She placed her hand on Gibbs' arm. "Are you okay Mister Sergeant Gibbs?" She hoped she'd said his position right.

Gibbs wasn't a stickler about civilians and his rank. "He took a nice bite out of my leg, but I'll live. The important thing is that you are okay."

She turned to Hades... "Okay?"

He gave a nod smiling at the Mister Sergeant thing.

Deela still wanted Lai'lira to stay with her more than ever until this all could get sorted.

Jewel sighed, "great..." Is all she said as she looked at them.

Hades moved over to the Admiral. "Ma'am. Can I have a private word?"

"Yes, that would be fine." Deela looked back at Lai'lira.

Lai'lira moved over to Jewel. "Are you okay...The baby is okay?" She was worried about her new friend.

She looked at her and smiled, "Yes we are ok." She smiled as she looked at her then Deela. "Deela would you like me to take Lai'lira to meet Earl while you deal with this?" Since Earl knew Jewel and liked her to where she can enter with no problem.

"If you could, that would be great. Just remember that he is a big cat and could sometimes look scary, especially for someone who has never seen a cat. And if you could feed him, that would be helpful. Just replicate a raw steak, cut it and let Lai'lira feed him. Maybe he will not seem so scary." Deela remembered how intimidated Paul Harrison was the first time he saw him.

Gibbs tore his trousers to gain better access to his bite. "Anyone have a shot and dermal regenerator for this bite?"

Hades went over to the med cabinet loaded a hypo and tossed it to Shrivol. He looked at Gibbs. "Gibbs."

"Yes Doc, I hope you are okay. I have had worse." Gibbs said.

"If you start to notice any ear growth or funny ridges on your face or have an urge to bite someone see me right away..." He grinned at his little Vampire joke

Gibbs just laughed, "I will note that advise Doc."

"I swear doctors make the worst patients." Shrivol said with a smile as he walked back over to Hades and applied a dermal regenerator. He then started repairing the damage done to Gibbs. "Looks like your skin is pretty tough, and it looks like he has a chipped tooth."

While Shrivol tended to Gibbs, Hades with the Admiral to his office. He let her take his usual seat while he sat in the patient seat. Suddenly he felt weak and slid into the seat not too gently. He being half Vulcan was the only thing keeping him on his feet. He pulled out a green memory cell from his pocket. He'd copied what S'Ten had given him before he died. He slid the copy to the Admiral.

Deela looked at it, "What is this?"

"I knew S'Ten, her bodyguard. Before he died he slipped this to me when he entrusted me with her safety. I took the liberty of reviewing it since I didn't know what it was." He took a breath to try and control the pain he was feeling. His side burned too. The damn Romulan had managed to slice him in the side too before Hades threw him off and Gibbs finished the job but he'd get that treated after he talked to the Admiral. "It has all the information on her childhood, on the last few years Might help with her asylum claim." He let out shuttered breath. "Also...there is something that is a bit....difficult or at least will be for her. S'Ten was able to get information on her family she will find it difficult to hear that part."

"In time but right now, we need to give her some time to feel safe and secure. This information will have to wait." Deela could tell that he was more injured than he lead others to believe, "We need to continue this conversation later. Right now, you need medical attention. Being part Vulcan doesn't give us superpowers you know." She smiled.

He smiled back. "Yes ma'am." He stood, he'd given his jacket to Lai'lira so he had on his standard issue tank which, on the right side, was now soaking with green blood. He swayed on his feet and clutched the wall with one hand and his side with the other.

Deela watched him for a moment, realizing that his injury was going to overtake him.

His eyes locked with the Admiral's. "I'll guarantee for her with Starfleet. I...Promised S'Ten I'd watch her." He gritted his teeth. The burning increased. "I really wish we had those superpowers." He tired to make a joke before blackness overtook him.

"Me too." She shook her head before helping Hades onto a biobed, "Dr. Thr'elanon? Dr. Thr'elanon. Medical emergency!"

Shrivol ran to the biobed and started scanning. "Nurse 15cc adrenaline. NOW!" Shrivol said a bit impatient. "This is why people need to stay still when being treated." Shrivol's hands were moving fast as he performed his job. A loud beep from the biobed sounded. "Damn." Before the nurse could arrive with the adrenaline Shrivols right arm raised high in the air and hit hard in the left center side of Hades chest. The biobed ceased to beep and the nurse injected the adrenaline into Hades. "Okay we have a heart beat." A little sweat started to drip from Shrivols forehead.

