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Breaking up a fight

Posted on Tue Aug 2nd, 2016 @ 10:16pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Major General Thomas Jackson & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

2,341 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Starbase 400, USS Tripitz
Timeline: MD3 - 2000h after "A Furry Creature"

She punched the screen breaking the glass and she marched her way over to the Tripitz and entered pulling her rank. She walked straight to where David was. When she walked into his office she was furious, not even a full Klingon could stop her she picked him up and pined him against the wall. "My rank doesn't mean anything huh? I am just a desk jockey huh? You think i got to where i am for nothing???" She said as her eyes turned a frighting color. "I been through more then you have in your lifetime David! I seen more then you have! I don't care if you were section 31, to me your traiter! I don't know why I married you!" She said grabbing tighter on him and making him hurt.

"So, if you want to choose a stupid dog over me fine. But, you won't see me, or Jr. or our daughter! I don't want them around that damn dog, oh if that dog lays one scratch on me I will break it's neck faster then it you can blink. SO don't even call for that thing do I make myself clear." She barked pissed off. He asked for a fight, well he seeing her more then just pissed off.

''You had damn well better let me go, desk jockey, i do not give a shit about your rank!!', Hurd said fighting to get free. ''And get the hell off my ship!!!''

She squeezed tighter her eyes growing colder, David wished he never made her this mad. She was cold as stone, "Will see about that!" Jewel replied as she squeezed him tighter but not enough he couldn't breathe.

''Let me go this is really starting to hurt!!''

She looked at him, not listening to him she was mad and wasn't listening she wanted him to beg. She was mad, and it showed it would take someone else or two to break it up.

''For the love of God let me go, you are hurting me'', he pleaded, more and more pain and anger flooding into him, both of which showed in his eyes.''

Someone on the ship heard what was happening and decided to make a call to both General Jackson and Admiral T'Lar. "General Jackson, Admiral T'Lar please come to the Tripitz immediately their is something going on between Colonel Hurd and General Hurd." The officer said over the comm channel.

Jackson did not even bother changing out of his civilian cloths as he ran out of his quarters. "Jackson to Tripitz, I am on my way. Break. Jackson to MSAU, send of Team to the Tripitz ASAP."

"Sergeant Knoop to General Jackson, I am on my way with a MSAU Team."

Deela also started for the Tripitz, "On my way."

Minutes later, Jackson arrived to the Tripitz gangway. Sergeant Knoop met him there with another marine second later. "Well Sergeant, let's go."

USS Tripitz, Captain's Ready Room

Jackson and the MSAU Team entered the Bridge, and onlookers pointed to the Ready Room. The doors were locked. "Computer, open Ready Room Door, Security access Jackson Omega One." The door flew open, and they rushed in to see Jewel choking out David. Jackson motioned to Knoop, who grabbed Jewel's arms with an attempt to rip them off the Colonel. The other Marine started to pull at her shoulders.

She easily threw the marine off of her, she was in a rage and it would take more then just two marines to break her off she gained control again. "This is between me and David!" She yelled clearly pissed off she didn't even care Jackson was in the room.

Jackson looked at Knoop, "Phaser on Stun. Wait for my order." Knoop unholstered his phaser, and set it for Stun. He pointed it at Jewel. Jackson spoke, "Jewel, let David go. I am not telling you again."

She looked at Jackson, her expression was cold, dark and full of hatred at the moment. She looked back at David, she dropped him as she clinched her fist. She was sweating and breathing heavy.

Knoop holstered his weapon. "Sergeant, please escort Colonel Hurd to Medical, and then his quarters on this ship." "Yes Sir." Knooped looked at David, "Can you walk Colonel?"

''I do not want help, I want that maniac paper pushing desk jockey'', he pointed at Jewel, '' Removed from my ship!!''

"And we will do that. But first you need to get check out by medical before you go to your quarters on this ship Sir," Knoop said.

''Knoop, I will not leave my own Ready Room, I want her out'', David roared.

Jackson looked at Jewel, and motioned her over to one of the chairs in the room. "Have a seat Jewel."

She was about to go after David again, "apparently you didn't learn anything" but both marines forcefully held her back. She growled, looking at David.

Deela walked in and saw Jewel being restrained, "What is going on in here and why is Jewel being restrained?!" She could feel the intense emotions in the room, finding it to be overwhelming. Pointing at David, "Escort him to Sickbay, now, before we have another situation on our hands." She knew her friend and that she wouldn't calm down until he was out of her sight.

"Colonel, we need to go," Knoop insisted.

''Knoop, leave me be, I'm leaving.'' Hurd grabbed Axe's leash, fastened it to his collar, and as he was walking out, he stopped, Axe sitting beside him. Without turning around, he said, ''Jewel, you can go to hell''. He tugged on Axes leash and the two left, the doors hissing shut behind them.

Jackson gave Knoop a nod, and he, along with the other Marine stepped out of the Ready Room.

Deela then walked over to Jewel, "Let her go." Deela stood in front of Jewel with her hands on her hips and a disappointed look on her face, "Major General Jewel Dartt Hurd." She only used full rank and names when she was intensely upset at the person, "What is going on with you? A person doesn't have to be an empath to feel the tension in this room? You are spewing with anger and I am NOT happy!" She pulled up a chair, "Talk to me."

Jackson stepped back, and watched the Admiral defuse Jewel's anger.

Jewel snapped out of it looking at Deela and hearing what David had said on his way out. A wave of different emotions hit her, she dropped to her knees tears running down her face. She didn't say anything for awhile just held her stomach and sat on her knees. What had she done, she couldn't even look Deela in the eyes she looked down crying. No one but Deela, Mike, Janice or David has seen her break down and cry.

