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A Furry Creature.

Posted on Mon Aug 1st, 2016 @ 10:53pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

2,878 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Hurd Quarters
Timeline: MD3 - 1900h after "Green Blood Flowing"

Jewel left Deela's quarters after dealing with the Romulan women, she was tired, sore, and wanted to sit down for awhile and relax. But lately she hasn't been able to do so. She decided that she let her nanny take Jr for the night, just to give her some time to relax. She rubbed her large stomach, still trying to settle the little one down. She grabbed something to eat again and ate, but nothing seemed to settle her down.

She sat on the couch and waited for her husband to come home, she needed his touch. She turned on some soft music in hopes to settle Alena down.

Hurd had picked up a surprise for Jewel, one he had waited for several months to arrive. As he walked in, he muttered something under his breath, and holding one hand behind him, he said, ''Whats up hun?''

She looked at him not paying attention to anything he even had or even was hiding. "Sore, and tired. Your daughter won't calm down." She said as she laid on the couch.

''Maybe this will help'', David smiled. ''Axe come and heel''. A large, black and tan German Shepard walked out from behind David and sat down at his side, looking at Jewel. ''Hun, this is Axe, and he is both highly trained, and our new family pet and your and the kid's protector when i am not here.''

She raised an eyebrow, "you got a...." she said as she looked that thing over. "A dog without consulting me first?" She said not happy by any means. She's not a fan of animals never have been, she just looked at the animal trying to figure that thing out. She got up and walked to the bedroom obviously in discomfort. Just wanting David to give her a good message and run her bath.

''Whats wrong, he is quite friendly and well mannered''.

"David, that is not the point. We are suppose to consult each other first to see if I even wanted that thing. I don't care for animals, now I got to deal with the mutt." She said as she walked to the bathroom to run her own bath water since he wasn't going to do anything.

''The Dog i have been waiting on for quite some time.'' ''It was supposed to be a wedding gift, but it was delayed''. ''By the way, he is not a mutt, he is a purse bred Protection Trained Dog''.

"I don't care what he is, next time ask what I like and don't like." She said as she looked at him. "The only animal I like and have grown accustomed to is Admiral T'Lar's cat name Earl." She said talking about her White Tiger. Now she's got to deal with this thing.

She didn't even make it to the bathroom she laid on the bed obviously uncomfortable. "I am in here uncomfortable and all you care about is that dang thing." Jewel replied, "it can stay somewhere else I don't want him here." She spat annoyed.

''The Dog stays, and if you think i love it more than you, you are wrong''. ''You know i love you, i always have and always will''.

"That is not the damn point David," She said as she just laid their. "I don't want that thing in here. So keep it somewhere else! or I will pack my things and leave. It's either the Dog or me, which one will it be?" She gave him an order, she didn't want that thing nor was she going to let up on her stance.

''Hows about i just leave'', Hurd said, grabbing Axe's leash and walking out, taking time to cool down and let Jewel do the same.

She was so mad, how could he not say something. She hated surprises and hated this. Alena would not lay still and caused her more pain, She let out a scream but David wouldn't have heard it. She lay on the floor of the bedroom in pain. "Alena please calm down," she said almost in tears.

Hurd jut kept walking, mad and upset to the point of tears.

Jewel finally was able to get up and walk just enough to get to the couch. She ordered some green tea, in hopes it would settle her. 'Why am I arguing over a silly dog' she though to herself. Was this all worth the stress she was causing herself to have. Tears ran down her face as she rubbed her stomach, she rang for a nurse to come down to check her out. The nurse came and made sure Jewel was alright and the baby. "Everything seems to be good, she's just being rather active. But, I have noticed that your blood pressure is kinda high which can cause her to be more active. I suggest you try to distress yourself." The Nurse replied as she gave her a hypo-spray of some stuff that would help with keeping it down.

"Try to keep it down, or it will cause complications with your pregnancy." The nurse warned, Jewel nodded. "Just take this once a day, and come to sickbay if things get worse." the nurse replied as she handed her a hypo-spray that would last a week or more. "Thank you." Jewel replied as she started to feel better already.

She laid their with her eyes closed taking deep breathes, all she wanted was David, his touch. Why did she have to argue over a silly animal, was it really worth it she kept thinking over and over.

