Legate Aman Evek

Name Aman Evek

Position Cardassian Area Commander

Rank Legate


  • 6 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat Apr 6th, 2019 @ 2:01pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Cardassian
Age 79

Physical Appearance

Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Typical Cardassian with facial and neck ridges and flowing black hair. Aging, so he has some wrinkles.


Spouse Lycoris

Personality & Traits

Languages Cardassian, Federation Standard, some Klingon, some Romulan, some C'hakilian

Personal History Born on Cardassian Prime in 2312.

Evek is a renowned Cardassian, both as a soldier and a poet. One of his proudest accomplishments was the courting and marriage of Lycoris, a prominent woman in Cardassian high society. Evek and Lycoris had three sons.
Service Record By 2351, Evek was a Gul in the Cardassian Forth Order.

Evek was a commanding officer in the Cardassian Fourth Order, assigned as representative and overseer of Cardassian affairs in the Demilitarized Zone in 2370. He was also commander of the Vetar, a Galor-class warship.

One of Evek's first missions as overseer in the Demilitarized Zone was to oversee the transfer of the former Federation colony on Dorvan V to Cardassian control. However, Evek arrived several weeks early while Starfleet was still in the process of evacuating the civilians on the planet. Evek's troops' presence was highly provocative, and precipitated a brief firefight with the Federation colonists. However, rather than ordering more troops to "pacify" the colony, Evek ordered a withdrawal in the interests of preserving the peace treaty with the Federation. Evek confided in Jean-Luc Picard that he had lost two of his three sons during the Cardassian wars. In order to avoid a renewed war, Evek agreed to the controversial settlement in which Federation colonists on Dorvan V and elsewhere would be permitted to retain their homes under Cardassian rule.

Evek was contacted by Miles O'Brien from Deep Space 9 concerning an infestation of Cardassian voles on the station. Evek offered little help, sardonically suggesting that a Federation withdrawal from Bajor would solve their vole problems.

At the start of the Maquis uprising against the Cardassian rule of the colonies in the Demilitarized Zone, Evek was responsible for capturing and interrogating William Samuels, a Maquis operative who was responsible for the destruction of the freighter Bok'Nor at Deep Space 9. Using the information acquired from Samuels, he confronted Federation colony leaders on Volan III and accused them of participating in an official Starfleet plot to secretly arm the colonists against the Cardassians – while at the same time the Central Command was arming its own citizens in turn.

On stardate 47941.7, The USS Enterprise-D came to the rescue of Evek and his crew when his ship was attacked by several Maquis ships. Evek and Picard exchanged words, each accusing the other of not doing enough to suppress the skirmishes in the Demilitarized Zone.

Not much later, Evek arrested Miles O'Brien on charges of sedition against the Cardassian Union by secretly transporting a cargo of photon torpedo warheads aboard his runabout. Evek testified at O'Brien's trial that these warheads were destined for the Maquis, and were evidence of further Federation attempts to arm the rebel colonists against the Cardassians. In reality, the warheads had been planted by Evek's men as part of a Cardassian plot to discredit the Federation's policy in the Demilitarized Zone.

In 2371, Evek, while in command of the Vetar, pursued a Maquis raider, the Val Jean, piloted by Chakotay into the Badlands. The Vetar was struck by a plasma storm inside the Badlands and was disabled.

Elim Garak believed Evek had died in the Badlands, although he had survived. After the end of the Dominion War, Evek took a prominent role in the Directorate political group on Cardassia. In a meeting Garak attended, Evek called Skrain Dukat a traitor, which elevated Garak's standing in his eyes.

Today, Evek is a Legate in the Cardassian Military. He commands the Cardassian Forth Order which is deployed in joint service with Federation and Klingon forces in the 'Ares Sector' along the Krazzle, Romulan, and Gorn borders, taking orders directly from Admiral Bremer at Starbase 400. Evek still commands the Galor Class CUS Vetar.