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Pegasus Task Group, Watching and Listening

Posted on Fri Nov 22nd, 2013 @ 3:07am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commander Jonathan Coleman & Lieutenant Colonel Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Sogh M`Kota & Captain Worf Son of Mogh & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 84 - Blockade
Location: USS Pegasus, Bridge
Timeline: Following, 'Pegasus...In Position'


On Pegasus

It had only been a few minutes since the fighters launched when K'Temoc stood from his chair, "All ships in our group are in position."

Mike nodded to his brother, "Now we wait."

M'Kota was at her station going over reports as usual, nothing exciting happening as of yet.

Gilmore sat at Science One, trying to wait and see if the blips on the sensor came back again. She wanted to make sure that they really were nothing to be worried about and not an enemy ship moving about, cloaked.

Commander Coleman went over and started to help Gilmore. He had some background in the sciences, so he knew that he could be of some use to Gilmore in trying to figure out what the blips on the sensors were. He sat down at Science Two and started to help her out with the blips.

Holly sat at operations as was monitoring the ship since they were now in position. It was the quite before the storm in her mind so she just waited to see what would happen. Her training keeping her calm as she kept her mind closed so she wouldn't be overwhelmed by hearing other 'voices' in her mind.

Bremer looked back for a report from Brody at Tactical, but as he started to ask for his report, he saw his Tactical Officer fall to the deck.

K’Temoc rushed up the ramp as Bremer hit his comm-badge, “Bridge to Sick-Bay, medical emergency.”

“He’s alive, but unconscious, sweating heavy.” K’Temoc said as he checked Brody. A few moments later a Medical Team arrived.

“He was at his station, then collapsed. He hadn’t mentioned any illness.” Mike said as he looked over Brody. The Medical Officer nodded as they laid Brody on a stretcher to take him to Sick-Bay.

Mike stood and put his hands on his hips, “K’Temoc keep an eye on Tactical.”

Holly did everything that she could to stay at her station hearing Brody hit the deck like he did. Her training as a field medic was telling her to get up and assist but her training as an officer kept her stationary and in her seat. Looking to the man in the center seat at the time of it all and hearing his words left her more questioning what exactly was going on and who would be next now that two officers were down with this mysterious illness that seamed to be picking off people at random. She rubbed her temples on her head before turning back to operations and focusing, the best that she could, on the readings putting out of her mind what just happened and her own personal fear that she could be next.

Asteroid Field

"Ace Five to Ace Lead," came the crackle of Phoenix's squadron XO, Captain Markus Styx Banner.

"I copy Styx," Phoenix intoned as she made a wide arch around a moon-sized asteroid with her wingmate Basilisk.

"Grid Nine of this rock museum is clean, but there is so much rotation and revolving of these bigger rocks that I would not call this grid a safe zone," Styx reported in his deep baritone voice.

"But fighters could fly through that area, right?" Phoenix began to run a geological scan of her big rock and, as she was not a science officer, began a direct link of information with the science officer back on Pegasus.

"Not with ease, Phoenix. Not unless we're up against some talented Pacters," Styx supplied, right as Phoenix began a deep thermal scan of the rock she had honed in on.

Grid Five, her assigned search grid, looked vacant, but housed several massive asteroids made up of mostly rock. Though the one Phoenix was looking at, it was made of metals and rock. And if it were to hit in orbit of the planet the fleet was protecting, it would mean total devastation of an ecosystem.

"We are patrolling home turf for these Pacters. That means they've probably flown this belt tens times more than we've simmed in it. We assume they are better at compensating the flow patterns as a result," Phoenix reminded all in her squadron.

"Do we move to Grid Ten then, Sir?"

Jillian thought long and hard about that. Then answered, "Negative. I want you to look for sinkholes and craters large enough to get a fighter through. I want you and your wingmate to fly in them and send mini torpedoes down those sinkholes."

There was a long silence, for which Styx finally replied back, "Would that not be instigating a fire fight, Sir?"

"Not officially. Pacters get mad because we get lucky and hit one or two of their jack-in-the boxes, they are admitted to crossing into places they were told not to go. So far as they need to know, we're just clearing asteroids that might be dangerous, in the orbit of sustainable planets," Phoenix noted in a rogue grin.

"Will do, Ma'am." Styx bleeped out. Phoenix continued to let Pegasus piggyback off her scanning data as she waited to see if Styx's orders would prove right.

On Pegasus

As Mike looked over his brother’s shoulder at Tactical, a subspace message came in from the USS Sutherland at DS14.

“General Jones has also taken ill, similar symptoms as Brody.” Mike read aloud as he thought. “Acknowledge the message and tell Commander MacLeod to take over the negotiations for now, then forward the message to SB400. Have T’Lar check to see if any other reports of illness like this has been reported and ask Sevlek what he wants to do with Jones out.”

K’Temoc nodded as he tapped in the commands.

On Starbase 400

T'Lar received the message, "T'Lar to Sickbay. I just received a message from K'Temoc. Two people have taken ill. Have we had anyone come down with anything in the last 24 hours?"

Dr. Mclintock checked for her, "Sorry Admiral but the hasn't been anyone in for anything major."

"Thank you Doctor." T'Lar sent a reply message. She added, "Keep me updated on Jone's and Brody's condition." Deela was very concerned aboout Jones. Afterall, he served on her ship for a long time.



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