Tapping his Combadge, Hurd said, '' Hurd to Hurd, are you ok, and have you calmed down?''

Jewel finally was able to fall asleep, and didn't hear the combadge. She was laying on the couch.

''Interesting, come on Axe'', Hurd said. Walking back down the hall and entering their quarters, Hurd sat down in a chair, with Axe laying at his feet, and closed his eyes, not asleep, just meditating.

She woke up and sat up, looking at David and the dog. "David, I am sorry." She said softly walking over to David sitting on his lap. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach. "I love you babe" She said looking at him.

''I love you more''.

"Our baby girls name is going to be Alena T'yrni Hurd." She said with a smile just as she kicked his hand. "She's even say hi daddy," she chuckled. She looked down at the dog. "I guess you can stay but your not sharing our bed." She said looking at it.

David smiled as the dog tilted its head slightly sideways and let out a bark.

She looked at David, "Honey will you go run my bath water and give me a message once in the tub please babe?" She asked with a kiss.

''You got it hun, now would you like to formally meet Axe?''. ''He has the heart of a warrior''.

She kinda rolled her eyes on the last part he said but didn't let him see it. She just looked at the dog for a moment and just patted him on the head. "Ok now can you go run the water please." She said looking at him.

As Axe sat at Jewels feet, David walked into the bathroom and ran some warm, soapy water. After about 7 minutes, he shut off the water, walked back out, and said, ''Your bath is ready baby''.

"Thank you," She said as she walked in, got undressed and got in. The water was just right and she smiled. "David, will you come in here and message my back please." She said through the door. "But leave the dog in the living room." She added.

''Alright Hun'' David said as he stood up. Looking at Axe, he said, ''Axe, Guard''. The Dog trained its vision on the door as David walked in Kneeling down, he started messaging Jewel's shoulders.

She looked at him while he messaged her shoulders, "but next time please consult me before bringing anything else home it will save the hassle ok?" She asked looking at him feeling a bit better.

''Ok hun'', David said smiling.

She heard growling and barking and a women scream, she looked at David. "That's our nanny with our son call off that damn dog." She yelled at David. She quickly got out and put a loose night gown on just to cover herself and ran out to see the dog attacking the nanny, blood coming from her leg. Jr was on the ground crying.

"General Hurd to sickbay medical emergency in my quarters." Jewel stated as she looked at David and now was pissed. "Better call of that damn dog now!" She ordered, "and put him up in a kennel or something!" She yelled at David.

''Axe faust!!', Hurd yelled as Axe ran back to his side. Looking at Jewel and the nanny, he said, ''Jewel, just ask the Nanny what she was doing to provoke him, because Axe would not have done something like this unless he perceived himself, you, me, or Jr were in danger''.

"David! He hasn't met them so for all he knew they where strangers! don't give me that shit David I said kennel him now!" She yelled as the doctor entered."And she is afraid of dogs, or animals for that matter so her scream probably scared the dog but still!" she yelled. Susan Raya worked to stop the bleeding while Jewel picked up Jr and had the doctor check him over. Luckily he was fine.

After the doctor repaired her wounds and was good to go Susan left shaking her head. The nanny also ran out crying, "Now you got to find another nanny." She said as she had Jr and walked out of their quarters pissed. She stopped before she completely left, "Now I want that dog gone, I will not have a dog bite people just for entering. I think I can protect myself. I am not wearing a Marine uniform for nothing David!" She yelled more pissed then before. She let the door shut and walked down the corridor trying to calm Jr down.

''You know what, screw this'', David roared as he grabbed a duffel bag and stuffed it full of clothes, grabbed Axe's leash, and left, yelled in the corridor, ''I will just sleep in my damn Ready Room aboard the Tirpitz, at least there i wont be called a liar, and there is still something wrong with damn nanny!!!', Hurd yelled as he and Axe kept walking.

She growled, "Their is nothing wrong with that nanny, she's been with me since my Twins were born! I trust her with my life if needed so yes I am calling you a liar! Fine, if your going to put that dog over me then were through!" She yelled as she walked down the corridor. She hoped to save her nanny from leaving. She made it to her quarters and begged her to reconsider. She even made an agreement that she wouldn't have to stepped foot in her quarters that Jewel would come to her. She asked if she could watch Jr and she be back once she settles things with David.