Once Hades was out of danger, Deela left for her quarters before having to report everything that happened to Fleet Admiral Bremer.

==Meanwhile elsewhere on SB400==

Lai'lira and Jewel had arrived at the Admiral's quarters. Lai'lira looked up at Jewel waiting for her to open the door.

She looked at Lai'lira, "Before we go in I will explain Earl," She said as she looked at her. "He is not a small cat, he is a big cat. What Earth would call a White Tiger. He is a big baby for those who he cares about but will protect those who he cares about. So we will go in, I will have you stay by the door while I call Earl over and have you meet him." She said as she looked at her.

"So don't be frightened ok," She added with a reassuring smile.

Lai'lira smiled. She'd always had an easier time with animals then with other people so she wasn't worried. "Sounds good. Animals don't frighten me. People do."

She nodded and opened the door, and told her to stay by the door. She then walked in a bit more "Hey Earl, come." She said as she called Earl who was probably in the bedroom taking a snooze. He stretched and walked out and let out a soft roar. "Hey Earl hows my favorite Tiger?" Jewel said he purred then noticed another person in the room. "It's ok Earl she is a friend, her name is Lai'lira she will be staying with you guys for a while. You will protect her ok?" She said to Earl petting him who just continued to purr.

"Are you hungry boy?" She said which got a look that meant yes. "Would you let her feed you?" She asked he just purred. "I'll take that as a yes," She said then looked back at Lai'lira. "You can come sit now, talk to him when you pet him so he can get used to you." She said as she walked to the replicator and replicated raw meat and cut it into slices then walked back over. She showed her how to feed Earl, then let her do the rest while she just watched.

Lai'lira sat down on the floor and began to pet Earl while Jewel cut up the meat. "Hello little kitty." She stroked his chin and scratched his ears. She kept eye contact with the Tiger radiating joy. She even got to hug him before the meat was given to her. She took a chunk of meat and fed the cat. The second bit of meat she put on the floor and watched as Earl lay down and began to eat. She laid down beside him and giggled as he stopped eating the meat and used his nose to push it to her. She laughed and pushed it back so he could finish it. "I think he likes me."

She smiles, "good." She said as she looked at her as she sat down. "Deela should be here soon." she added as she looked at her.

Lai'lira continued to pet Earl as he ate. "Thank you for staying with me until the Admiral comes." She gave Earl a kiss on the head.

Deela walked in to see that everyone made it and that Earl was introduced to Lai'lira. "Hi." She moved to Earl and petted him on the head, "Looks like Earl approves. That is a good sign." She smiled at Jewel, "Thank you for feeding him. I have been so busy lately, that he gets pushed to the sidelines."

"No problem" She said as she stood up, "I better get going I think I am going to go rest for awhile before doing anymore work." Jewel replied as she hugged Deela, patted Earl on the head then looked at Lai'lira and smiled and headed for the door.

"So Lai'lira, how do you like Earl so far?" Deela sat n the floor next to Earl and placed her hands on him, "He likes you very much you know."

Lai'lira smiled. "He's so beautiful." She placed another kiss on the tiger's head. The look the big cat gave he said, 'Stop that already.' she laughed. "He's quite expressive. I like him very much too." She was quiet for a moment. "How is Hades...he was hiding something. I could feel his pain."

Deela nodded her head, "Yes. He was hiding the fact that he got stabbed in the side as well but he is going to be okay. Dr. Thr'elanon was there and aided him immediately. Let me show you where you will sleep. I will have some clothes brought over including something to sleep in."

Lai'lira looked down at the floor for a moment. "Um... Admiral...I can't afford to pay for clothing right now." She would though. She was determined to get a job and make a contribution. This was going to be a new life for her.

Deela put her hand on her shoulder, "You do not need any credits. Besides, there are perks with being an Admiral. You do not worry about it, okay? I have you covered. Just get back on your feet and that will be payment enough."

Lai'lira looked up and Deela with tears in her eyes. "You remind me so much of my aunt. Thank you so much. For everything." She followed Deela.



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