Deela moved closer to Jewel, putting her hand on her shoulder, "Jewel, what is happening with you?" She sighed, "Jewel, I am up here, not down there. Look at me and tell me why you and David are at each other's throats?"

She looked at her tears running down her face, and began to explain what happened and why she had a fit of rage on how bad David had pissed her off. Also that what started it all was a dog that he did not consult with her about. Also about what lead it to be where it was when Jackson broke up a fight.

Deela paused to gather her thoughts, "When David said what he said, I wanted to kill him too. But I didn't...and neither did you. We all get angry and unfortunately, you let it get out of hand. And David isn't so innocent in this. It takes two to fight." She wasn't convinced that it was all because David brought home a dog without asking her first.

She looked at her, "he also attacked my nanny who walked in to drop Jr off." She went on to explain that part of it as well as everything leading up to now.

After Deela was done speaking to Jewel, Jackson asked her, "Admiral, permission to keep this incident within the family." He was hoping his question was understood.

Before Deela could speak Jewel answered, "I don't expect any special treatment, what I done was wrong so I will be punished for what I have done." Jewel replied as she knew Mike would find out and she just rather get it over with. "I could have easily killed David, but I didn't." She added looking at both of them.

Jackson glared at Jewel for a few seconds, placed a finger over his mouth,"Shhh". Then he returned his attention to Deela, awaiting an answer.

She shook her head, "No General, I won't be treated any differently if someone else pulled this stunt. That is where I stand." She added still looking at both.

"You are right but I really believe that there are extenuating circumstances which are causing you to behave in this manner. So before you commit yourself to the brig, maybe we can figure this out.

"Not really what I told you is exactly what happened, I lost control of my temper and instead of letting it go I acted. Thus making a big mistake, I acted on anger and almost killed own husband." She said looking at Deela.

She was wearing her maternity jacket, but this wasn't due to hormones.

Deela still wasn't so sure that the reason for the fight was that she wasn't consulted, "I just cannot believe that a dog caused all this." She thought out loud, "Part Klingon and pregnant, what a combination." Deela sighed again. "Maybe I should talk to David. I have a feeling that this isn't over."

"It's not my hormones Deela," she said as she also told her she was called a liar by David now it seemed Deela wasn't believing her. She sighed, "fact of the matter is I did wrong and should be punished. She just wanted to get off this ship.

Deela observed her, then looked into her eyes, "I believe you. I know you feel like you should be punished but it was an argument that had gotten out of hand and physical but I am not going to put a pregnant woman into the brig. If there is to be a punishment, then it will not be me doing the sentencing."

Deela stood up, "I know that you want to get off this ship so let's go." She started to talk, "You both need some time to calm down and then you need to work this..."

As Hurd walked down Deck 8, he was still seething with range. Tying Axe's leash around his hand, he walked over to a nearby wall-mounted display. Clearing his throat, he said, ''Computer, activate a one way video and 2 way audio channel to my Ready Room, authorization Hurd 66 gamma echo.' After a few moments the link went through, and he spoke loud enough for those in the Ready Room to hear him. ''I just wanted you all to know I will be speaking to the Sector JAG Officer, filing for a restraining order, and inquiring about filing formal charges''.

Jackson did a good old fashioned face palm.

Deela sighed once more, something that she seemed to do a lot of lately, "Or maybe...not."

She sighed at this point she really didn't care, she was hurt and couldn't do this anymore. She looked at Deela then looked away, "I want a separation, for how long I don't know." She said as she just deserved to be alone.

Deela grabbed her hand, "Let's get off this ship, okay?" She looked over at Jackson, "Are you coming?"

"Why not? I'll tag along. Besides, my XO needs to be alone in a situation like this." Jackson said. He was worried about both of his friends, David and Jewel.

She left the with Deela and made their way off the ship, she knew that this wasn't going to be the last of it. She looked at Deela, "If you don't want me in the brig then confine me to quarters." She said as an alternative, she knew she be dealing with Mike so she was preparing herself.

Deela felt frustrated with her friend, "I am not going to confine you anywhere." Deela stopped and faced her, "Why are you so determined to be punished? You are doing a great job of it yourself."

"Because I don't need special treatment Deela, if anyone would have pulled what I did they be in the brig right now wouldn't they. Just because of who I am doesn't mean I need any special treatment." Jewel replied as she kept walking hated being treated any different the anyone else.

She kept walking towards her quarters, she just sighed.

Jackson had no clue what to do. A "Conduct Unbecoming" charge would be the least of that couple's worries if the wrong JAG got a hold of this.

Deela turned to Jackson, "I give up. She does not give me a choice but to do what she asks. I am officially confining her to quarters." She looked to see where Jewel went, "Maybe after David calms down, you could talk to him? In the meantime, I am going to have to discuss this with Bremer."

"I agree Deela, but I am not happy about it. I will talk to David when he calms down, otherwise, we would either be both in the Brig, or both in Medical. Now I will post a guard at Jewel's door, and I am not just thinking about her." Jackson said.

"Jewel, you win." She turned back to Jackson, "Thanks for your help." Then she ran to catch up with Jewel.

She made it to her quarters and entered, laying down on her bed she didn't say anything. She just laid their, knowing her time would come soon enough.



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Comments (1)

By Commander Hades,MD on Wed Aug 3rd, 2016 @ 11:21am

Very well written log! You guys are amazing!