She left and headed down the corridor after David, she was not happy. "David stop now!" she said looking at him. "Your lucky i was able to talk her into keeping Jr and watching him." She stated as David has never seen her this mad before. "I suggest we go back to our quarters we don't need to argue out here." She said looking at him.

''Oh really?'' ''I know Axe did not bite her for no reason, furthermore he could have killed Jr but he left him alone''. ''Did you see both how he was positioned between her and Jr, and the way he was latched onto the nanny's leg?''

"Did you not hear the door open, her see the dog and scream and when he attacked her caused her to loose grip of Jr causing her to drop him where we found him laying on the ground. She told me, I even quickly melded with her to see and that's exactly what I seen. So yes I am calling you a liar!" She yelled once they where back in there quarters.

''I will not argue this with you, fact of the matter is she either startled him, or she did something he perceived as a threat either way im sorry she got hurt but had i known she was afraid on animals i would had him leashed''. ''And i WILL NOT lock him up in a kennel, period.

"This goes back to the part where you tell me things, you had me do worked up it slipped my mind and I didn't think she be back until tomorrow so didn't get a chance to warn her." She yelled, "you keep that dog away from me, and Jr." She stated still pissed "I rather you keep him else where but, I won't get that lucky." She said as she went and put her uniform on left her hair out of a braid and walked out and headed for her office. She needed to calm down so she decided to do something productive like reports.

She was beginning to wonder if this marriage was even worth it. She wasn't sure how she felt right now.

David shook his head, and headed back out with Axe towards the Tirpitz, where he would be sleeping for a while, to think things over.

She arrived to the Diplomatic facilities, Sasha was working late and notice Jewel enter and she could tell she was upset or something. "Hello General everything ok?" She asked as Jewel walked to her office. "Oh I'll be fine, just need to get some work done." Jewel replied as she entered and right before the door closed. "I don't want to be disturbed by anybody including my husband." She added as Sasha nodded.

Jewel ordered a tea and sat down and started crying. She wasn't sure how she felt, her emotions where all over the place. She wondered if this was even worth it anymore. She loved David but she wasn't sure anymore, maybe she needed some time away from everything. She soon stopped crying and picked up the many PADDs laying on her desk and began to work.

David had, by now, made his way to the Tirpitz, and lay down on the couch in his ready room. He was mad, hurt and so many other things. He lay there, curled up and crying.

Jewel couldn't get anything done, she got back up and went back to her quarters and laid in bed and feel asleep. She didn't care if she was still in her uniform or not. She was exhausted and needed the sleep.

She sent a message to David, to let him know that they were separated for awhile and not to come to the quarters for awhile. She needed her space, she needed to figure out what she wanted to do. Their was so much going on she needed her space.

David stayed up and read the message, and sent the following reply, ''Fine, have it your way, but until you are ready to talk, stay away from me at all times.'' He hit the transmit button and waited for a reply.

She read it and replied, "Now that will be kinda hard now won't it? Especially when on duty." She said and sent the message, still irritated and annoyed how he could choose the dog over her and Jr. As her husband he should have taken her side over the damn dogs which had her more mad.

David transmitted another message, which read, ''As i said, until you are ready to talk about this, and get get rid of that damn nanny and replace her with someone trustworthy, i have nothing to say, so stay away from me''. He transmitted the message, sat back in his chair, and waited for a reply,

She was now pissed, "Then I guess you'll have divorce papers soon, the nanny stays like I said she's been with me for 15 years. So she isn't going anywhere, and when we are on duty you will deal with me especially when you are spoken to in meetings understood!" she ordered growing mad.

The next message David sent was even more intense. ''General'', he said mockingly, ''If you come anywhere near me, i will file for a restraining order, and as for meetings, you are a diplomat, and as far as i am damn well concerned, a desk jockey, a paper pusher, and those stars you wear on your uniform are just decorations.'' ''As for speaking with you in those so called ''meetings'', i seriously damn doubt we will be in the same room for quite some some'' ''And if you want to bring Admiral Bremer, General Jackson, or Admiral T'Lar in on this, go right the hell ahead, because i don't give a shit'' David sent the message, shaking because he was so mad, and waited for her reply.



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